Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1765: Towards a common goal

   Out of vigilance, Qian Cangyi had no idea of ​​passing through the tree hole for the time being. On the other hand, the location of the tree hole exit was not friendly to him. Although he had the equipment effect of the double jump, he was not flying after all.

   He sat at the intersection between the leaves and adjusted the angle so that he could easily observe the situation outside and the tree hole, and he was not easy to be spotted. After everything was arranged, he continued to analyze the news from the **** movie.

   "As a punishment for the admonition, the provision of location information for all actors will be cancelled."

   Qiancang frowned slightly and placed his right hand on his chin.

   "Is this a punishment for the admonition, or is it taking the advantage of other actors?"

   After a brief thought, his eyebrows stretched out.

   "Wait, this piece of news alone seems strange, but if you combine it with the next piece of news about the holiday, it seems that you can understand the original meaning of punishment."

Qiancangyi has not forgotten the first time he encountered a holiday. It was in the bottom of the movie "The Funeral of the Sun". The holiday appeared in a very ordinary way, but it brought a devastating effect on the return from hell. He even broke many things that he thought were rules. For example, the ancient gaze could not exert the effect of fear, even if it was not a time-based actor, the fake year could move in the killing time for a moment, as well as pry into memory.

"I am afraid that the so-called punishment in the **** movie is precisely for the ability of prying memory in the fake year. The position was previously provided because of the dispersion of personnel. When the actor noticed the leader of the warning club, the first choice was to escape. But now, according to Qian Jiangyue's remarks can only be forced to break through, and this may give all the opportunities for the holiday season."

   Even if I think back to the scene now, Qian Cang still feels terrified. He can survive because of an actor named Xianjiu who used the skill of reversing time to forcibly "resurrect".

   "Then, the most important thing is that the first exit of the dark forest will open in three hours, and the time is only 15 minutes, three hours..."

   Qiankuraichi frowned again.

   "This news admonishment will definitely know that they will pull other actors into the dream world, just want to solve it all at once, so they will definitely not let others leave easily, and they will definitely rush over."


   Qiancangyi had this word in his mind. Just now, he can "kill" nothing in the dream world. It requires too many conditions, and now it is impossible to meet them anyway. Moreover, he has to face two other palace-level actors. In this situation, he has been able to survive and survive. Full force.

   At this moment, a three-dimensional map appeared in his mind. The shape of the map was a sphere. There was a green dot on the surface of the sphere, and a red dot flickering near the sphere. Then, the map in his mind quickly zoomed in and approached the sphere. Countless trees appeared on the smooth sphere, and the green dots were on the branches of the trees.

   "Wait, this place...is it me?"

   Qiancang thought of himself, "If the green dot is me, then the red dot is..."

   As if he had heard his words, the map in his mind changed again, and his gaze moved quickly, approaching the red dot. Go all the way through the leaves, through the branches, through the soil, until you get close to the red spot, and then gradually slow down. Subsequently, the map gradually faded until it disappeared completely, but the route from the green dot to the red dot remained in his mind.

   After the map is over, a new message rang in my mind.

   [The mission of the return from **** team is as follows: destroy the dream tree. 】

   Qiancang closed his eyes and opened them two seconds later. Then, he walked out of the shelter surrounded by leaves and went to other tree holes.

"If it is a task released by the team, Hawkeye must have already received it, and they will definitely rush to the red dot position. After all, according to past experience, it is impossible to wait three hours to leave. The so-called exit must be The location, if nothing happens, I am afraid it will be the red dot. Combined with the news of the **** movie, the red dot may be the dream tree."

While    spoke, he quickened his pace.


   Other locations in the Dark Forest, members of the Hell Return Team are also rushing to the red dot.

Eagle Eye grasped the ankle of Steel Wing with his right hand and a suitcase in his left hand. He flew from one branch to another branch. However, he did not go straight to the red spot, but every time he went to a new location. Arrange for Steel Wings to explore and confirm the location of the tree hole.

   "Only Qian Jiangyue can keep up with me, I can slow down, and... If the dream tree is based on the skills of the holiday, then the zodiacal and Wuyou may stay near the dream tree, and the same is the exit."

   Steel Wings checked the vicinity or, and fell beside Hawkeye, looking at the direction of the red dot one by one, as if silently waiting for teammates who didn't know where to follow their footsteps.


Qian Jiangyue ran to the tree hole and jumped into it with his right hand propped on the edge. The hazy white light swallowed him. A few tens of meters away, his figure fell from the tree hole. Then, he stretched out his right hand to activate the seventh connection, the iron chain He flew out from his palm and hooked the branch in front of him. Then, he grasped the chain with both hands and swung forward.

When the distance was close enough, he retracted the chain and moved his body upward under the pull of the chain. Then he climbed up the branch, and after standing still, he said, "How does this giant tree feel like moving between dreams? ?"

  As soon as he finished speaking, he thought of the characteristics of the dream world, "Could it be that this is the prototype?"

   A gust of wind blew, Qian Jiangyue raised his right hand to block him, and squatted on the ground, his left hand gripped the bark on the surface of the branch tightly, and his whole body resisted. Compared to his hard work, the leaves at the tips of the branches only sway slightly, without being disturbed by the wind. After the wind blows, Qian Jiangyue releases his left hand and gasps for breath.

   "This wind is a bit troublesome..."

   He stood up and patted the dust on his palms with both hands.

"Combining with what Xiaotai told me in my dreams, destroying the dream tree is in all likelihood to save other actors. The seventh link in the **** movie before to save people is undoubtedly to further weaken the admonition society, **** alone The journey back is still too difficult. Although it is not clear what the situation is, it will certainly help a lot."

   He turned his head to confirm the new route, and then ran over.


   "Eh, shall we run over like this? Why not wait, the exit will appear in three hours." The fable stretched out his right hand and placed it on Xiao Zuifeng's shoulder.

   "The red dot is the exit." The little diamond wind stopped and looked back at the fable.

   Fable sighed, and scratched his ear with his left hand, "I know, it's..."

   "...I'm afraid too." Xiao Zuifeng knows the meaning of the fable~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hurry up. "The sound of the shadow play came from the front.

   Xiao Zuanfeng looked into the fable's eyes and said in a deep voice, "Who is not afraid? You and I both know how to survive-to live to death. Keep on waiting, it is definitely us who die."

   Fable took a step back and took a deep breath, "I just...want to wait."

   The shadow play saw the two lingering, and turned around and walked over, "What's the matter?"

The fable's gaze crossed Xiao Zuanfeng and looked at the shadow puppet show. He replied loudly: "It's nothing, let's go." After finishing speaking, he bypassed Xiao Zuanfeng, but when he walked side by side, he stopped. , Said softly to Xiao Zuanfeng, "Little Zuanfeng, you give me a very strange feeling. I sometimes wonder whether I am afraid of the admonition meeting or the sense of despair that haunts you. I don’t I'm sure if you know something, but I think it must be related to the mirror ghost. Listen to my words, no matter what it wants you to do or what it exchanges with you, don't agree to it."

After    finished, he walked quickly to the shadow puppet show.

   Xiao Zuanfeng closed his eyes and took a long breath. After waiting for two seconds, he opened his eyes and turned to follow.

   On the branch to the right of the trio, a pair of round eyes without pupils were staring at the trio from the gap between the leaves. They did not look away until they saw the trio leave the tree hole.


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