Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1766: Information gathering

   About an hour later, the dark forest exit was near the red dot on the map.

   Qiancang stood in the middle of the thick branches, looking up at the dream flowers flying in the sky in the distance.

   The colorful dream flowers are gathering in one place, spinning constantly, and flying towards the sky, forming a curved bridge that connects the forest overhead, like a dreamlike scene. The violent wind swept across from above, but it could only gently blow the dream bridge made of dream flowers.

"It's no wonder that there is no exit in the dark forest. The forest above is probably the forest where Xiao Zufeng and I walked before. Looking at this situation, no matter how we walk, it is impossible to go out by ordinary methods. If you want to leave the dark forest, you can only Can use special means, for example, through the power of Menghua..."

  Speaking of this, he thought of his dream and persistence in his dream, and... the actor who could not be forgotten anyway. Many times, when he is alone, he will always unconsciously think about the meaning of life, no matter what the original idea is, everything has changed since the moment he was selected by the **** movie.

To live to live, or to live to do something that must be done, his choice is the latter, at least, after knowing that there are more “creatures” with longer life spans, his Smaller, deeper feelings, because of this, he can do something meaningful to himself in his short life, no matter what the result is, he will not regret it.

   "I don't know if Hawkeye and Qian Jiangyue are together or apart, but their skills are very convenient to move here. If the distance is not much different, they should be faster than me."

   Qiancangichi's sight searched around, he didn't expect to find too much, after all, it might not be safe here.

"Although the wings of steel can fly at high altitudes, it is possible to converge, but with the eagle-eyed character, it is impossible to give up the current biggest advantage-the first hand. If it can hit hard, even kill the ecliptic and the holiday, maybe it will It affects the entire battle. Forget it, I still want to do something realistic. I have stars to carry a lantern to cover, so I can rush over as soon as possible to make surveys in advance."

   He quickly passed through the tree hole and continued to approach the dream tree.


   Approaching the red dot, Wings of Steel noticed the three people in the shadow puppet show. After hovering around, it chose a hidden angle to approach the three, and then slowly landed in front of the three.

   Shadow Play and Xiao Zuanfeng looked at Steel Wing with vigilant eyes, and the fable directly leaned forward.

   Fable took two steps, feeling the tension in the back, and comforted:

"take it easy."

   His right index finger pointed to Steel Wings.

   "This is the eagle spirit of the eagle eye, I mentioned a few words."

   When the three of them were waiting in their dreams, they talked about some information.

   Shadow puppet play and Xiao Zuanfeng saw Steel Wings wave their wings. After expressing friendship, they quickly accepted them. After all, the two were also people who had gone through strong winds and waves, not to mention the appearance of Steel Wings is not even strange.

   "Is it a weapon up and down?" Xiao Zuifeng looked at the tips of the wings of the Steel Wing. The smooth lines looked sharp, and it seemed that the skin would be scratched with just one touch.

   "Yes, if we stand and do nothing, it may only take two or three seconds to kill us." The fable nodded repeatedly.

  Steel Wings turned and walked towards the tree hole, and began to lead the way.

   "Go." Fable waved his hand and quickly followed.

  The shadow play looked at Xiao Zuanfeng and couldn't help but ask the doubts in his heart, "How do I feel he is happier than before? Even a little...excited? Is it my illusion?"

"Maybe it's the strength of Hawkeye that made him feel relieved?" Xiao Zuanfeng shrugged, "However, seeing the evolution of the eagle spirit is really reassuring. If it is injured, it will not affect the eagle eye, then we don't need to do it anymore. Fear of the ecliptic, especially in this huge forest."

   The shadow play nodded and followed the fable. Xiao Zuanfeng behind the palace.

   Five minutes later, the three of them met with Hawkeye.

   "Long time no see." Hawkeye said hello, with a smile on his face.

   "I didn't expect that you could actually solve the naughty." The fable asked.

   "Where are Cang Yi and Qian Jiangyue?" I looked around the shadow play, "You should be together?"

   Hawkeye shook his head, "After I left the dream, I was alone, and they guessed the same. I am afraid that it has something to do with Wu You forcibly leaving the dream. However, it is not important. Cang Yi may always act alone. As for the reason, I will talk about it later."

   "I've been acting alone..." Xiao Zuanfeng thoughtfully, "Is it because the stars carry lanterns?"

   "What is it?" The fable looked back at the little diamond wind.

   Hawkeye and shadow play also showed questioning eyes.

"The items that Cang Yi obtained in the dark forest, logically speaking, we should not be able to use it, but because the dark forest is not in our way forward, the **** movie has opened some back doors. According to Cang Yi, it should be hell. Movies and other high-ranking entities have made some deals. Of course, I don’t think Cang Yi knows the specific content of the deal.” Xiao Zuifeng paused, and before the fable was about to ask the next question, he answered in advance, “The effect is hidden. But it is different from invisibility. It is more conceptually erased. For example, if there is a chessboard, if you want to put a chess piece on the upper right, then when the star lantern is effective, no matter how I put it, as long as I have With the idea of'put there', it is impossible for me to put the chess pieces in the upper right corner ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ even if they are placed one by one.

   Hawkeye thought for a while, and asked, "Will it be hurt?"

   "Yes!" Xiao Zuanfeng nodded heavily, "If you drop a bomb, you will be injured. However, this is for the movie world. I am not sure about the effect on the actors and may change."

  Hawkeye recalled his dream in Qiancang. He looked at Xiao Zuifeng’s eyes and replied: “Probably it is permanent invisibility. If there is an aggressive behavior, it will appear. It can’t be like nothing.”

   "I guess so." Xiao Zuanfeng nodded.

   "By the way, did you fight the zodiac?" Hawkeye mentioned what Qian Jiangyue had been mentioning before.

   Hearing Hawkeye's question, the faces of the three shadow puppets suddenly became very serious.

   Xiao Zuanfeng nodded his head heavily, "Yes, in fact, soon after Qian Jiangyue left to look for you, the zodiac appeared, and he caught the shadow puppet show. However, he seems to intend to treat the shadow puppetry as a hostage, and...what he said is very strange."

   "Weird?" Hawkeye repeated the word.

"Zodiac seems to be unwilling to help nothing." The shadow puppet said. "He said some more obscure things. He also said that after he died, one of his subordinates, codenamed Nayun, can help us get rid of the imaginary protection mechanism. Armor thing."


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