Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1769: start to act

   An hour later, Hawkeye and Xiaozhufeng returned from the mirror world.

   "How is it?" The fable was first discovered.

   After leaving the world in the mirror, Xiao Zuanfeng bends down, puts his hands on his knees, panting slightly, his expression is slightly tired, but not very tired.

   "Get a good rest." Hawkeye turned his head and said to Xiao Zuifeng.

   Xiao Zuanfeng nodded and didn't say much.

   "Come here, I will make plans." Hawkeye beckoned, motioning the crowd to come, holding a leaf stalk and a leaf in his hand.

   Qian Jiangyue and others leaned over.

   Hawkeye tore up the giant leaves, used the smaller leaves as signs, and placed them on the ground. Finally, a very crude map appeared on the ground. Then, he pointed at the map with the petiole and said:

"The location of the dream tree is about 20 minutes away from here. It is parasitic in the middle of a giant tree. The holiday should be here. This area is surrounded by dream flowers. I let Steel Wings go in and see it, but I can't see it at all. The internal structure and layout, I guess, may be related to consciousness or soul, so I didn't risk it."

   He looked up at Qian Jiangyue's trio.

   "You will be careful when the time comes, everything is possible inside."

   Qian Jiangyue frowned slightly, thinking of a possibility, "Could it be... the dream of a holiday?"

"I don't know, you only need to complete the mission of the **** movie. You don't need to fight him hard." Hawkeye shook his head. "You can approach from the left. I just surveyed it. There are more branches over there, so you don't need to fly. It’s easy to get there, so you can save your energy."

   The shadow play nodded, "Understood."

   "Shall we go to the right?" asked the fable.

  Eagle Eye looked at the fable, "The center and the right are fine. The most important thing is to find the position of the zodiac, and then contain him...or kill him directly."

   "Uh..." The fable shrugged.

"If you have something, please pay attention." Qian Jiangyue said, "Your battlefield is best to choose near Mengshu, because Cangyi will definitely go there. Although Wuyou's performance is indeed very cautious, he can go. Until now, it’s definitely not just that. Even if it doesn’t appear, I’m afraid I’ll do something with my invisible characteristics.”

   "Hmm." Hawkeye nodded, "If I solve it here, I will help you. If there are no other problems, then you will go first. You will decide on more detailed tactics when the time comes."

   "You have to be careful too." Qian Jiangyue stood up, glanced at the map, remembered the route, and then took the lead to leave.

   "Take care." The shadow play followed Qian Jiangyue's footsteps.

   Xiao Zuanfeng stood on the spot, looked up at the eagle eye and the fable, opened his mouth to say something, but swallowed it back to his mouth, after which he hesitated for two seconds, and said softly:

   "Although we succeeded in the dream, it is a dream after all. In the face of the admonition meeting, we cannot be too careful."

   After finishing speaking, he sighed softly and followed Qian Jiangyue.

  Eagle Eye and Fable watched the three people leave, and did not leave their sight until the back of the three entered the tree hole.

   "Why is the little diamond wind so negative?" The right corner of the fable's mouth raised, and he was lost in thought.

"You also bring a gun with you, otherwise there is no threat." Hawkeye turned and walked back, took out a black suitcase and put it on the ground, then he opened the suitcase and took out a holster with a gun from the inside. The black pistol was handed to the fable.

   Fable took the pistol, opened the holster, and took the pistol in his hand to adjust to the weight in advance.

   "We will move the battlefield a little further later." Hawkeye said.

   "Huh?" The fable was taken aback, "I just said--"

"——Prepare with both hands. If we lose, it will take time for them to rush back. Maybe they can hold it until the exit opens." Hawkeye checked the weapon in the suitcase, and then took out the portable part and put it on his body. Do you think we must win?"

   "Nor, it's just..." The fable smiled embarrassedly, he did have this idea.

   "We do need this kind of belief." Hawkeye stopped his movements, "but also consider reality."

   "One by one, what's wrong..." The fable whispered.

   "Go!" Hawkeye closed the suitcase and summoned the Wings of Steel.


   The ambush point near the dream tree.

   Zodiac hides behind the leaves, staring at the huge branches below. In his line of sight, a big metal-colored bird is approaching the dream tree in a very secret route. Soon, the big bird disappeared from his vision.

   He retracted his gaze and hid behind the giant leaf. Then, his right hand took out a white earplug from his pants pocket and put it in his right ear.

  The earplugs melted slowly after touching the ears, turning into white liquid and flowing into the ears.

   "Eagle Eye is here." He said softly.

   Two seconds later, there was a utter voice in my ears, "I will give you a place."

   At the same time, Hawkeye's right index finger and **** were placed close together on the temple, focusing on the vision of Steel Wings. Fable, standing behind him, ready to go at any time.

   "Found it." Hawkeye said.

   "Zodiac?" asked the fable.

   "No, it should be his subordinate, take the cloud." Hawkeye shook his head.

   "Huh? Can't kill him." The fable thought of what the shadow puppet said.

"The ecliptic must be nearby, otherwise he can't be ambushing there." Hawkeye put his right hand down, "The ecliptic must be nearby too. In 10 seconds, we will change the position to prevent being dragged by nothing. In addition, about taking the cloud. Try to talk as little as possible, because Wu may not know."

   "Hmm." The fable nodded heavily.

   Ten seconds later, Fable grabbed Hawkeye's shoulder, and the two quickly moved from one hiding place to another.

   "If the vitality is not enough, remind me." Hawkeye leaned back against the tree trunk.

   "How is it? Did you find it?" Fable felt that his heartbeat started to speed up unconsciously. This feeling was like stepping into an important examination room that determines his future life.

   Hawkeye did not answer, still concentrating on controlling the Wings of Steel.

   About 1 minute later.

   "It's about three o'clock in your direction, behind the lower trunk. They are very cautious. They change positions after a while, and I can't make it." A utter voice came into the ears of the zodiac.

Zodiac raised his head ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The previously surveyed route and the tree hole that had been checked appeared in his mind. Then, he quickly determined the route, then he raised his right hand, placed it on his ear, and said softly: "Take the cloud , You force them out, the fable’s skills are limited in distance, and the retreat point must be between E31, F22 and G8. I will attack from the right side and try to solve one person first."

   "Received." Nayun's answer was very brief.

   Just as the admonition began to act, Hawkeye also noticed the unusual.

   "The cloud moved." Hawkeye frowned.

   "Moved? We were found? Let's go." Fable was about to activate the skill, but was stopped by Hawkeye.

   "Wait." Hawkeye raised his right hand, "I found the ecliptic. He is rushing to the tree hole, as if he is cooperating with Nayun."

   "Cooperate? I remember there was a broadcast before the admonition meeting." The fable thought of the movie "The Funeral of the Sun".

   "There may be similar special items now." Hawkeye looked serious, "If the zodiac keeps hiding and Nayun is discovered by me again, why would we expose our position? There must be another person who will provide them with our position."

   "Nothing!" The fable suddenly reacted.

   "Everyone is here, let's go." Hawkeye stretched out his left hand and grabbed the shoulder of the fable.


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