Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1770: Ambush point

   Fable activates skills and shifts positions. The two left their original hiding place and headed to the tree cave. Now that it has been discovered, between hiding and leaving without delay, the latter is of course more important.

   "Take the cloud and prepare to do it." Hawkeye reminded.

   "I know." The fable nodded.

   Soon, a faint golden light flashed in the distance, and they were quickly approaching the two.

   Vigilant Fable immediately grabbed Hawkeye's arm and activated the skill again. This time, the position was fifty meters behind, and the mark was exactly what he had left. The moment the two left, the golden javelin hit the spot where the two were standing accurately and unmistakably, the head of the javelin plunged into the giant branch, and the gun body left outside trembled rapidly and buzzed.

   Fable's eyes were staring at the javelin ahead. He was sure that if he had been slow for about two seconds, maybe one of him and Hawkeye would be pierced by the javelin. Even if he wouldn't be killed on the spot, it wouldn't be much better.

   After the two transfer positions, they continue to run forward. The next second, at the point where the javelin hit, a person who looked exactly like the fable suddenly appeared and ran forward as well. This is the effect of the 100-meter race skill, which allows the marker to generate a phantom to move its position. After that, the fable can choose whether to exchange positions with the marker.

   Nayun in the distance witnessed this scene, his sturdy arm gripped the golden javelin, but he did not make a shot for a long time.

The problem created by    fable is in front of Nayun. If his target is the phantom in the front, then the two can ignore it completely, and if it is the two behind, the fable can easily avoid it as long as he shifts the position.

   "Steel Wings are approaching Nayun and will interfere with him." Hawkeye shouted. Because of what Zodiac said, he can only choose to do so. After all, if the protective mechanism cannot be destroyed, the chances of winning are too slim.

   The fable nodded, expressing understanding. Two seconds later, the golden javelin reappeared, and Nayun did not intend to continue to hesitate, but directly chose a target to do it. Fable realizes that the javelin has come, but this time, he chooses to wait a while because he needs to confirm the landing position of the javelin, and he does not activate the skill until he is sure that the landing point is his current position.

   The positions of the two of them are shifted from the phantom in front of them, and the golden javelin can only stab the phantom generated by the mark, and the phantom will be returned to the mark that only the fable can see. Although there was no way to interfere with Nayun in the same way at this time, the Wings of Steel were already close to Nayun, buying enough time for the two to escape.

  In the distance, the shining metallic steel wings tightened their wings and rushed towards the cloud. After Nayun noticed the Wing of Steel, he had no intention to fight head-on. On the one hand, the Wing of Steel is extremely flexible. On the other hand, he has been told by the Zodiac that the Wing of Steel is a summoning object. Even if it is just an exchange of injuries, it will lose money. He was alone, and the interference with Hawkeye was just a waste of life force. Therefore, he tried to throw the golden javelin and interfered with the harassment route of Steel Wings, then jumped into the tree hole and moved to another giant branch.

   The sharp beak of the steel wings flew over the edge of the tree hole without falling into the tree hole. At present, the position where the cloud is staying has a better attack angle. After leaving here, even if you have a super long-range attack method, it will become non-threatening because of no vision. Moreover, even if the cloud is returned, the eagle The eyes and fables have also left their original positions, and this giant branch has also lost its ambush value. After driving away Naiyun, Wings of Steel changed its direction and aimed at the ecliptic further away.

   took the cloud and jumped out from another tree hole. He watched the tree hole vigilantly and slowly backed away. After five seconds, he was sure that the Steel Wing had not chased him, and then raised his right hand and placed it on his ear:

   "Hawkeye and Fable are heading towards you. Steel Wings were chasing me down just now, but they didn't follow me. Its target should be you."

   About three seconds later, there was a reply from the zodiac.

   "You follow them from another road, don't worry on my side." Zodiac's reply was very concise.

   Nayun still wanted to say something, but when he thought that Wuyou was also in the broadcast range, he had to swallow what he wanted to say.

At the same time, the eagle eye and the fable have reached the tree hole in the trunk. This type of tree hole can reach another tree trunk by running directly in. It is the most stable and safe type of tree hole. The rest need to be jumped in. The tree hole may be at another location under the branch, and the result of jumping into it may be a direct fall.

   The two entered the tree hole and ran out of another tree trunk.

   "What's next?" After asking the fable, he took a deep breath.

   "Don't stop." Hawkeye continued forward.

At this moment, the ecliptic in the distance is already standing on the edge of the tree hole. He is facing the tree hole with his eyes closed, and the surrounding map appears in his mind. On the map, the green dot represents himself, the white dot represents the cloud, and the two The clustered red dots represent the eagle eyes and fables who are fleeing. However, this is a map he imagined in his mind, not a map provided by the **** movie. Therefore, in addition to the accuracy of the green dot information, The rest of the positions are just his speculation.


After saying this, the zodiac opened his eyes, opened his hands, fell backward, and fell into the tree hole. Then, his head appeared from another tree hole connected to it. It is worth mentioning that , The position of the exit is facing downwards. The zodiacal expression is calm, without the intention of activating the skills to correct, but letting his head and feet fall downward, but his eyes are always fixed in a certain direction~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and that direction is the eagle eye and Fable's escape direction.

  The giant branches interlaced each other, blocking the line of sight.

   The zodiac slightly adjusted its position, looking from the triangular vision formed by the intersection of the branches, this was one of the escape routes he guessed, but there was no one on the giant branch.

   "It's not this."

  His body continued to fall while still shifting to the left. It didn't take long, about ten seconds later, to reach the second position, but there was still no.


   He adjusted the position again and moved to the third and last ambush location. During the adjustment, he spread the index fingers and thumbs of both hands, and then put them together on the right eye to make a box.

   "Three, two, one..."

   With the end of the last word, a wide area appeared between the staggered giant branches, and in this area, two people were running from the giant branches, and the goal was another tree hole.

   Close the left eye and aim the right eye at the two people. In the line of sight, the surrounding leaves and branches are gradually blurred, leaving only the red and blue lines moving continuously, quickly approaching the target position, and finally, precise positioning. The extremely powerful force converged at the intersection of the red and blue lines, crushing everything in the range and squeezing it towards the center.


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