Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1786: Announcement of the beginning of the battle

When the pointer above the exit returns to zero, the other actors are heading to their destinations, but their destination is not the exit designated by the **** movie, but the direction away from the exit.

The danger in the sand has been detected by the actors, and it has a great impact on the field of vision. If you force the exit, you must at least face the dangers brought by the sand and the sneak attack hidden in the dark. This does not include the eagle eye in order to beware. The cursed doll released after admonishing the meeting, after all, although Wuyou and others will not leave immediately, Wuyou, who has the skills of Pu'er, has a unique ability. He can pull actors from the past timeline to the present. This means that those The actor who has died in the admonition club may reappear at any time.

Similarly, the Admonition Committee also understands this.

At a safe location outside the wind and sand, the index finger and **** of the zodiac's right hand were placed close to the right ear, and the sound of the holiday came from the ear.

"The actors around the exit have been resolved, and Qian Jiangyue has not been seen." The voice of the holiday was mixed with the wind of "Woo", "In addition, there are new ghosts at the exit, which may be placed by other actors."

"Isn't there?" The zodiac looked at the windy sand in front of him. The yellow gravel was flying among the giant trees, but was always confined within a certain range. The gravel that left the range would completely disappear in just a few seconds. "According to His character should be risky. You said that there was no Cang Yi among the actors who awakened you at the time. Then Qian Jiangyue’s team leader can be sure that he is. In the new year, maybe they are still hiding in the mirror world, you Pay more attention, other actors can play, but Qian Jiangyue can't."

"Where is Cang Yi?" asked the holiday.

"He—" Zodiac was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"——Excuse me, excuse me." The voice of nothing sounded, "In order to avoid long nights and dreams, none of them can be let go. If you can, it is best to kill all of them, except for the key. There are many cards in the **** movie, but the rest There are only so many actors in, and it is only a matter of time to solve the remaining people."

"Indeed, but the strength is not allowed. For example, if they run away, shall we go chasing and killing them? Or will they continue to consume?" Zodiac asked immediately.

"Zodiac, you know what I mean, the exits of the dark forest are limited." Wu Yu said hard, "For us, just make sure that no one passes through before the last exit is closed, because we are the only actors leaving the dark forest. . The remaining actors, no matter what they have to do with the **** movie, can’t hinder us.”

"You know, **** movies won't make us so easy." Zodiac frowned slightly.

"Hell movies will not make other actors easy." Wuyou's tone turned normal and became heavy. "They won't run because we are their goal." When he said this, he paused, "No matter what. Every actor must have a grievance in his heart. No matter what the reason is, the root must be **** movies. However, **** movies have no entity, and may even be just a concept, but now it is different. Other actors have a clear And the common enemy, the Admonishment Council, is precisely-us."

Zodiac opened his mouth, but did not answer. He looked down at the bright black ring on his right index finger. There was a slowly rotating starry scene on the ring, and his tired face was illuminated on the black background. This step is not what he wants to see, but all the methods that can be tried have been tried, and there will be no turning points if he continues to delay.

One of the most fundamental problems is that no matter how the actors develop, it is impossible to form a civilization, because the cornerstone of stability does not exist. Even a large team cannot guarantee that it will not be destroyed in a movie, especially a large-scale movie. Team movie. What the warning would do in "The Funeral of the Sun" also led to the destruction of most of the team, and such things are actually not uncommon.

"You don't expect them to understand, do you?" Wu You asked, without waiting for Zodiac's answer, he continued: "You have no retreat."

The zodiac retracted his thoughts and replied softly: "Someone is coming." In his eyes, a black figure came out in the wind and sand. He closed the communication, his eyes fell precisely on the figure, and the red and blue lines in his eyes began to approach until they met. The point where the lines crossed began to collapse, and the powerful attraction twisted the figure's body together. In the end, only a ball of flesh was left on the ground.

Indeed, there is no retreat, and time is almost there.

The zodiac closed his eyes, his left thumb and index finger gently turned the ring of the right index finger. After turning a circle, he opened his eyes and walked out of hiding. The eyes fell on the thick tree trunk. The skill was activated and the edge of the tree trunk was destroyed. , A semicircular gap appeared, and then the gap began to move to the right ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, the ecliptic was also shifting position.

After 10 seconds, the ecliptic closed his eyes and let his eyes rest. After 10 seconds, he opened his eyes again and continued to expand the gap. After a few minutes, the gap in the giant tree trunk has widened to a very obvious extent, and only the connection has become very fragile. Until a loud noise, the connection can no longer support the gravity above, and it breaks.

The huge tree trunk fell towards the gap, slowly, but with a majestic momentum, people couldn't help but focus their attention on it, like enjoying a grand performance. Trunks hit the branches of other trees, branches that can run like a track for humans, and even the tendency of the trunks to fall slightly slow down.

The loud noise from the collision is like the most intense explosion, continuous, and every small collision is like the sound of a bomb landing. Naturally, these sounds also spread in all directions, attracting nearby actors.

"Who will win?" Zodiac muttered as he looked at the fallen tree trunk.

Not far away, Steel Wings heard a loud noise, and after turning around the tree trunk, flew in the direction of the sound. At the same time, Hawkeye, Fable and Wutong also looked in the direction of the sound.

"Is it a warning meeting?" Wutong took a deep breath.

The three of them were resting before, because there must be a deadly battle next, so take the time to take a good rest and stay in shape.

"It should be, that direction is not the direction of wind and sand, no matter what, it can't be just an accident." The fable placed his right hand horizontally on his eyebrows, standing on tiptoe and looking away.

"I have let Steel Wings go over." Hawkeye lowered his head and thought for a while, "Whether it is or not, other actors will go there, including the Zodiac. There will be a new battlefield there, no accident."

In the perilous dark forest, any unusual changes will attract actors to come and check it out.

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