Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1787: Space entanglement

"That voice..." Qian Jiangyue turned his head and looked at the direction the voice came from, "...Let's go over there."

The shadow play and Xiao Zuanfeng turned their heads to look, and at the same time, Qiancang Yi, who was invisible by the black mist, was also looking in the direction of the sound. As soon as Qian Cang looked into the distance, his gaze fell on the huge tree trunk, he frowned slightly, and suddenly felt a burst of tension in his heart. It seemed that the actor's journey in this forest was about to come to an end.

"Who made this sound? The actor or the monster of the dark forest itself?" Xiao Zuanfeng thought of the huge insects he had seen before. The dark forest itself has many unsolved mysteries.

"It doesn't matter, others will definitely rush over." Qian Jiangyue pointed to the direction of the voice right, "Be prepared."

"I hope I can meet them." Shadow Play said softly.

Qiancang didn't make a sound and looked at the three people silently. He now needs to be a silent guardian, and at the same time, an assassin hiding in the dark. He was most willing to see that the situation in his dream reappeared without taking a shot, and once there was no opportunity to attack, it was his chance to take a shot.

The dark forest exit forced all the actors out of the wind and sand because of the wind and sand curse. Then, outside of the wind and sand, any unusual movement and abnormal noise, as long as it can be detected by most actors, it will definitely become the target of all actors. The only disadvantage is that if the location happens to be in the opposite direction, there will be wind and sand blocking in the middle, making it impossible to hear the sound.

The collapse of the giant tree also caused a commotion. The green insects hiding in the tree hole all probed, using the eyes of their side to observe the surroundings. Among them, the insects except the collapsed trunk itself quickly returned to the tree hole, and then used the characteristics of the tree hole to move. In addition, other insects are planning to take this opportunity to feast on.

The zodiac looked around for a week, raised his right hand, and reopened the communication device.

"What are you going to do?" A voice came out of it, "Attract other actors? Can you deal with it alone if the holiday is not there?"

"It's not so exaggerated, it's only part of it." Zodiac closed his eyes and looked a little tired. "Now is the best opportunity. The exit is guarded by the holiday. They can't brave the curse. Wait until the sand curse passes, if the new The exit is not within the range of the wind and sand. It is impossible for us to hold it completely. The best way is to take advantage of it now."

The absence of the holiday is just the right time for the ecliptic.

After a brief silence, Wu You said something that surprised Zodiac, "Be careful."

Zodiac frowned slightly, but did not answer.

"Someone is coming." The voice of taking the cloud into the ears of the ecliptic, his position is not far from the ecliptic, because he also has a long-range attack method and also has a healing effect, so the selected combat method is still long-range support. No matter how strong the opponent is and whether they have powerful skills, killing directly at a distance is undoubtedly the safest way to deal with it.

"The three o'clock direction of the trunk, a little bit down." Nayun continued. Compared with the zodiac's method of dividing the surrounding area, he chose a more familiar way of expression.

The ecliptic turned his head and looked. Someone leaned out of the tree hole below, but because the distance was too far, apart from wearing black clothes, he could no longer see other characteristics.

"Do you want to do it?" Nayun asked.

"I'm coming." Zodiac's gaze fell on the target. Although it is also a long-range attack, it is easier to dodge the skill of taking the cloud. After all, the javelin has a very obvious trajectory, and the javelin with the attack effect will have a conspicuous golden color. In addition, the trajectory itself will also allow the attacked person to infer Out of the attacker's position, so as to avoid more effectively, but his skill-space entanglement.

[Active Skill: Space Entanglement]

[Skill Description 1: After the skill is activated, the actor's eyes will appear constantly approaching the zero line of space, and the zero line is the representative line of the adjacent space. During the approach of the zero line, the actor can determine the position of the zero line intersection. After the zero lines intersect, they will be entangled at the intersection point, causing space squeezing, creating a strong gravitational area with clear boundaries, and all objects in the area will be squeezed to the intersection point.

Note 1: This skill does not require vision to activate, only the eye area is required. Note 2: This skill has side effects, which can cause irreversible effects on the eyes until blindness. 】

[Skill Description 2: Entangling the space around the actor to varying degrees, creating an overweight or weightless area around itself.

Mild entanglement-to achieve the effect of flying.

Severe entanglement-create a high-strength area of ​​overweight or weightlessness. 】

[Skill Description 3: The actor can synchronize his consciousness to the state of spatial entanglement, allowing his consciousness to exist temporarily independently of the body. Note: Even without considering the special conditions between spaces, the existence of consciousness is extremely short. It is estimated to be between 7 seconds and 14 seconds, which can be shortened or extended according to the actual situation. This effect consumes a lot of life force. 】

[Skill description 4: Find the zero line of the high-dimensional space at the target, forcing the entanglement of several times the space, creating a space disorder area, which will produce different effects according to the actual situation. Note: The effect is uncontrollable~www.wuxiaspot.com~Use with caution. This effect requires a huge amount of life force. 】

Space entanglement is the most important skill of the zodiac, but it is not the only skill. In addition, he also has some passive skills, such as enhanced vision, automatic counterattack, etc., through the blessing of passive skills and special props.

The ecliptic's gaze falls on the target, the skills are activated, the red and blue lines approach, and finally they meet at the drop point, and the strong gravitational force bursts, squeezing everything around the intersection to the center. The internal organs of the unknown visitor were squeezed toward the center, then the ribs and spine were broken, the chest was sunken, and then the upper and lower flesh continued to squeeze, followed by the head, hands and thighs. However, after everything was squeezed to the central area, the central area was empty.

"Did you hide it?" Nayun's voice came into his ears.

"No, just now it was... phantoms or clones." Zodiac looked around, "It's probably for testing purpose."

"Here again." Nayun said nervously, "This time it's in your direction at 6 o'clock."

The zodiac turned and looked, and the man in black appeared from the tree hole in the back. This time, the distance was closer, and the corresponding one was seen clearer. In addition to the black clothes, the mysterious man also wore a black mask. This time, he didn't activate the skill immediately, but temporarily moved away. No matter whether the new clone appeared or not, since he could get closer, his position might have been exposed.

"Everywhere!" Nayun's voice was slightly excited.

The zodiac looked around, and there were mysterious people in black in all directions. Although they were not dense, they had already made this quiet forest become lively in the relatively sparsely populated dark forest.

"What to do?" Nayun took a deep breath.

"One of them must be true." Zodiac's gaze swept over the man in black one by one.

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