Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1788: Sniper

The actions and expressions of the people in black are different, and they cannot be distinguished by observing the details. Judging by the actions alone, everyone may be a real person.

The ecliptic temporarily stretched a distance. This was not the first time he encountered this situation. Before "The Funeral of the Sun", he would conduct targeted processing through the collected information. However, with the opening of "The End of the Land", everything changed completely. Because of the behavior of the admonition, the **** movie performed extremely Targeted countermeasures, in addition to using "short-cuts" to overtake, also gave many actors on the way to enhance their skills.

Judging by the intensity, the subsequent skill enhancements provided to the actors are at least the reward level of large-scale team movies. The most typical enhancement is the new effect attached to the shadow master of the shadow puppet show. The shadow can be suppressed to limit the opponent. The use of skills, this new effect, may change the situation of the battle in an instant, and even determine the outcome. Similarly, the indistinguishable clone is also an enhanced effect.

"The number of people is still increasing." Zodiac looked around, "It seems that the number is not constant. At present, his clone hasn't made any evasion, it seems that he is just looking for my position."

In the tree hole, in the blind corner of the line of sight, and out of the field of vision, the people in black may walk out from anywhere. These people have a gentle gait, like a walk in the courtyard, but their attitude is very determined. It seems that no matter what happens, they can't stop them.

"What to do?" Nayun asked.

Zodiac did not answer immediately. Many thoughts flashed in his mind. After that, he replied: “It’s okay, let them come over, you don’t want to take action. I have an idea that needs to be verified. These avatars may only be used to attract attention. The item itself may not be able to attack. In this way, his purpose may only be to find my position. The problem is, what happens after I find it?"

Having said that, he no longer distanced himself, but turned and flew towards the nearest man in black.

"Is it possible that the other party can switch positions between the clones at will? If so, he will definitely attack me."

Using the body as bait, this is his plan. Originally, it was impossible for him to do this kind of thing by himself. Even if he was a superb actor, he was still an actor and belonged to the category of human beings. There were huge differences between people because of their skills. Let other actors do the same thing, maybe even better than him.

The zodiac fell on the tree trunk and silently looked at the man in black in front of him. At the same time, the other party also saw him. For a moment, the two people’s eyes met, the ecliptic eyes were calm without the slightest extra emotion, but the man dressed in black and wearing a black mask on his face, his calm eyes were suddenly shrouded in anger, and it seemed to be from his eyes. Flames spurted out of it.

The man in black was about to speak, however, his body was instantly distorted by a strong suction, and then squeezed toward the center.

The zodiac watched the man in black turn into a ball of red and black flesh, and then disappeared in an instant. The man in black in front of him was still a fake. Seeing this scene, Zodiac raised his right hand and placed it on his earlobe:

"Nayun, have the other people in black changed their expressions just now?"

Although he told Nayun to hide, avoiding does not mean being closed. Nayun, who has rich combat experience, will definitely observe the outside world.

"Yes, he is very angry." Nayun's answer was very brief.

"It seems that all avatars are synchronized actions." Huang Dao said what he had just discovered. His words are not only the cloud, but also can be heard as well as the holiday, but the two did not interrupt it, and, The two have other things to do.

"He's very cautious--" Nayun was interrupted before he finished speaking, but it was not interrupted by the opening of the zodiac, but the people in black scattered around the fallen tree trunks.

Because of the mask, the voice of the person in black is not clear, but hundreds of people in black all say the same thing. In this small area, it is enough to attract the attention of the zodiac and Nayun.

"Many acts of injustice will kill oneself... Many acts of unrighteousness will kill oneself!"

The voices of anger overlapped and directly accused the zodiac, and to be precise, the admonition meeting, making the most direct accusation. Regardless of the reason, **** movies never encourage actors to kill each other. Even if it occasionally exists, it is due to conflicts of interest between actors. After all, **** movies have never forbidden related things.

"Zodiac, you use us as tools, and we will not treat you as human beings."

All the people in black stopped at the same time and looked at the location of the ecliptic.

Zodiac took a deep breath. For some reason, a feeling of crisis rose in his heart, but the source of this crisis was not the man in black in front of him, but other enemies. Suddenly, his back was torn apart by a huge force. After that, a bowl-sized hole was broken in his chest in an instant, and blood spattered from the front and back with broken internal organs~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Like a murder scene.

Hundreds of meters away, Eagle Eye grabbed the Wing of Steel with his right hand and began to shift his position. Above his right shoulder, a black sniper rifle was held tightly by a large light blue hand. It is the effect of his skill Spear God mode-The Hand of Spear God, which is equivalent to lifting the restrictions on the use of firearms for actors. Before, Hawkeye would never attack from such a tricky angle. It is not a question of whether it can hit. It is impossible to do it. Now, if conditions permit, he can even use the hand of the gun **** to run with a heavy machine gun like many characters in shooting games. Of course, this requires a lot of vitality.

In fact, the bullet that Hawkeye fired just now is not only the thrust of the sniper rifle itself, but also the recoil stored after the last bullet was fired, so the power is stronger. Of course, this is also one of the skill effects of the Spear God mode.

The zodiac felt black before his eyes and fell to the ground. Now, in his heart, he finally determined the purpose of the man in black. Whether it's "us" or the swaggering style of acting in black, they are actually doing one thing, that is, to lock his position. In the huge dark forest, even if it is just near the huge collapsed tree trunk, it is still not easy to find someone who is willing to hide. But if there are hundreds of people looking for it, and they are acting as bait, then, This matter will become extremely simple, nothing more than a matter of consuming a little more time.

"Zodiac, hold on." Nayun's voice came from my ear.

The zodiac opened his mouth, but the words stuck in his throat and couldn't say anything. After losing the floating effect maintained by the skill, he fell head down, however, what he thought in his mind was another thing-the timing of death.

It is not the time yet.

The ecliptic closed his eyes and slowed his breathing.

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