Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1832: Last 1 o'clock

Outside the armor of the imaginary number, Qian Jiangyue and Hawkeye remained motionless. Although Qian Jiangyue still had an iron chain in his hand, they could not obtain the effect of the leader of the Time Tomb. Once Qiancang entered the armor of imaginary numbers, it was equivalent to temporarily leaving the current world, and it relied on the power of the ring of stars, which could not be combined with the effect of the seventh connection.

Suddenly, a rough right hand appeared out of thin air not far in front of him, about half a meter away, and the height was at the head position. After the right hand appeared, stretched to the lower left, and drew out a thin sword that looks exactly like a pointer. On the body, the white scale is very clear.

After the pointer sword appeared, he adjusted the angle and pierced Qian Jiangyue's chest.

From the beginning, the pointer sword moved in Qian Jiangyue’s line of sight, but Qian Jiangyue did not respond. Not only could he not move, he could not even "look" to see the pointer sword in front of him, in his consciousness, beside him. 'S teammates are still hesitating whether to use the hard-won opportunity.

The black pointer sword easily pierced the clothes on Qian Jiangyue's chest, then the skin, then the muscles, and finally the internal organs. After being strengthened by the **** movie, the body should be able to provide a certain degree of protection, but at this moment, the weak protection does not exist in front of the pointer sword, just like air.

When the pointer sword pierced Qian Jiangyue's body, a white scale on the sword lighted up briefly, and then quickly extinguished. The process was very short, and because the body of the sword was submerged into the human body, even if you stared at the pointer sword closely, you might not be able to see this transient Unless the lit scale happens to be on the visible enemy side.

Soon, the sword pierced Qian Jiangyue's heart, but it was not over yet, and the tip of the sword still moved forward until it pierced from behind. However, the strange thing is that even though he was stabbed to the heart, there was not even a drop of blood in the wound, as if the pointer sword pierced not the body, but something else.


When Qian Jiangyue was pierced by the pointer sword, Qian Cangyi did not sit back and watch. He gritted his teeth and looked angry. In his left hand, he took out a white gun with a shape that resembled the palm of a human hand. This pistol was from him. Hawkeye's real world acquires a weapon, a one-handed weapon named Curse of Bone.

The Curse of Bone is a very distinctive weapon, not so much a weapon, it is more appropriate to say that some kind of equipment with special functions is more suitable. This weapon has two characteristics. First, the bullet will definitely hit the enemy, and after hitting, the wound will be cursed within 5 minutes and cannot be healed; second, the user will die after launching 7 bullets. Of course, there are other functions and side effects, such as each bullet will consume a certain amount of life force, or it will fall after death, etc.

Before seeing Wuyou's true body, Qian Cangyi hadn't considered this weapon. After all, if he couldn't even see the opponent, how could he aim at it? But now it is different. He can see Wuyou and know what Wuyou has. Apparently, I know where Wuyou is, and what actions Wuyou is doing now.

He squeezed the trigger, and the extended phalanx of the Curse of White Bone quickly flew out, and the target pointed to nothing. At the same time, Curse of Bone drew 17% of the vitality and left a bone-claw-like phantom on Qiancangyi’s left arm. However, under the action of the sun's heart, the extracted vitality was almost instantly filled back. In the original position, the short jump of vitality seemed to be just to prove the effect of the curse of bones.

The white phalanx flew straight to the head of Nothing. The speed is very fast, but the speed between the two needs to be quoted. Because of the time ownership and the relationship of prejudgment, although the curse of bones can definitely hit the target, it does not explain. How long it takes, and there is no minimum time limit, so before the effect takes effect, the bullets fired by the Curse of Bone are no different from the silver brilliance.

Blue silk thread emerged around, forming a spider web, which fixed the phalanx-shaped bullet. After that, Wuyou stretched the left hand that opened the silver shining bullet to the base of the right thumb. Then, the left hand was held in a virtual grip, making a twitching motion, and another A thin sword like a pointer appeared in the left hand, but this pointer sword was much smaller, about 20 centimeters, and the color of the blade and scale was the opposite of that of the other one. The blade was white and the scale was black.

Wuyou waved the pointer sword of his left hand and slashed precisely at the suspended bone cursing bullet, "Cang Yi, I don't know what **** movie gives you, but you should know that bullets are not a threat to us." He defied. There was the confidence of a winner in his eyes.

Qiancang once re-launched the leader of the Time Tomb to regain control of time. In an instant, the bullet cursed by the bones continued to move forward, but was blocked by the pointer sword on the flight path. The body did not react to any physical touch, as if passing through a piece of air. At the same time, Qian Cangyi turned the silver brilliance with his right hand, gripped the handle of the gun firmly, and then raised his hand and waved to Wu You's head.

Although he didn't answer nothing, but he used actual actions to prove it. Physical extension allows him to use firearms during the duration of the skill, but it does not mean that he will win. In other words, the **** movie specifically provides him with this seemingly ordinary passive skill that can produce a strange chemical reaction with the main skill. It's more like a balance between the power gap between the two sides.

The blue silk thread appeared ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to form a spider web, and nothing took time back again, but this time the blue silk thread broke again before the web was completely formed. For a time, the two sides returned to the previous situation of capturing the ring of stars. The only difference is that this time, the two sides are "face to face."

The confrontation continued, the blue thread kept flickering, and the position between the two changed again and again. The handle of Qiancang's swing failed to hit Wuyou's head, only hitting Wuyou's arm, but he managed to force Wuyou back, making Wuyou unable to do anything to his teammates. Wuyou stepped back three steps and adjusted his position. The pointer sword of his right hand had been pulled out of Qian Jiangyue's body. Then, he relaxed his shoulder and walked a few steps to the right. The focus of his sight was on the three people returning from hell. In the analysis of the current form and the object of the next attack.

Qiancang took a deep breath, resisted the odor in the air, adjusted his pace, and prepared for the next attack. He did not look for the Bone Curse bullet. When faced with nothing, he did not want to be exposed because of this detail. The message of the Curse of the Bone. After the palace-level actor in front of him is lifted, he is no longer invincible. What's more, his skills have a restraint effect. As long as he finds the right opportunity, he can kill the opponent, just like he killed other actors for self-protection. .

At this time, the phalanx bullet of the Curse of White Bone made a circle, just rounding the blind spot of Wuyou's vision, and then turned to fly towards the back of Wuyou's head.

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