Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1833: Preliminary test

"Are you curious why I let you in?" Wu You asked, his tone of confidence.

Qiancang frowned slightly and did not catch up. He was indeed very curious about this, but more importantly, it was more beneficial for him to delay time. First, it would allow the ecliptic to completely destroy the armor of imaginary numbers, so that nothing would be maintained. The second state now is that the bullet of the Curse of Bone is flying back. He has experienced the power of Curse of Bone. Even ordinary people in the movie world can compete with the actors with this unique weapon.

"You are going to kill me here." Qian Cangyi said what he thought was the most likely idea. In the tactics of returning from hell, he was the most core part. There was no early handling of time actors and warnings. What he will do in the funeral of the sun has removed almost all hidden dangers. Now, he is the only one left, because he has just reached the third line when the admonition meeting is started. One can touch the admonition meeting, but the admonition meeting is also It just can't be targeted at the level.

"It's smart." Wu You smiled, knees bent, the pointer swords of both hands exchanged positions, and the longer pointer sword was replaced with his left hand.

Suddenly, as soon as Qiancang felt the danger, he took a step back, turned the handle of the gun with his right hand, and assumed the gun-holding posture again. Then, he stretched his hands forward, straightened his arms, and pulled the trigger. Silver bullets poured out, and 4 bullets flew to the center of the empty chest.

He didn't choose to start the head. At the moment he raised his hand, blue silk threads appeared around him, and time was controlled by nothing. Even though he immediately activated the leader of the Time Tomb to regain control the moment he saw it, the broken part in the middle, For Wuyou, it was not a moment, but a long period of time, long enough to see the bullets flying out of the silver shining muzzle and predict the trajectory of the bullets.

Wu You didn't split the bullet this time. After half a sword dance with his left hand, he even pierced his right shoulder with the pointer sword backhand.

Qiancang's pupils contracted, and he knew in his heart that no matter what, Wuyou is absolutely impossible to self-harm. Then, there is only one explanation. Wuyou is using the peculiar equipment in his hand. He suddenly thought that Wuyou had pierced Qian Jiangyue with a pointer sword just now. In the situation, a guess sounded in his mind:

Can the injury be transferred?

Qian Cangyi's heart beat abruptly, he had encountered a similar situation.

The silver bullet hit Wuyou's chest smoothly, and all four shots hit, but the bullet seemed to enter the sea like a stone cow, without causing any waves. At the moment when Nothing was shot, there was no pause in the forward movement, as if even kinetic energy did not exist.

"There is one more, right?" Wuyou squinted slightly, as if seeing through Qian Cangyi's thoughts.

How would he know? I have never used it

In an instant, Qiancang realized that Wuyou did not know the existence of the White Bone Curse, but Hawkeye knew it, and the reason why the holiday allowed Hawkeye to live to the present was to steal the memory of Hawkeye. Therefore, Wuyou knew the key. equipment.

The phalanx-shaped bullet flew to the back of the head, completely submerged in it, but, like the silver bullet, it did not play any role.

Is it to transfer the injury, or is it an effect similar to a bullet buster?

Qiancang gritted his teeth and glanced at Qian Jiangyue. He did not see a bullet hole in the latter's chest, but he was not sure yet. After all, time did not flow normally when he was at war with Wuyou.

After Wu You approached, he pulled the pointer sword out of his shoulder with his left hand, turned his wrist out, and after a short pause, he slashed with great force.

Qiancang dodged on his side, and the pupils of his eyes appeared a circle of red edges with gaps, and the ancient gaze came out of his eyes, and the target was exactly what he was currently staring at.

Wuyou's left hand trembled violently, his eyes became apathetic, his vision was out of focus, his already very haggard face combined with a dementia expression, as if he was suffering from a terminal illness of the brain. The pointer sword that should have struck Qiancang Yi also tilted aside. Wuyou at this time seems to be without threat,

it works!

Qiancang's pupils contracted, his lips tightened, and the curse of white bones in his left hand fired again, and the second bullet sucked his vitality. After the vitality groove jumped briefly, the phalanx-shaped bullet flew towards the head of nothing.

This time, Wuyou couldn't react. He was in fear, unable to regain control of time, nor evade the curse of bones in advance.

The phalanx bullet was in the center of the black forehead, and a hole the size of a glass marble was broken in the black forehead, and it also left a skeleton head that could prevent treatment. The horror of the Curse of Bone is here. Preventing treatment means that as long as you hit the head, it is almost the same as death, unless you have a higher priority life-saving item.

"Kill?" Huang Dao asked. Even though he was in a state of peace of mind, he couldn't help asking after seeing Qian Cangyi sending a bullet into Wuyou's head.

"Not dead." Qiancang didn't believe that Wuyou was so easy to die, and even if Wuyou was already dead, he would directly treat him as not dead now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He intends to chase after victory, but Silver Radiance is still changing. The bullet time, although the Curse of Bone can still be launched, but after seven bullets, the dead person will be him. If the bullet that hits the forehead fails to kill nothing, and another bullet, there will be no difference in the result, it is nothing but a waste. The number of Bone Curse. Therefore, his choice is to disarm.

The most important difference between actors and ordinary people in the movie world is that actors can see the effects of special props, equipment and skills. In battles between actors, skills can only find ways to deal with it, and it is difficult to stop them. Special props are mostly consumed. It is more difficult to stop the product, but the equipment is different, it is used repeatedly, and the characteristics of hand-held or worn, especially the weapon, in use, can be prevented by other actors in advance, or even robbed. For example, the curse of bone in Qiancang's hand is a weapon that can be taken away.

No matter what special effects the pointer sword has, it is also a weapon. Although disarming may not necessarily be able to seize the opponent's weapon, it can make the opponent temporarily unable to use it.

Qiancang waved the silver brilliance and smashed it at Wuyou's wrist. However, the moment he waved his right hand, Wuyou returned to normal and woke up from fear. When he hit the black wrist, the sensation of the impact was completely different from that of the muscles, and it was more crisp.

With a click, the bare wrist broke directly, and after falling on the load-bearing area, it rolled aside. There is no blood, but there are small white silk threads connecting the fractures together.

Qiancang took a closer look and found that Wuyou had become Ou Ren, and his body was entirely composed of lotus roots. More importantly, the wounds and curse marks left by the Curse of the Bone were all left on Ou Ren's forehead, except for this. In addition, there is also Ou Ren's chest being melted. This effect is the effect of a silver shining bullet.

From behind, there was a slight breathing sound.

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