Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1848: Fragile eggshell

As soon as Qiancang looked at the nothing that fell on the ground, blood flowed from the wound with the white skull mark and slid to the left along the slanted head. The flesh and blood hit by the silver bullet in the chest was beginning to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although the passive skill of limb extension seems unremarkable, the strength is not at the same level after being matched with other skills. After the combination of the two active skills, and the combination of its own characteristics, it can be taken away silently. The opponent's life. If the opponent does not have life-saving items, it is almost difficult to survive this situation.

However, in the movie world, most of the threats and opponents encountered by actors are not humans, and even humans will not be ordinary people when **** movies need to provide passive skills specifically and targeted.

Wuyou is not an ordinary person, he is a palace-level actor, his vitality is abundant, and his special props are also abundant. His situation is completely different from that of the zodiac and the holiday. He has been hiding in the dark, and his strength has always been maintained in a state of complete victory. The first two, one consumes most of the special props because of obtaining dream seeds, and the other, In order to prevent the remaining actors from leaving the passage, it was almost exhausted. There was nothing but nothing, always thinking about themselves.

"do you died?"

Qiancang Yi once again raised the silver brilliance, he didn't want to verify, whether he died or not, making up the knife is always the best choice.

When the bullets were loaded, he quickly squeezed the trigger, and four bullets accurately hit the melting body of Wuyou, one on the head, two on the chest, and one remaining, which he left with his left hand.

Wuyou's body shook slightly because the bullet pierced through the muscles, but when the shooting ended, it was still motionless in the end, like a pool of rotten flesh that was too dead to die.

Qiancangyi hopes that Wuyou is dead, but he knows that it is impossible. Even if Wuyou has no special props and passive skills that can survive the combo skills, he must not die, because at least there is Pu'er's disaster of returning to the soul. The hole cards need more stringent conditions when they are used by others, but when they are used by themselves, no additional conditions are needed. More precisely, the conditions are difficult to fail to meet.

"If you pull yourself over, your current position should be in the gravity adaptation layer..."

As soon as Qiancang continued to wait, he inhaled slightly, took two steps back, and came to the position of the pointer sword. He doesn’t do much about disarming. Usually, the actors approached by him are either friends or enemies. For the former, he uses the guide of the time to help avoid danger, while for the latter, his choice is straightforward. Take the other's life without disarming.

Only now, when the situation is special, when the enemy has a variety of abilities, and he is unable to kill with one blow, does he need to weaken the enemy's combat power to prepare for the next battle.

When he retreated, the orange-red flame started to burn from the naughty heart, and then quickly spread to the edge of the body with the heart as the center. The flame burned on the half-decayed corpse, exuding a scorching smell, and, in the smell of burnt. In the middle, there is also the disgusting rancid smell in the armor of the imaginary number because it has not been cleaned for a long time.

Special props?

Qiancang frowned and took a step back, kicking the pointer sword farther by the way. Now he can't use his life force. Once he activates his time-based skills, he can only stare at him, unable to erase the effect with the guide of the Time Tomb. In addition, he has also lost the ability to fight, at least for this minute, There are many ways for Wuyou to kill him. However, the more he does this, the less he cannot escape. Once he escapes, he will expose his weakness.

The flame was still burning, and the smell of burnt and rancid smell permeated the data review room. Gradually, the flame gradually became smaller, and the corpse on the ground had disappeared, leaving only a black mark in the shape of a human. Nothing lying on the ground, nothing, disappearing again.

Qiancang held his breath and did not relax his vigilance. He looked around and stepped back. His right hand with the gun was ready to aim in any direction at any time. Suddenly, his eyes glanced at the corner of the data cabinet on the left, the pointer sword he kicked off just now. It was where he saw, but now, the pointer sword disappeared.

"Can't it?"

Qiancangyi was a little disappointed, but not surprised at all. Both Silver Radiance and Curse of Bone are described in the description that the actor can drop after death. Even if the pointer sword can be dropped and become his trophy, but now Wuyou has not died, naturally it cannot be obtained by him, and "lost" In all likelihood, the pointer sword returned to its original position.

Tick, tick!

Qiancangyi silently counted in his heart that apart from whether Wuyou is dead, there are too many uncertain things now. I don’t know if Wuyou is nearby, but I can’t see it temporarily. I don’t know if Wuyou is in a weak state. The skills are sealed. His situation is the same. At such a special moment, life and death may only be a matter of a moment, and he still does not dare to relax.

Silence filled the room with suffocating magic.

23, 24, 25...

As soon as Qiancang controlled his thoughts, he didn't think about the possibility that Wu might go to the broadcast room, and if he didn't think about the possibility that Wu might go to chase his teammates, he now focuses all his attention on himself and his surroundings, because now he is the most vulnerable moment, like a Egg, the only thing he can do is to make himself seem to be still fighting. Perhaps Wuyou is not around now, but compared to wandering around and being attacked, his current fighting stance is obviously the safest.

41, 42...

Time passed every second ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In his mind, it seemed that a black pointer was beating slowly, and with each jump, he was closer to being able to move normally.

56, 57, 58...

When the sun’s heart side effects ended, Qiancang put his hands down and sighed. If he fails to use the healing effects of evil thoughts to lock in the place of nothing, if the zodiac fails to release the imaginary armor in time, if the ancient stares The effect is not as powerful as imagined, perhaps, he is the one who died.

In the several encounters with Wuyou, he clearly knew that he must become sufficiently threatening to make Wuyou look forward and fearful, because Wuyou is cautious, and pride is just a coat that shows in the eyes of others.

Qiancangyi knew that Wuyou knew that the sun’s heart had side effects, but Wuyou didn’t know what the side effects were, the effects, and the duration. If the side effects were only doubling the consumption of vitality, or keeping vitality at a low level, then this It means that Qiancang One still has the ability to fight back, and Qiancang One's hole cards have not been dealt out, so no one dare to gamble.

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