Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1849: Rise from the ashes


A white bone palm supported the wall, and a thin palm was left on the white wall. Near the data review room, a white bone emerged from the flames, and the burning flame attached to the bones, making him look like a dead person returning from hell. . The white bone took his right foot and walked forward. The flame became flesh and blood clinging to the bone in the burning.

The continuously squeezed muscles became tighter and tighter, and within a few seconds, the white bones became a corpse with flesh and blood remaining. At the position of the corpse's chest cavity, there was still a ball of flame burning blazingly. In the process of flame burning, new skin emerged around the bones out of thin air, and then attracted to the surface of flesh and blood like a magnet, a face that had died not long ago, and returned to the transport ship.

"Heh, is it time for special items?"

Wu You raised his head and took a look, then continued to walk forward.

"With his character, he should still have a back hand, and if I go back to entangle him now, the time wasted may be enough for Qian Jiangyue and the others to find an exit, let's say..."

He glanced at his vitality slot, the vitality of the green part was being quickly consumed. Although the rebirth effect was the function of special props, he still needed to consume a lot of vitality to recover his body.

[Item Name: Rebirth from the Fire]

【Category: Treatment】

[Effect description: When the body suffers a fatal injury and the actor does not intend it, it can be used automatically. After use, the body will turn into flames and appear in a safe area near the post-mortem location. After a period of time, the actor's vitality will be prioritized for clearing tracking, curses and parasites, and the subsequent vitality will be prioritized to restore the body state, and after full recovery, it will provide a certain period of "flame body" effect.

Flame body: When the body suffers damage, it will turn into flame to avoid partial damage and increase the speed of vitality recovery. 】

【Method of Use: Idea】

[Use object: self]

[Available number of purchases: Unable to purchase]

[Whether to occupy the special item carrying bar: Yes]

[Whether it is recyclable: not recyclable]

As his body gradually recovered, he looked left and right, looking for road signs that could be seen everywhere inside the transport ship.

Soon, his eyes fell on the dormitory area. Then, he raised his hand, put his nostril close to his arm, and sniffed. Soon, a peculiar smell poured in from the nasal cavity, and he raised his left eyebrow, Take your arm away. It seems that during the long stay in the armor of the imaginary number, this smell has been integrated with his body and has become a part of his body. Since it does not affect life, it cannot be completely removed even if it is reborn.

"Forget it, don't waste time."

Maybe with the equipment on the transport ship, he can clean his whole body in 10 seconds, but now, he doesn't want to waste these 10 seconds.

"broadcast room."

Wu You ran. At first, his limbs were not coordinated, but after a dozen steps, his body had returned to normal level. After a while, he had already started to run, and the sound of running echoed in the corridor.



The parable yelled and returned to the previous position again.

They have been chasing the black cat, and the black cat, as if deliberately leading the way, is always at the limit where everyone can see it. A peculiar feeling lingers in everyone's minds, everyone has guesses in their hearts, but they are very tacit and have not spoken.

After running for two minutes, everyone came to a room with a "viewing area" written on the number plate.

"This is..." Qian Jiangyue recalled the map she had seen before, "...similar to the entertainment area, you can see the scene outside the ship, understand it as a...small park."

"Why did that cat bring us here?" Wutong asked.

"Go in and take a look." Fable stretched out his hands and pushed the door open. An empty room appeared in front of him, and directly opposite him, there was a curved transparent material that could clearly see the situation outside the transport ship.

He took the lead and walked in. As soon as he stepped out his right foot, the ceiling lights were on, the emerald green scene filled the room, the grass was growing, and there was a paradise scene.

"Wow." He exclaimed, reached out his hand to touch the willow branch on the side, and went straight through.

"If I'm right..." Qian Jiangyue walked to the other side of the room, "...The passage we were looking for was not inside the transport ship, but outside the transport ship. In the'deep space', it's no wonder **** The movie’s hint is deep space, not a transport ship. We are only in this mountain. Our inertial thinking has always believed that our range of action is a transport ship. In fact, when we came to this movie world, the **** movie had already given some kind of It implies that if we can come to the transport ship from outside, why can't we do the other way around?"

While speaking, he has come to the end of the room, which is the viewing area where the side view of the transport ship can be clearly seen at a glance. In front of the viewing area, there are five black long binoculars. He stood in front of the telescope, closed his left eye, and slowly approached the lens barrel with his right eye. In his sight, the endless starry sky was gorgeous and beautiful.

Several other people also came to the telescope to observe the starry sky outside.

A few seconds later, the shadow play exclaimed, "Look here." She raised her head and pointed to the direction of her telescope.

Qian Jiangyue took a look and adjusted the direction of the telescope. "This is..." Through the telescope, he saw a **** vortex that was clearly different from the stars. More importantly, there was a countdown in the **** vortex:


"That's the gateway to the next movie world?" Wutong took a deep breath.

"It's still counting down." Fable rubbed his eyes and looked at it again. "It's less than half an hour."

Wutong moved his head away from the binoculars~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then turned to look at the place where the Scarlet Vortex was, "Is that black cat really made from Hawkeye?"

"It should be the arrangement of the **** movie." Qian Jiangyue shook his head, "How can Hawkeye know the location of the passage?"

"Are we now?" Fable's sight fell on the Wings of Steel.

"Check the route of this transport ship." Qian Jiangyue turned and walked towards the door, "Come with me, I remember the operation room is not far from here."


Wuyou came to the broadcasting room. He stood at the door of the room and extended his right index finger. With his finger as the center, the blue silk thread in the room was concentrated on the tip of his finger, finally forming a clock. He moved his right hand gently, and his index finger moved the pointer counterclockwise. With his operation, the blue silk thread in the room obviously began to flow, until finally the blue silk thread gathered together to form a human shape.

"Fables and...Indus?"

Wu You grabbed his right hand forward and smashed the clock. Suddenly, the fable and the parasol image appeared in the broadcasting room and began to repeat what he had done before.

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