Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 739: Hard work

At the moment of total darkness, the cat still has a smile on the corner of her mouth.

At least, until now, I am still the same me.

The moment this thought appeared in her mind, the cat fell into a coma. At this moment, she was seriously injured. Even if there were no demons to kill her, she could not escape the fate of death.

If the cat wants to survive, it must first stabilize the injury before going to the hospital for treatment.

The tortoise is doing this.

The tortoise, who felt that his eyes were almost blind, finally found the distinctive ring, at least in his eyes, there was no other ring more distinctive than this one.

Because on the surface of this ring, there is the head of a demon with a cat face and horns. This head is exactly the head of the demon that the tortoise saw in Room 444 where the cat is.

You are the one!

The tortoise stretched out his hand, grabbed the ring, wailing sounded, and the entire ring system began to repel the tortoise's hand.

The room began to shake, and the tortoise added a bit of strength, and the shaking in the room became stronger.

This hand is for a headless demon. Isn't this also OK? Or is it the wrong way?

Originally, the tortoise wanted to pull off the ring directly, but he still left a bit of effort. After finding that the situation was not right, he had to half-release his hand.

At this moment, he is more anxious than anyone else, but not only can't help him blindly, but it will also backfire and mess up the opportunities the cat has won with his life.

"Right, there is a connection, just like the connection between room 444."

The tortoise discovered this, and he changed his method, instead of pulling out directly, but moving the ring, moving the ring controlled by his hand to another large ring.

The big ring has a gap for the small ring to enter and exit. Through this gap, the small ring can be taken out in a more gentle way.

The problem is that the tortoise takes out not one ring, but multiple.

You must know that the room where the devil is located is only the ring he controls, and there are three other rings in contact with the devil's head. Of these three, one of them must be the ring he is in.

What he has to do is not only to escape the control of Room 444, but also to return to the original world. Otherwise, he will be lost in Room 444, which does not exist at all. As for the consequences, it is obvious that there is only death. .

The tortoise never thought that he could replace the devil by controlling the body of the headless demon. This was too far-fetched and almost impossible to implement. He believed that the reason why he could temporarily control this body was because the devil had to follow It's because of a certain rule.

The rules are not stated clearly, but one thing is certain, that is, demons or secret gods do not have absolute control over the residents living in Quanyun Apartments. They can only lure or deceive from the side.

Sweat dripped from the tortoise’s forehead. After ten seconds, he would be able to remove the four rings. After they were separated, he would move the cat to Room 444 where A and A Zhu are, and then move the devil The room No. 444 where he is in is separated from the room No. 444 where A Zhu and the others are. In this way, he can escape the conspiracy of Room 444.

As for how to break away from a single head and return to his body, the turtle believes that the method is relatively straightforward. As long as A or A Zhu remove his body from the chair, he will naturally wake up.

Although it has not been verified, the tortoise believes in his own inference.

The hand trembled slightly, and the direction of movement gradually changed.

This...is the headless demon starting to counteract it?

The tortoise was surprised.

After all, it is not a level of existence. The body can take the initiative to regain control. It is too terrifying. If the devil's head is on his body, then this demon, isn't it an invincible existence?

The sudden change caused the turtle’s actions to stop, but only for a moment, the turtle continued to manipulate the devil’s body to move the golden ring. The situation at this time gave the turtle the feeling that he was moving the ring, but there was An invisible being grabbed his hand and prevented him from continuing to move the ring.

Soon, the tortoise realized that although the headless demon would not affect the result by doing so, it would affect the time when the result arrived.


The turtle who understands this has increased his strength. Of course, because the body is not his, he can't feel the pain in the body, but this does not mean that the pain does not exist. In fact, the tortoise's head is very painful at this time.

With a ding sound, the ring with the devil’s head popped out of the entire ring system. At the same time, there was a huge thrust that pushed the tortoise to the ground, because the ring flew out of the tortoise’s hand too suddenly. When I went out, there was a crisp sound when I landed.

The room shook slightly and quickly returned to its original state.

The tortoise hurriedly got up, but the movements were quite stiff.

At this moment, the tortoise realized that if he didn't hurry up, he might lose control of the devil's body completely. Once it was counter-controlled by the devil's body, everything would come to an end.

He tried his best to control the demon's body, and his brain kept issuing orders to move forward.

On the other side, A and A Zhu are still waiting anxiously. In this situation, they dare not move. They don't know if the tortoise will turn into black feathers like the black-haired young man before.

There was a sense of shock, and A and A Zhu helped each other for a while, and then glanced at each other.

"It seems that the tortoise has gained something." A Zhu said.

"Yeah." A nodded, but there was no smile on his face.

The gains show that they are in the right direction, but it also shows that they are closer to the danger. They have not completely escaped from the danger and still cannot relax.

"Shall we do something?" Azhu asked.

"At present, it seems that I can only wait for the tortoise to send us a message, or the cat, do you see any news in the phone?" A said.

A Zhu took out his mobile phone ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and there was no noteworthy news. Although the rest of the actors are still discussing, more people are waiting for feedback from A Zhu and others.

Just when A Zhu was hesitant to send a message, the black debris on the ground began to move, and soon formed a small whirlpool. When the whirlpool disappeared, the black debris piled up on the ground as a human.

The two looked at each other, and then quickly rushed over. They pushed the black debris away and found that there was really a person inside. Then they pushed the black debris away from their faces, and the cat's face appeared in front of them.

"Her situation looks very bad." A said quickly.

"I have suffered a very serious injury and must be treated quickly." A Zhu nodded.

The two quickly removed all the black debris from the cat's body. Of course, in the process, the two also found a wound on the cat's right waist. A large patch of blood was shocking to see.

Without any hesitation, A directly took out his first aid spray to treat the cat, but after using it three times, the cat's complexion still did not improve.

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