Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 740: Wordless farewell

A Zhu placed the index finger of his right hand flat under the cat's nose and carefully felt the cat's breathing.

"It's too weak, it doesn't seem to last long." A Zhu shook his head.

He doesn't want the cat to die, but right now, he has no other way.

"Let me first aid spray." A said to A Zhu with a cold face.

"Not very useful..." A Zhu whispered back.

"Lend me!" A's words were even shorter.

At this moment, A Zhu actually felt dangerous. It was not the shuddering sense of danger, but the feeling of clearly knowing that his life was threatened, as if someone pointed a gun at his forehead.

After hesitating for a second, A Zhu took out his first aid spray.

He is not afraid of A. He just thinks that there is no need to argue now. Once the two sides face each other with swords because of this matter, the cat will not survive, let alone, I am afraid that the two will take their own lives.

The reason why Ah Zhu made such a choice is actually the result of the game.

As far as A is concerned, Azhu is now a ‘reasonable person’, but A is different, she is now an ‘unreasonable person’.

Suppose A attacks A Zhu because the cat is dying, both of them will get a negative return. Because there are other dangers, the negative return should be recorded as -2. On the other hand, A Zhu provides first aid spray In any case, the negative return will not be greater than -2. As a'sane man', Azhu will naturally choose a plan with a smaller negative return.

The first aid spray was again used on the cat's wound.

"Hold on, I'll take you to the hospital right away!" A gently touched the cat's cheek.

Quanyun Apartment is not isolated from the human world, so the resources in human society can also be used. Medical resources are one of the most important types of resources.

"I asked them to notify the hospital." A Zhu quickly sent the current situation to the group.

At this moment, a figure appeared in the room.

This man has the head of a tortoise, but his body is not that of a tortoise.

"I don't have time to explain. Get me out of the chair. Once the devil catches you, we will all die here." The tortoise's voice sounded in the room, and then he suddenly disappeared.

The two were stunned, and then quickly rushed to the turtle sitting on the bench.

In the next second, the two dragged the tortoise from the long-backed chair to the ground, and the sound of coughing came from the tortoise's mouth.

"Run, get out of here!" the tortoise shouted.

It’s just that his words are still a bit slower. It turns out that Room 444 is gradually disappearing. After Room 444 disappears, the four of them are not in the Quanyun apartment, but outside the Quanyun apartment. You know, the four of them are now in the four. floor.

The night is like ink.

There was a feeling of weightlessness, and the four of them fell to the ground at the same time.

"Cat!" A rushed towards the cat when she disappeared in Room 444, but she was still a step late.

Below the four people is a green forest. Falling from this height is not too dangerous, especially for actors who often exercise, but there are also special circumstances, such as cats.

At this time, the cat is a seriously injured patient, already dying, even this degree of collision may change life and death.

The speed of the fall was very fast, almost over in the blink of an eye.

A Zhu shook his head. He felt a little pain in his butt. After getting up from the ground, he gently rubbed his butt.

There are still some scratches on the rest of the body, but they don't get in the way, even band-aids are not needed.

He turned his head and saw A squatting next to the cat, A with his hands stretched out, trying to do something, but he was worried that doing so would make the cat's injury more serious. After all, the more severely injured, the less he can move at will.

"Let me!" The tortoise rushed to the cat from behind A Zhu, "has an ambulance called?"

"Yeah!" A Zhu shouted. He didn't plan to get close because he thought that the people who gathered the team needed a little time of their own.

A grabbed the cat’s hand and kept saying, “Hold on, you can... Hold on, the ambulance will come right away... Don’t you still want to see the different scenery in different worlds? How do you go if you die? , Hurry up, open your eyes!"

While talking, A felt the cat's hand a bit.

"Don't speak, don't speak!" A's instinct drove her. If it weren't for worrying that the action of covering the cat would affect the cat's body, she would definitely cover it directly.

Many times, at least for actors, when hovering on the threshold of life and death, the difference is a breath.

Once this tone continues, with healing skills and special props, it is entirely possible to maintain it until the end of the movie. Although the chance is relatively small, it is not impossible.

But once it can’t be renewed, no matter how powerful the skills and props are, it’s useless. The difference between near death and death is like 1 and 0, the difference between presence and absence.

The tortoise stood silently, silent.

In the sky, black snow suddenly fell. Because of the night, only a few people discovered it after the black snow fell on the ground.

They looked up at the sky and found nothing unusual, but when they lowered their heads, they noticed that there was suddenly another person not far away.

It's not appropriate to describe it in humans. A more accurate description is... a demon.

The devil that caused all this.

At the moment when the demon appeared, the three felt that their bodies were out of control.

A realized something, the tears in his eyes could no longer be controlled, and they flowed down his cheeks.

The demon with the cat's face and horns floated gently to the cat's side, he stretched out his right hand, and a sharp scalpel appeared in his hand.

Later, after the demon swiped twice in the air, the cat's head was directly cut open, and the pale pink brain was directly exposed to the air. Then, the demon grabbed the cat's brain and pulled it out, "Unfortunately it was cold. "After saying these two words, the devil opened his mouth and the cat's brain was thrown in.

In front of the jagged teeth, the cat's brain instantly turned into powder, leaving no trace.

"Not bad." After speaking, the devil turned his head and glanced at Quanyun Apartment, then bowed slightly, as if a guest was saying goodbye to the host.

This scene shocked the three of them.

The black snow slowly disappeared, and the three of them regained control of their bodies~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The tortoise looked at the direction the devil was leaving, gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and the veins burst.

A sense of powerlessness enveloped the tortoise deeply, and he had tasted this bitter taste more than once.

A looked down at the cat's head. There was no brain inside. If there was hope that was so slim and almost non-existent before, then now, there is no hope at all.

With a plop, she knelt on the ground.

"Turtle, why do you say that the team and the team are more indifferent than the actors and actors?" A turned to look at the turtle.

Hearing this question, A Zhu wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say. After all, the difference between positions could change many opinions.

"I don't care about this, I just want to see her off now." Tortoise said softly, his voice a little choked.

The sound of the ambulance sirens was heard in the ears of the three.

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