Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 747: Horror apartment

The investigation is still going on.

There are not as many weird rooms as expected. Many rooms are empty rooms or rooms for non-actor residents.

After Qiancangyi and others started investigating, they discovered that Quanyun Apartment had many residents, but before the investigation, basically they could not see a few people a day.

"What on earth are you doing? Why are our doors fixed?"

With the increase of non-actor residents, resistance has become more and more serious.

Qiancang first class naturally can't waste time entangled with these residents, and they don't have much time left. They have to make progress before the night arrives, otherwise, more people may die tonight.

"Do you know why you live here?" Hawkeye was elected as a representative.

Upon hearing Hawkeye's question, these households looked at each other, not knowing how to answer for a while.

They have thought about this problem, but did not explore the reason in depth.

"I don't know, why do you say we live here?" a young man with a sharp camera asked.

"Before answering this question, I want to know, what did you all commit outside?" Hawkeye chose to answer the question with a question.

His eyes are piercing, and the residents he sees only feel hairy in their hearts.

"No...no." The young man who asked the question shook his head, his eyes avoiding.

Who will tell strangers about his shortcomings? If you don’t know that I owe money, at least, I can still ask you to borrow it again, right?

If everyone's debt situation can be easily checked, then there would be no such thing as Lai Lai in the world.

"You are not willing to answer yes, there is no question, and I don't need your answer."

"Now, think about it for yourself, if the residents living in this Quanyun apartment are in the same situation, then what do you say, what is this place like?" Hawkeye scanned the residents in front of them one by one.

The light outside the window was shining in the corridor, and it was close to noon.

No one answered, although several residents wanted to speak, but they were very hesitant.

"You said." Hawkeye pointed a middle-aged woman with his right finger.

"It's like... a place to hide from debt." The middle-aged woman squeaked, as if recalling her nightmare.

"What about you?" Hawkeye pointed to another tenant.

"It's like a paradise, no one is noisy here, no one rushes, no rent is required. For a messy person like me, there is no better place than here. You don't even need to do day-to-day work. Occasionally there is still some prepared food in the kitchen, even if you don’t do anything, you can live a long time.” The answer was a young man who was about 25 years old, his beard was not shaved, and he looked very decadent. .

"Yes, you have no pressure to survive in Quanyun Apartment, but please think carefully, why did you enter this apartment? Because you can no longer bear the pressure from the society, you are'forced' to enter this apartment Yes, except here, there is no other place to take you in."

Hawkeye opened his hands, like a teacher in class.

"Are we so lucky? Or is there a savior who saves us, a group of people who have been abandoned by society, and built such an apartment specifically to give us a place to stay."

"Do you believe it?" Hawkeye increased the volume.

The residents in front took a step back. They were not afraid of Hawkeye, but by what Hawkeye had just said.

There is no free lunch in the world.

If you put them in a rational environment and let them discuss their gains and losses freely, they believe that they will get the same result soon, but once they put themselves into it, they will believe in even unthinkable things.

Greed blinded their eyes.

"Believe? Or don't you?"

"Then I tell you, you have signed a unilateral contract when you entered this apartment, Quanyun Apartment provides you with a place to live, and what you have lost is...life."

"Your lives will be taken away at any time, it may be next month, it may be tomorrow, or it may be the next second."

"Now know why we are investigating?"

"If you still have questions about what I said, there are a few rooms you can go and see. If you still have questions after reading them, you can come to me again."

Then, Hawkeye reported a few room numbers, and these rooms were full of unusual things.

On the other side, Qian Jiangyue and Qian Cangyi are still opening the door.

"It's okay to let these residents take a look, so we don't have to risk ourselves." Qian Jiangyue inserted the lock opener into the keyhole and listened carefully. A few seconds later, the sound of the lock being opened came out, "Yes, another one."

"Time seems to be enough, as long as no accidents happen." Qiancang frowned, and he was not relaxed.

If there is still nothing to gain after all the rooms are opened, the next step must be to enter the room to investigate. The risks involved are self-evident. In addition, whether this method is valuable is still open to question.

If this method is not adopted, what should be the next step? Waiting for the danger to come by yourself?

Of course not, so we still need to think about the next course of action.

The current situation is not clear, and it can even be described by making a mistake and losing every game.

After registering the room, the two went to the next room.

All the opened rooms are registered in a form. This is a form made by Liuli. Each actor has several copies, each of which records the rooms he opened, and then summarizes them, and then prints or copies them after the summary.

As time passed, all the doors of the room, including the door of the actor's own room, were all fixed by the fixture.

Although many residents were dissatisfied, they were shocked after seeing a few strange rooms. Of course, there were still some residents who were ignorant of current affairs, and they successfully learned their lesson.

Eleven actors gathered in the hall.

"Time is too late." Qiancang glanced at the door~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The sun is going down soon, and they probably didn't have enough time to enter the room to investigate.

"I have a question. If we don't close the door when we sleep, isn't it easy to be attacked?" Nan'an said.

This problem is also the problem that plagues everyone.

"Do you live outside?" said the tortoise.

"If you wait until dawn and then come back, you may be caught on the road. If you come back before dawn, then it probably doesn't make sense for us to live outside." Qian Jiangyue gave her own answer.

"Perhaps those rooms with strange things are safe rooms? For example, rooms 201 and 203, these rooms seem to be scary, but in fact they are safe rooms." Liuli pointed to the room form and said.

The things in each room are marked on it.

"It's possible." A Zhu sighed. ()

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