Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 748: Post-traumatic stress disorder

"It may also be unsafe." Qiancang continued after A Zhu's words.

His face is very bad. Although there will be no such regulations, considering that Quanyun Apartment itself may be conscious, this is basically determined. Perhaps the order in which the actors encounter danger is indeed related to the number of teams.

For example, the death of a cat.

It is assumed that the triggering of death conditions and the specific process of death are not considered, and only the danger is considered.

So, the reason why the cat suffers this danger is that she lives in room 410, which is the only ‘special’ place.

Residents on the other floors did not encounter the danger that the cat encountered. Even the three of Turtle, A and A Zhu were in danger because they left their rooms.

Although the movement that lived on the fourth floor was also killed last night, his death has a closer relationship with the Secret God.

To get in touch with the Secret God, entering room 522 does not limit the actor's own living room, so it is different from the cat's situation.

A Zhu also lives on the fourth floor, but he has not received targeted attacks, which can prove the inference just now.

In other words, assuming that the cat did not live in room 410 last night, it is very likely that he will not die. Of course, all this is speculation, and it may still die.

There is only one human life. What happened last night cannot be repeated. Naturally, there is no way to find the most critical fatal factor through the controlled variable method.

Unlike last night, all rooms in Quanyun Apartment are open tonight. The actors can live in whatever they want, whether they are all squeezed in one room or living in different rooms.

However, they are not sure whether death can be avoided.

"I suggest that we spend the night in a team, so that even if we encounter danger, we will have a care for each other, so that the situation of last night will not appear." Tortoise said softly.

Qiancang glanced at the turtle.

During the investigation today, he had entered the tortoise's room.

The tortoise's room is very simple, except for the necessities of life, there are no other things for entertainment or recreation.

On the table beside the bed, there are two long strips of wooden signs with the words ‘golden’ and ‘cat’ on them respectively. In front of the wooden signs, there are two white candles on the left and the right.

"How many people did you send away?" Qian Cangyi asked such a sentence at that time.

"Plus them, there are 26 people." The tortoise sighed softly. "Although they can no longer speak, I will remember them. In the real world, I also recorded them."

"What if you die?" When Qian Cang asked these words, he stared at the tortoise's eyes.

Once the tortoise dies on its own, the memories and records of those who have died will disappear.

Perhaps there is still a trace of memories in the corner of the sea of ​​consciousness of an actor who has survived together, but over time, these "unimportant" memories will gradually fade away.

"I try to make myself immortal." Tortoise did not answer directly. After he finished speaking, he paused. "In fact, when there is no team, this is indeed a problem that has bothered me for a long time, but after the team appeared, this matter has A turnaround."

"The team has a recording function called a memory ball, which is similar to a notebook."

"Even if the actor dies, as long as the entire team is not destroyed, the ball of memory can continue to exist in the team space."

"It's important to note that the memory ball is expensive."

"In short, with the memory ball and team, the actor also has the attribute of ‘inheritance’."

"I have begun to record the movies I have experienced in the ball of memory. Although it cannot be called a'textbook', it can at least be used as a reference for actors who join the team later."

Tortoise has said a lot, and he seems to have a lot of mental pressure and needs to find someone to talk to.

"The ball of memory?" Qiancang vaguely remembered that this item existed, but many things in the team needed to be purchased with a remuneration, and in addition to the remuneration, it also needed the need for team honor.

"Well, you can also try, maybe you can find a little meaning in life." Turtle smiled, he smiled reluctantly.

As soon as Qian Cang looked at the tortoise's smile, for some reason, he remembered a topic that he had discussed with the shadow puppet show in the movie "Castle".

That is, whether the actors can consistently maintain their own motivation to survive.

Every half a month or so, I have to experience a world and experience the thrill of death passing by. After surviving, although there are rewards such as rewards, it is not worth mentioning in terms of the dangers encountered.

Even if the salary can be exchanged for the national currency, and the amount is not small after the fourth-line actors, can there really be actors who can easily enjoy the money exchanged with the salary?

The blood stained on this money may be the blood of a life-and-death companion!

Many actors wake up suddenly in the middle of the night after falling asleep, all because he dreamed of the horrible experience.

Post-traumatic stress disorder.

Compared with those who have suffered from disasters and wars, the pain experienced by actors is even better.

At least the others can comfort the former by saying, "You are safe now, and you will never meet again in the future."

What about the actors?

Maybe the comforting words will become, ‘Don’t be so pessimistic, maybe the next movie is more dangerous? Do you feel better when you think about it this way? ’

Without seeing the hope ahead, the noose called despair is gradually tightening the actor's neck, every minute and every second, never stopping.

"I thought about it carefully. Although the actors have inherited attributes, they may not be as powerful as I imagined."

"The destruction of a civilization is quite difficult. If there is no strong external force intervention, it may take a long time to disappear in the long river of history. But for an actor team, strong external forces are too common, after all, to maintain the team itself. The existence of is no different from walking a tightrope."

Speaking of this, as soon as Qiancang stopped, he found that the tortoise's expression became more depressed, so he immediately replied, "Of course, if I live this movie, I will definitely try the Memory Ball."

After waiting for two seconds, he found that the tortoise was not answering the conversation, as if in a daze, so he asked aloud: "Are you okay? Your condition doesn't look good."

Hearing Qian Cangyi’s words, Turtle’s eyes flickered, “No, just now I thought of someone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Time is running out, I will continue to investigate.” Qian Cangyi did not ask, but asked Turtle Be alone.

Time goes back to now, the lobby of Quanyun Apartment.

"It seems feasible, but thinking about it the other way around, maybe a team of people will die as soon as they die." Huama knocked on the desk.

"Then what should I do?" Liuli sighed, "I feel that any method can be done now, but no method will work."

"Then, how about free action?" A said.

"Freedom of action?" Nan'an was a little curious.

"Yes, I believe that each team and each actor has a different idea. It is better to act freely and send your own itinerary or plan to the group. Of course, it does not matter. The advantage of this is that it can be detected faster. The disadvantage of the condition that triggers death is that it is very likely to die, many people." A continued. ()

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