Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 755: Bright spot

"Wei Liangzhe..." Nan An glanced at the guard room.

"Wei Liangzhe was never a resident of Quanyun Apartment. He was the first person Quanyun Apartment directly killed in front of us." Qiancang said, "Using a commercial relationship to explain, we are all customers. And Wei Liangzhe is an employee. This is where we differ from Wei Liangzhe."

"Otherwise, we can't live to the present. Two days are enough for Quanyun Apartment to kill us all, but it doesn't. Is it impossible or not? I prefer the former. Of course, it can't and is only temporary, in satisfaction. After a certain condition, perhaps this restriction will be lifted."

After speaking, Qian Cang sighed, and he glanced at Nan An and A Zhu.

"I will investigate those rooms later. I know this is not helpful to you, but it is my choice."

Here, Qiancangyi uses the word ‘I’ instead of ‘us’.

Although in many cases, he is responsible for planning and task arrangement, he is not yet a team leader or team leader, and no corresponding position is given in the team mechanism.

There is only the category of core team members, and this category allows multiple people to exist, and there is no requirement that the number of people must be odd.

"I see, let's go." A Zhu didn't want to say more.

"Hey, you do have a reason to do this. From the overall situation, it is much better than me and A Zhu who are supporting themselves, but many times people are involuntary." Nan An glanced at A Zhu, "We are here. I will notify you if there is news, and I hope you can find out."

The other party had already explained so clearly that Nan'an and A Zhu were unwilling and could not help them.

At this time, A Zhu glanced at Qiancang, "Cang Yi, let me borrow a minute from you."

"Oh? Is it related to me?" Qian Jiangyue smiled.

what? This guy……

A Zhu's heart is turbulent, but the expression on his face has not changed. He shook his head, "No, it's something else, don't worry, it won't take you too much time."

Qiancang nodded.

The two walked outside Quanyun's apartment together.

"Can you talk now?" Qiancang looked around.

A Zhu also checked the surroundings himself. The most important thing was to check the entrance of the Quanyun Apartment lobby. After that, he took out the photos he had just found, and then lowered his voice and said, "This is the photo I just found, although I'm not sure about it. False, but I think it is very likely to be true."

As soon as Qiancang took the photo, the image above was a cat who was answering the phone, and he saw the word next to it.

"Why?" Qian Cangyi returned the photo to A Zhu.

"Have you forgotten the question the tortoise asked after he came back this morning? Although both tortoise and A tend to be rescued by the cat, they probably also know that the cat is more likely to not leave their room. I think, maybe There is a certain agreement between their team, or the atmosphere of their team is like this, such as Wei Shengjin." A Zhu put the photo away.

"Are you trying to make me beware of him?" Qiancang asked.

"I'm just telling you about this. As for how you judge and act, it's your team's own business. I can't intervene because I only understand that for the time being." A Zhu's expression was gloomy.

"But this photo was given to you by Quanyun Apartment, isn't it? The enemy took the initiative to give you information." Qian Cang looked at A Zhu's eyes.

"I know, so I just told you about it. By the way, my guess is not absolutely certain." Azhu glanced at the road in the distance, "I'll stop here, go in." After that, he Walk into Quanyun Apartment.

After returning to the apartment, Qiancang greeted the three of them and began to investigate the room in Quanyun's apartment.

"What did A Zhu say to you?" Qian Cangyi was asked by the shadow puppet while he was going up the stairs.

"He said that the reason the cat would leave his room was Qian Jiangyue cheated the cat." Qian Cangyi didn't hide it, and his tone was calm, let alone Qian Jiangyue.

"Really? Is there evidence?" The shadow play was taken aback for a moment.

"Really." Qian Jiangyue answered.

"Huh?" The shadow play had an incredible face, "but why?"

Hearing this question, Qian Jiangyue rubbed his eyes, "Reason? I thought she would leave the room and all four people would survive."

"So?" The shadow play thought for a while, and it made sense.

"No other reason?" Hawkeye glanced at Qian Jiangyue.

"Perhaps, my condition is worse than before, so you should be careful too." Qian Jiangyue pressed her temple with her right hand.

"Is Nan Yuan talking to you? What is he talking about?" Qian Cang asked.

At this time, it is only two steps away from the second floor.

Suddenly, Qian Jiangyue stopped, "Do you really want to know?"

"Go ahead." Qiancang nodded.

"He said that the residents of the entire apartment should be sold as commodities. After all, each of the residents here is a negative person. First, accumulate a certain amount of funds, and then use the peculiarities of Quanyun Apartment to repeat the previous scams and earn enough to earn enough for themselves. Leave here after disguising your identity." Qian Jiangyue finished speaking and patted the handrail with her right hand. "To be honest, I think this suggestion is good."

"It's too long." Qiancang shook his head.

"There is no need to create a new scam. Joining an existing scam in the middle can benefit more quickly and the time can be greatly shortened." While saying this, Qian Jiangyue has already set foot on the second floor, "It is faster than cheating money. The only way to make money is to grab, but usually people will combine the two."

"Cheat, make yourself look more gentle, rob, make yourself look more reasonable. Combine the two together, get a legal certificate, and take a name like'bank'..." At this point, Qian Jiangyue stopped. After coming down, he seemed to think of something.

"Why is it more reasonable to grab a club?" The shadow play always felt Qian Jiangyue had said the opposite.

"Because the weak and the strong is the general rule for all living things." Hawkeye helped explain.

At this moment, the other three will take two more steps to reach the second floor.

Suddenly, Qian Jiangyue turned around. He opened his mouth and said two sentences, but there was no sound.

"What's the matter with you?" Qiancang said.

He was about to take the last step to the second floor, but when his left foot landed, he found that he was even further away from the second floor.

There are many more steps.

Qian Jiangyue is separated from Qiancang one or three people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The steps that originally had only one level have now become ten steps.

The moment he saw this scene, the chain flew out of Qian Jiangyue's right hand, and Qian Cangyi's right hand took out the eternal clock from his pocket.


After taking two steps, he grabbed Qian Jiangyue's chain with his left hand, and the time was filled up again.

Qian Jiangyue saw Qian Cangyi had grabbed the chain and chose to take it back quickly.

In this way, Qiancang quickly flew to the second floor where Qian Jiangyue was. Seeing the shadow play and the eagle eye, he stepped up the stairs again, but the originally static stairs are now like a high-speed escalator. No matter how you run, the next Seconds will return to the turn of the stairs on the first and second floors.

Hawkeye tried the armrest, and the result was the same.

"What is it?" After landing, Qiancangyi went directly to the subject.

Qian Jiangyue pointed to his mouth and motioned Qian Cang to take a look at his lips, but before he could speak, a very stinky and choking smell emanated from the wall, preventing his movement.

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