Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 756: interference

It seems that Qian Jiangyue has indeed found a key clue. The question is...How did Quanyun Apartment know that Qian Jiangyue had discovered the key clue? Can it detect the consciousness of residents?

Qiancangyi's mind was full of thoughts.

He took out his mobile phone and shook it in front of Qian Jiangyue, with a clear meaning, sending a message with the tool.

As actors, they are certainly not illiterate.

The reason why I use a mobile phone instead of letting Qian Jiangyue write directly on the ground is because I am worried that Quanyun Apartment will change the topography. Since it can make such a big change to the stairs, it is not difficult to change the ground on which I am writing.

The mobile phone exists away from the apartment. Even if the apartment can block the signal and the information cannot be sent, it is difficult to affect Qian Jiangyue's message on the mobile phone.

As long as you write it down and show it to Qiancang, the information can be passed on.

Since Quanyun Apartment cannot directly kill the residents, it will not be long before all residents, not just the actors, will know the clues Qian Jiangyue has discovered.

Qian Jiangyue forcibly resisted the urge to cough, took out the phone, and moved very skillfully, then he opened the sticky note.

At this moment, the ground under Qian Jiangyue's right foot suddenly sank, causing him to bend to the side, and the sudden change in the center of gravity made him unable to continue typing at all.

Qian Jiangyue also knew this, so he threw the phone to his left hand and supported the ground with his right hand to prevent him from falling.

Now Qian Cangyi wanted to help, but he couldn't help it. If it were himself, he could naturally leave the information under the time suspend, but Qian Jiangyue could not do so.

Qian Jiangyue successfully caught the phone with his left hand, but when he was about to press the button again, the whole person began to fall completely to the right, and the originally flat ground actually began to tilt, and the amplitude was very large.

Qiancang, who had been vigilant, reached out and grabbed Qian Jiangyue, but he himself fell to the right.

They only need two seconds. Unfortunately, Quanyun Apartment will not give them two seconds.

The two fell directly into the corridor, and as the ground was changed, they seemed to be sitting on a slide.

The originally flat corridor has become extremely distorted.

Suddenly, a certain part of the corridor changed again, and the two were completely separated and entered two different rooms.


The sound of the door closing sounded behind him.

Qiancang waited for a while, and after confirming that there was no change, he climbed up from the ground.

Actually achieve this level? Where did Quanyun Apartment observe us? Having said that, is there anything Qian Jiangyue can discover, but I can't? Among the four people on the way back from hell, the biggest difference between us and Qian Jiangyue is that he stayed outside for one night.

Is it because of this? But even if they stayed outside for one night, they didn't gain anything. The only gain was knowing that they would lose the protection of Quanyun Apartment and be wanted. Besides, can knowing this change our current situation? Can't.

Or is it because of what he said when we were upstairs? That is to hand over the rest of the households to pay off the debts of their roles, or to ease their debts, so that they have the ability to repay.

If this is the case, then Hawkeye and I should be treated the same way. Why is it only aimed at Qian Jiangyue?

Qiancang thought.

He glanced out the window. He was on the second floor at this time, but he couldn't confirm which room it was. The only thing he could confirm was that it was an empty room. There were no occupants and no weird things.

At this time, Qian Cangyi had another idea in his mind.

Nanyuan? I just said this word, is it because of this? Is it possible that the unique "illusion" so far is due to this reason?

Thinking of this, Qiancang walked to the door.

He stretched out his hand to open the door, and everything went well without encountering any obstacles.

The corridor outside the door is all normal, and the dim light still brings light to the corridor as usual.

Qiancang glanced at his house number, room 0212, and the opposite was room 0346.

The house number has changed, not only is it disrupted, but there is also a number 0 in front of it.

Obviously this indicates something.

"It's a bit troublesome." Qiancang took a deep breath and walked out of the room.

He looked left and right, and the surrounding house numbers were all disrupted. As a result, it became completely infeasible to report his position through house numbers.

Seeing the situation getting more weird, Qiancangyi still didn't panic.

His judgment is very simple. If Quanyun Apartment still hides in the dark and does not rush to create traps, it will make people feel scared. The current practice of Quanyun Apartment is more like an angry beast. This shows that the actor may have been close to the truth of the matter.


At the turning point in the middle of the stairs, Eagle Eye and Shadow Puppets have yet to find a way to escape.

The same goes for not only upward but downward stairs.

When I tried just now, the shadow puppetry wanted to become a shadow and escaped here, but it was still transported back.

"Hey...what did Qian Jiangyue say?" The shadow play leaned against the wall.

On the one hand, it was very uncomfortable to be trapped, on the other hand, she was very curious about what Qian Jiangyue had discovered.

In many movies she participated in, shadow puppetry always relied on intuitive judgments to escape from the near-death situation. As for why this was the case, she could only infer afterwards.

The limitations of this inference are very large, and it is easy to draw wrong conclusions.

More importantly, the conclusions reached after the event are basically useless. By that time, the movie has been finished, and the actors should enter the soil, the life of the life, whether it is like this, no one cares.

"Perhaps he didn't say anything." Hawkeye gave his own answer~www.wuxiaspot.com~Huh? I obviously saw him speak. "The shadow play frowned.

She didn't like Hawkeye and Qian Jiangyue's way of speaking, and her thinking was too jumpy.

"Have you forgotten what Cang Yi said? Everything that Quanyun Apartment did before was to interfere with our normal progress. No matter what Qian Jiangyue said just now, as long as we eliminate it, we will definitely seek the root if we are curious. Going to the bottom, in this way, our time is wasted again." Hawkeye explained.

"Looking at Qian Jiangyue's performance at the time, it seems that he also thinks he has guessed it correctly. I am afraid what he said is not the kind of content like'what to eat tonight'." The shadow play pouted.

"Well... what you said makes sense." Hawkeye thoughtfully.

The shadow puppet was stunned for a moment, "Forget it, let's not talk about it, we'd better find a way to get out of here first." She glanced at the phone, "There is still no signal, alas, I can't contact other actors."

"Don't panic, it doesn't make sense to leave here blindly." Hawkeye looked up and down. "Let's first think about whether we should go upstairs or go back to the first floor."

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