Please call me the Golden Ancient Prince

In a relatively well-preserved hall, Holy Son Ziwei’s attention was completely focused on the immortal green gold in front of him, and he had no idea that there were three uninvited guests behind him.

The immortal green gold is as big as a human head, which is enough to drive anyone crazy.


Purple light flashed in the eyes of the Holy Son Ziwei, and the spiritual power in his body was running wildly to bombard the restrictions protecting the immortal green gold.

This restriction was originally not something that could be shaken by just the life and death realm. Even if the quasi-emperor came, the restriction in its peak state would be difficult to shake. However, after long years of erosion, the power of the restriction was almost exhausted, which gave Ziwei Saint A chance.

“It turned out to be Immortal Green Gold!” Li Beifei was surprised in his heart. He didn’t expect that Holy Son Ziwei was so lucky. He found the legendary Immortal Green Gold within less than a day of separation.

“I didn’t expect that the harvest from one divination would be so great.” Bai Yifei’s eyes were full of surprise. It was immortal green gold the size of a human head. Many of the ancient emperor’s imperial weapons were not all made of immortal gold. They were making When it came to the Imperial Soldiers, they only added a fist-sized amount of Immortal Gold to make the weapons contain the characteristics of Immortal Gold, so that the Imperial Soldiers could exert their full strength.

The immortal green gold that is as big as a human head in front of them, even if they divide it evenly, will be enough to forge imperial weapons in the future.

“Brother, what should I do?” Xuan Mingzi said excitedly. It has only been less than a day, and he has become more and more proficient in calling Li Beifei “eldest brother”. He has no choice but to hang out with his eldest brother. His worth is unknown. How many times has it doubled?

Bai Yifei also looked at Li Beifei. This small team of three people had vaguely formed with Li Beifei as the leader.

Li Beifei thought for a while and then sent a message: “The moment he breaks the restriction, I will make a sudden attack on him and entangle him. You two will quietly collect the Immortal Green Gold and leave immediately.”

Li Beifei pointed out a direction and asked them to wait for him there.

Bai Yifei and Xuan Mingzi looked at each other and both felt that this plan was feasible.

However, Bai Yifei frowned and said, “Sage Ziwei must be wishing for your death now. Will he become alert as soon as you appear?”

Xuan Mingzi also nodded. When the Fountain of Youth was born, Li Beifei and the others cooperated The news of the elimination of Holy Son Taishi and Holy Son Ziwei has spread throughout the academy. Even though he is a bit face-blind, he still knows about this matter. At that time, one of the arms of Holy Son Ziwei was cut off by Li Beifei.

Li Beifei chuckled. He took out two bottles of elixirs and introduced them respectively: “This bottle is called the concealment elixir. After taking it, the breath can be perfectly concealed. Even the strong men who have reached the eighth level of the holy realm cannot detect it. This One bottle is called the Disguise Pill, which is used in conjunction with the Hidden Pill. After taking it, you can perfectly transform into another person. The effect is similar to the Hidden Pill. Even if you enter the eighth level of the Saint Realm, you won’t be able to see the effects of these two pills. It can only last for an hour.”

After saying that, Li Beifei gave each of them a bottle of concealment pill and a bottle of disguise pill. These things made great contributions to the establishment of the Seven Star Sword Sect.

After the two heard about the miraculous effects of these two pills, their eyes shone, and Bai Yifei even said, “Wouldn’t it be possible to perfectly hide bad things in the future?”

But Xuan Mingzi’s focus was different. Asked: “Brother, since you have such a magical elixir, why didn’t you use it during the trial at Tiandu Mountain?”


Seeing that Li Beifei didn’t answer, Xuan Mingzi said, “Did you forget it? ”

How is it possible? The trial at Tiandu Mountain was too special. Even if I changed my appearance, the change in points would make people guess it was me. If I had used it at that time, wouldn’t it be exposed if I used it again now?” Li Beifei said. .

“Brother, are you preparing for now?” Xuan Mingzi continued to ask.

“Of course!” Li Beifei held his head high and walked down the stairs.

“Then why did you still knock on the sap when you knew that the sap would be exposed in the rankings?” Xuan Mingzi asked in confusion.

“Stop having so many whys. The restriction is about to be broken by Holy Son Ziwei.” Li Beifei has a head and two heads. Do you have a hundred thousand whys in your head? Your brother, I was stupid at that time, okay?

Hearing that the restriction was about to be broken, Xuan Mingzi also restrained his curiosity, but still muttered: “We’ll ask after we get out.” ”


Can I not let go of this little brother? Li Beifei roared in his heart.

Bai Yifei was holding back his laughter. A shameless guy like Li Beifei could only be cured by a simple and honest character like Xuan Mingzi.

But the next moment, Bai Yifei overturned Xuan Mingzi’s simple and honest persona.

He saw Xuan Mingzi’s breath perfectly restrained after taking a hidden pill. If he hadn’t been able to see Xuan Mingzi, he would have thought that Xuan Mingzi did not exist in this world.

After taking the Concealment Pill, Xuan Mingzi took another Disguise Pill, and then his body slowly changed, and even the clothes on his body changed accordingly.


After the change was over, Bai Yifei couldn’t help cursing secretly that Xuan Mingzi had turned into the Holy Son of Taishi!

Xuan Mingzi took out a mirror and found that he had really turned into the appearance of the Holy Son of Taishi. He chuckled and said, “Damn, let you look down on me in Tianduan Mountain. I’ll teach you a lesson!”

And Li Beifei looked at it. When Xuan Mingzi became the Holy Son of Taishi, he patted his shoulder with great satisfaction and said, “We are indeed good brothers.” The

Holy Son of Taishi also had a deep hatred for him. Even if Xuan Mingzi did not change, He will also change, but since Xuan Mingzi chose the Holy Son of Taishi, he has a better choice.

Li Beifei also took the two elixirs one by one, and then transformed into a handsome young man wearing a golden robe.

“Please call me the Ancient Golden Prince!” Li Beifei said with a proud look on his face, rivaling the Ancient Golden Prince.


Bai Yifei was speechless. He also swallowed two pills, but he did not become anyone, but a strange face.

“I said you don’t have any enemies?” Li Beifei asked in surprise.

“I, Tianji Pavilion, have always been kind to others. How could we have so many enemies? Of course, except for the ones you set up for me.” Bai Yifei said.

When Li Beifei heard this, why did he feel that you were connoting me, Li?

Forget it, let’s get down to business.

The three of them set their sights on Ziwei Holy Son and Immortal Green Gold.

After continuous attacks, the forbidden shield on Immortal Green Gold has become thinner and weaker.

Upon seeing this, Holy Son Ziwei’s eyes flashed with a hint of joy, and at the same time a hint of fatigue appeared on his face. He continued to use all his strength to bombard the restrictions, which even he couldn’t bear.

He glanced around, and his spiritual thoughts swept across dozens of miles. When he found that there was no one, he took out a pill, trying to replenish the spiritual power in his body, in case he broke the restriction, and outsiders happened to come to fight for it. It’s not a good thing if he doesn’t have enough spiritual power at that time.

When Li Beifei saw this, he cursed secretly: “Damn, this kid actually knows how to take precautions.”

Then he sent a message: “I’m going to take action now. I can’t let him replenish his spiritual power. You act according to the opportunity!”

The two nodded.

Just when Holy Son Ziwei took out the elixir, a powerful aura suddenly struck behind him.

Holy Son Ziwei was so startled that he didn’t even have time to put the elixir into his mouth, and he quickly punched back.

There was a loud “boom”, and Holy Son Ziwei, who had hurriedly punched, was forced back several feet by the powerful force.

At this time, a cold and arrogant voice sounded.

“I didn’t expect that I would meet a human race and immortal green gold here. Haha, it turns out that this prince is the protagonist of this era!”

Li Beifei’s incarnation of the ancient golden prince appeared in front of the Holy Son Ziwei.

Holy Son Ziwei looked forward, his pupils shrank, and his eyes revealed a mixture of shock and confusion!

He had obviously explored the surroundings, how could he appear?

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