Li Beifei’s blood turns into a rainbow

“Golden Ancient Prince!”

Holy Son Ziwei looked at Li Beifei’s incarnation of Golden Ancient Prince with cold eyes. Just after a blow, the powerful energy destroyed all the elixirs that replenished his spiritual power. He had a feeling that Golden Ancient Prince The prince did this on purpose, so that he would not have the chance to recover his spiritual power and easily seize the immortal green gold.

“Yes, I actually know this prince. Because of your efforts, I will not take your life. Go away!”

Li Beifei smiled secretly in his heart, but his expression was extremely arrogant, as if he was the boss of the world. The appearance of the third child, his eyes full of disdain for the Holy Son Ziwei.

“Hmph, the son of a dignified ancient emperor actually did such a villainous thing!”

Holy Son Ziwei snorted coldly, his tone full of teasing, thinking that the ancient prince Huang Jin’s sneak attack was an insult to the son of the ancient emperor. identity.

When Li Beifei heard this, he laughed secretly in his heart. The more you scold, the better.

However, he looked at Holy Son Ziwei and found that the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth was entering Ziwei Holy Son’s body at an extremely regular frequency. It was obvious that Holy Son Ziwei was secretly restoring his spiritual power by running secret techniques.

“How this prince behaves is none of your business?”

Li Beifei sneered, took a step forward, and punched the Holy Prince Ziwei.

Holy Son Ziwei’s pupils shrank, he crossed his hands in front of him, and there was a muffled “bang” sound. He barely blocked the attack of the “Golden Ancient Prince”, but he was still a few steps away from the immortal green gold.

Holy Son Ziwei looked at the “Golden Ancient Prince”, and a trace of doubt flashed in his heart. It is said that the Golden Ancient Clan’s magical power, the Golden Divine Treasure, is extremely powerful. When he uses it, the sky is filled with golden light. Does he look down on me if he doesn’t use the Golden Divine Treasure?

Thinking of this, Holy Son Ziwei’s face darkened and he said in a deep voice: “Prince Huang Jin, you actually humiliated me like this?” ”


Li Beifei looked confused, how could I humiliate you?

But on the surface, Li Beifei looked arrogant and said: “I am the father and the Golden Ancient Emperor. You are just a human race. Why should I humiliate you?” ”


Holy Son Ziwei still wanted to speak, but he greeted him It was a huge fist.


Purple light flashed across Ziwei’s body, and he punched Li Beifei.

“Hey!” Li Beifei exclaimed in surprise. Holy Son Ziwei actually blocked his attack this time.

“The purple energy is mighty!”

Holy Son Ziwei roared angrily, and the purple energy released from his body forcefully forced Li Beifei back.

“Golden Ancient Prince, since you look down on me so much, I have no choice but to force you to use the Golden Divine Treasure.” Holy Son Ziwei said coldly. He was bathing in purple light at this time, his long hair was flying, and his momentum was even more tyrannical. Compared with before, they are completely different.

“What kind of golden treasure?” Li Beifei was confused in his heart.

“Of course it’s the peerless imperial art created by the Golden Ancient Emperor.” Lao Liu said, this kid doesn’t even know the details of others when playing role-playing.

“That’s it!” Li Beifei nodded. He didn’t know anything about the golden treasure. After all, he, the ancient golden prince, was just a fake.

But even if he doesn’t use the Golden Divine Treasure, Li Beifei is not afraid of being exposed.

“Hmph, I don’t need the Golden Divine Treasure to deal with you.” Li Beifei snorted coldly. His body, transformed into the Golden Ancient Prince, shook, and streaks of blood began to spread around him, and finally slowly turned into divine rainbows!

“Blood Qi turns into a rainbow?!” Holy Son Ziwei said in shock.

Yes, it was blood energy that turned into a rainbow, no more, no less, the same number as what Gu Tianjun had used before, the same nine.

Li Beifei’s face was full of disdain when he saw the shocked expression of Holy Son Ziwei. You have listened to the screams for three days in a row. Do you think I have gained nothing?

Gu Changsheng said that he would beat him to the point where his blood would turn into a rainbow, and he really beat him to the point where his blood would turn into a rainbow.

Xuan Mingzi and Bai Yifei in the dark were also extremely surprised.

Xuan Mingzi sent a message and asked: “You have known Big Brother longer than me. Do you know that he has such skills?”

Bai Yifei shook his head.

Seeing this, Xuan Mingzi sighed: “Big brother is indeed the sixth brother. He always hides his secret.”

Bai Yifei nodded in agreement.

Lao Liu: I am not mentioned everywhere, but I am everywhere.

Li Beifei was surrounded by nine divine rainbows. He didn’t use swordsmanship at all and used his physical body to defeat Holy Son Ziwei.

However, this is also because the spiritual power in the body of Ziwei Holy Son is too high, otherwise even if he was not Li Beifei’s opponent, he would not be as embarrassed as he is now.

Holy Son Ziwei retreated steadily and was soon pushed to the corner of the hall.

At this time, Li Beifei sent word that the two of them would take action.

Xuan Mingzi and Bai Yifei looked at each other and understood each other’s meaning.


Xuan Mingzi’s incarnation of the Holy Son of Taishi suddenly appeared in front of the Immortal Green Gold, and punched the Immortal Green Gold’s forbidden shield.

“Holy Son of Taishi?” Holy Son Ziwei, who was forced into a corner by Li Beifei, was shocked. He quickly said: “Holy Son of Taishi, the Golden Ancient Prince is here, how about we join forces to suppress him?”

“Taishi “The Holy Son” heard this, just glanced at him, and then continued to bombard the restrictions.

Holy Son Ziwei’s expression froze.

When the “Golden Ancient Prince” saw that the “Saint Son of Taishi” was attacking the restriction, he gave up on the Holy Son of Ziwei and turned around to pretend to attack the “Saint Son of Taishi”.

But at this moment, a strange man in the form of Bai Yifei appeared and stood in front of the “Golden Ancient Prince” incarnated by Li Beifei. He shouted to the “Holy Son of Taishi”: “Holy Son, hurry up, I’ll stop him .”

After saying that, Bai Yifei used his magical power to stand in front of Li Beifei.

“Get out of here!”

Li Beifei roared angrily in a show-like manner, surrounded by a divine rainbow, and punched Bai Yifei.

With a “bang”, Bai Yifei was blown away. At this time, the “Taishi Holy Son” incarnated by Xuan Mingzi had broken the restriction. With a wave of his hand, he collected the immortal green gold the size of a human head, and then continued Without looking back, he left in the direction mentioned before.

“Damn it, stop for me!”

The “Golden Ancient Prince” roared angrily, and turned into a divine rainbow to chase after the “Holy Son of Taishi”.

And the strange man in Bai Yifei’s incarnation had left quietly.

In the main hall, only Holy Son Ziwei was left standing in the corner. His expression was dull. Things developed too quickly, completely beyond his imagination.

From the time “Holy Son of Taishi” appeared to when he left, it was just three breaths of time. This sudden change made Holy Son Ziwei confused.

He looked at the place where the immortal green gold was stored. It was already empty. If he hadn’t been hurt by the powerful physical power of the “Golden Ancient Prince”, he would have thought that what he had just experienced was an illusion.

“My majestic Holy Son of Ziwei Holy Land actually made a wedding dress for others?”

Holy Son Ziwei’s face was full of disbelief.

“Ahem!” Holy Son Ziwei wanted to move to catch up, but suddenly he coughed up two mouthfuls of blood. He tore open the clothes on his chest and found that they were full of fist marks.

“The Ancient Golden Prince!”

Holy Son Ziwei suddenly screamed to the sky like a madman. He felt that it was all because of the Ancient Golden Prince that he lost the immortal green gold.


The golden ancient prince who was in a secret realm suddenly sneezed.

“What’s going on?” The Golden Ancient Prince frowned slightly. Logically speaking, at his level, he shouldn’t sneeze, but he didn’t think too much about it. The treasure in front of him was important.

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