Li Ruoyu comes looking for her

On a mountain, three people who recovered their true bodies came here.

At this time, the three of them were sitting together with smiles on their faces. The happiest among them was Xuan Mingzi. This was his first time coming into contact with immortal gold, and it was still such a big piece.

Although the Yin Yang Sect is a major sect in the Eastern Region, its history is only tens of thousands of years old. Even their founding ancestor has only heard of emperor-level materials such as Immortal Gold.

He had just harvested such a large piece of immortal gold, so it was strange that he was unhappy.

“I will leave this Immortal Green Gold with you first, and we will find a way to separate him after we leave.”

Li Beifei said to Xuan Mingzi.

Bai Yifei and Xuan Mingzi also nodded. The immortal gold on their fingernails was as heavy as a stone. If they took out the immortal green gold the size of a human head now, their current mountain would be crushed, causing a huge The abnormal sound will expose them, so that their disguise as someone else will also be exposed.

“Hehe, I wonder if Holy Son Ziwei and Holy Son Taishi will fight after they meet.” Xuan Mingzi chuckled.

When Bai Yifei saw this, he couldn’t help but complained: “I thought you were kind-hearted, but I didn’t expect you to be so evil.”

Xuan Mingzi heard this and said, “What is evil? My wisdom is to drive away wolves and swallow tigers. Do you understand wisdom?”

“Brother, do you think this is wisdom?”

Xuan Mingzi looked at Li Beifei.

Of course Li Beifei nodded in recognition and said, “Xuan Mingzi is right. This is our wisdom. When the time comes, they will fight better. Let’s fight like a snipe and a clam, and the fisherman will benefit!” Bai Yifei

slapped his forehead, and he felt that he This is the pirate ship of Li Beifei.

The three of them discussed for a while, and Li Beifei asked Bai Yifei to do another divination, but this time Bai Yifei was unwilling to do it no matter what, even if he had the Nine-Revolution Life-Sustaining Pill.

“Brother, you really think that there is no cost for me to deduce the secret. If I continue to deduce the secret, I may die young.” Bai Yifei was about to cry but had no tears.

“Is it possible that my life will be shortened?” Li Beifei curled his lips.

“It’s not bad that the life span is shortened. The Nine Turns of Life Extension Pill can make up for it, but it’s not just the reason for the shortened life span. Forget it, you don’t understand even if I tell you. If you are a disciple of the Holy Buddha, you will definitely understand.” Bai Yifei said helplessly.

“It’s cause and effect!”

At this moment, a voice sounded.

Upon hearing this, the three people stood up quickly, their faces full of vigilance, as if they were guilty of committing crimes.

The person who came was wearing a purple Taoist robe and had a warm smile on his face.

“Li Ruoyu?” Li Beifei was startled, and then he felt a little embarrassed.

Logically speaking, Li Ruoyu was the first to have a grudge against him during the trial at Tianduan Mountain, much earlier than Holy Son Taishi and Holy Son Ziwei. However, after the trial, Li Ruoyu did not trouble him at all. In comparison, Holy Son Taishi and Holy Son Ziwei are extremely weak.

Look at Li Ruoyu, who is also a disciple of the Immortal Power Dao Sheng Sect. Why is he not as vengeful as you two Holy Land Saints?

“Brother Li, I finally found you.” Li Ruoyu said to Li Beifei with a smile.

“Uh…well, Li…Brother Ruoyu, what do you want from me?” Li Beifei asked. They both had the same surname of Li, and it was weird to call each other Brother Li, so he could only call him Brother Ruoyu.

Li Ruoyu glanced at Xuan Mingzi and Bai Yifei, but stopped talking.

Seeing this, Li Beifei smiled and said, “Brother Ruoyu, just say that they are all my brothers and you can trust me.” ”

In that case, I will make it clear.”

Li Ruoyu nodded, and then stated his purpose of looking for Li Beifei.

It turned out that when the academy distributed the Tianduan Mountain trial ranking rewards, Li Ruoyu noticed Li Beifei’s disdain for the Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pill. However, at that time, he did not have any treasure that could be exchanged for the Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pill, so he could only drag it with him. .

It wasn’t until he entered the Tomb of the Immortal Emperor that he obtained two holy medicines not long ago, so he wanted to exchange these two holy medicines with Li Beifei for the Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pill. Before that, he had been looking for Li Beifei. Until just now, he discovered I knew there was someone on this mountain, so I tried my luck and looked for him. I didn’t expect to find Li Beifei.

Li Beifei and the other three were relieved when they heard that Li Ruoyu had just arrived. They were all dazzled by the Immortal Green Gold and didn’t even notice Li Ruoyu. If other people with malicious intentions launched a sneak attack on them, then Don’t they have to shed their skin?

“You must learn a lesson!” Li Beifei warned Bai Yifei and Xuan Mingzi.

The two nodded, and Xuan Mingzi smiled and said, “It’s my first time doing this, so I’m not familiar with the business, so I’m sorry.” ”


God, you’re not familiar with the business, you’ve lowered our standards.

Li Ruoyu looked at Li Beifei and the others in confusion.

“Brother Li, why can’t I understand what you are talking about?” Li Ruoyu asked.

“Ahem, it’s nothing. Brother Ruoyu, don’t you want to exchange the holy medicine for my Nine Revolutions Life-Sustaining Pill? Come and exchange it!” Li Beifei quickly changed the subject.

“Oh, okay!” Li Ruoyu didn’t think too much. He took out the two holy medicines, and a refreshing medicinal fragrance suddenly filled his body.

“This is…”

Looking at the two identical holy medicines that Li Ruoyu took out, Li Beifei and the other three were stunned. They didn’t even recognize these things.

The two holy medicine plants looked exactly the same, just like a pair of twin babies, except that they had three more green leaves on the top and no vital signs such as heartbeat, otherwise they would have thought that Li Ruoyu had kidnapped and sold the child.

“Lao Liu, what kind of holy medicine is this?”

Li Beifei asked in his heart.

“This is a fucking holy medicine.” Li Beifei almost choked to death as soon as Lao Liu opened his mouth.

“What? Does Li Ruoyu want to fool me?” Li Beifei was angry in his heart.

“You know what the heck, this is the ginseng fruit from the Tiandi Linggen ginseng fruit tree. The ginseng fruit produced by the peak ginseng fruit tree. If you eat one, you can live as long as heaven and become an immortal. But unfortunately, the real ginseng fruit tree has been destroyed by the war. It was destroyed. The ginseng fruit trees in the world now are not even comparable to the elixir of immortality.”

“The efficacy of the medicine can only be compared to ordinary holy medicines.”

After Lao Liuyi explained, Li Beifei learned about the holy medicine in front of him. At the same time, he was extremely curious about the battle that Lao Liu talked about. He had asked Lao Liu before, but Lao Liu always sneered and ridiculed that his strength was too low and he was not worthy of knowing.

Helpless, he had no choice but to hide his curiosity.

Closer to home,

after Li Beifei learned that this was a ginseng fruit, he readily agreed to exchange the Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pill with Li Ruoyu.

Li Beifei carelessly took out a bottle full of nine-turn life-sustaining pills, poured one out and handed it to Li Ruoyu.

“Brother Li, don’t you only have one?” Li Ruoyu stared blankly at the bottle of Nine-Revolution Life-Sustaining Pill in Li Beifei’s hand.

“Who told you I only have one?” Li Beifei said in surprise.

“Isn’t there only one reward from the academy?” Li Ruoyu asked confused.

“That thing from the academy has been lost a long time ago!” Li Beifei shrugged. In order to compensate for the Qilin Sacred Fruit, he had to pay for several Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pills.

“Oh!” Li Ruoyu nodded blankly. This was the first time he had shown such an expression in his more than twenty years of life.


At this time, Xuan Mingzi said.

“Huh?” Li Beifei turned to look at Xuan Mingzi.

Xuan Mingzi winked crazily, and then looked at Li Ruoyu.

When Li Beifei saw it, he immediately understood what Xuan Mingzi meant.

A warm smile suddenly appeared on Li Beifei’s face and he said, “Brother Ruoyu, come here, I have something to tell you…”

After saying that, Li Beifei put his arm around Li Ruoyu’s shoulders and walked aside.

Seeing this, Bai Yifei looked at Li Ruoyu’s back and sighed: “It seems that our Daoist Li Ruoyu is also going to get on the pirate ship!”

This time Li Ruoyu is delivering goods to his door!

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