The Emperor’s Soldiers Resurrection

Eternal Life Cauldron?

After everyone heard the words of the Golden Ancient Prince, their eyes instantly became extremely hot.

“This must be the imperial weapon of the Immortal Emperor. If it can be obtained, it can turn a great sect into an immortal force in an instant.” Someone showed enthusiasm. The essential difference between a great sect and an immortal force is not only that the immortal force was founded by the emperor, but also There is the Immortal Force and the Imperial Armament left by the Great Emperor. The Imperial Armament is like a hanging sword, giving the Immortal Force a transcendent status.

“It’s just a fool’s errand. Are you the only one who still wants to control the imperial army?” After hearing this, Prince Huang Jin couldn’t help but sneer coldly.


“What are you, you, a bunch of frogs in a well.”

Before the man could finish speaking, the Golden Ancient Prince interrupted him. His attitude was extremely arrogant, but when he looked at the Eternal Life Cauldron, his expression was also very respectful. Said: “The Eternal Life Cauldron is the imperial weapon of the Human Race’s Holy Emperor Changsheng. It is also the strongest imperial weapon ever made with ten kinds of emperor-level materials, because the Eternal Life Cauldron was made of all the emperor-level materials. Soldiers, so at that time, the world also respected it as the Chaos Cauldron.”

“The emperor’s soldiers have spirit. If it is not the blood of the Changsheng Emperor or his descendants, who would dare to touch it except the emperor?”


In the end, the Golden Ancient Prince still said harshly Taunted the man.

“But since the Eternal Life Cauldron is here, it means that the Eternal Life Emperor has no descendants. Has the bloodline of the Holy Emperor been cut off?” The Tianyan woman’s tone was full of regret. Although the Eternal Life Emperor is the Holy Emperor of the human race, the strong man, regardless of the Wherever they are, they will be respected, especially their ancient clan, who have followed the law of respecting the strong since ancient times.

They look down on the weak human race, but if a strong human race is born, they will give enough respect. In this world, the strong is respected.

At this time, Li Beifei looked thoughtful.

“Junior brother!” At this moment, Honghong suddenly sent a message to Li Beifei.

“What are you thinking? You see, even people not from the human race know how to respect the Master better than you.” Hong Hong said with a smile.


Li Beifei’s face turned red. Upon seeing this, Honghong sent a message again: “You don’t want to plot the Eternal Life Cauldron, do you?”

“How is that possible?” Li Beifei quickly denied.

Honghong looked at Li Beifei suspiciously. She knew that Li Beifei’s Seven-Star Sword Box needed to swallow immortal gold to slowly recover. Could this guy be plotting against Master’s Eternal Life Cauldron?

“You’re not planning on letting the Seven-Star Sword Box swallow the Cauldron of Life, are you?” Hong Hong asked.

“How is that possible?” Li Beifei blurted out, instantly attracting everyone’s attention.

And the sixth child in Li Beifei’s body was madly despised. This guy, just now, he was thinking about whether he could let the Seven-Star Sword Box swallow the Eternal Life Cauldron. If you want to call me big brother, don’t say it now.

“Brother Li, have you discovered anything?” Gu Tianjun said.

Li Beifei shook his head and said: “It’s just strange that the Qinglong Elixir disappeared after it arrived here. Is there another space here?”

Everyone was startled when they heard this. Yes, they came here after the Qinglong Elixir. Yes, but what about the Azure Dragon Elixir? Is it in the Cauldron of Eternal Life?

Just when everyone was confused, a sudden change occurred!


The Eternal Life Cauldron made a dull sound, and then the entire cauldron began to emit colorful divine light. The entire imperial tomb instantly turned into a phantom world, and the rare and exotic beasts on the cauldron seemed to be captured by As if given life, they actually flew out, and they soared over the Eternal Life Cauldron.

Everyone looked at this scene in shock.

“The imperial soldiers have revived!”

Someone said something, and the next moment, there was a “boom” and an invisible pressure instantly pressed on everyone.


Everyone knelt down in unison at this moment, and a vast momentum came from the top of the altar.

The Eternal Life Cauldron shook slightly, the heaven and the earth trembled, and the space above the Eternal Life Cauldron exploded, like the beginning of chaos. Thousands of fairy lights fell down like draping hair, and those rare and exotic beasts seemed to be alive, singing in harmony with each other.

This scene made everyone palpitate.

“Emperor’s power, this is the emperor’s power!”

Someone immediately reacted. This is the emperor’s exclusive power. Once the emperor’s power comes out, all spirits will surrender!

“The emperor’s soldiers have revived. I’m afraid there may be changes. Retreat!”

The Golden Ancient Prince and the others looked at each other and decisively retreated.

A prince crushed the teleportation jade talisman, but nothing happened.

“It’s useless. The Eternal Life Cauldron is resurrecting, just like the sleeping emperor is awakening. All teleportation circles are no longer usable.”

They looked horrified.

“Run, run back to the entrance. I believe that the resurrection of the Eternal Life Cauldron is not because of us.” Golden Ancient Prince said decisively, and he also ran towards the entrance decisively. The imperial power was so powerful that they did not dare to fly in the sky.

The other princes and princesses also followed decisively.

When the academy students saw their panic, they were also panicked. They all looked at each other, not knowing whether they should run or not.

“Brother, are you running?” Xuan Mingzi asked Li Beifei.

“Run!” Li Beifei said decisively.

Just when they were about to leave, the Changsheng Cauldron emitted a burst of light, enveloping all the students in the academy, and the next moment, they all disappeared.

“Little brats, you have already paid your respects to me. Now it’s time for adults.”

Gu Changsheng’s voice sounded.

Outside the Tomb of the Immortal Emperor, all the surviving academy students were teleported out.

Gu Wei and the old man leading the team quickly stepped forward and put them on the boat.

Gu Wei looked at the majestic vision above the Immortal Tomb and said to the old man: “Teacher, send them away quickly. We will not be able to intervene next.” The

old man who led the team nodded, and then controlled the magic boat to move towards Humanity Academy returns.

When Gu Wei saw this, he glanced at the other immortal forces and said, “Go back, there will be a shocking battle here.”

After saying that, she also left.

Seeing this, the immortal forces also built a teleportation array and left one by one.

The ancestors of the Taikoo clan had ugly expressions on their faces, and their princes and daughters were still in the imperial tomb.

At this moment, the princes and princesses also came out of the exit. Their faces were all pale. It was obvious that they had paid a certain price in order to speed up.

“Run, the imperial soldiers have revived!” Golden Ancient Prince shouted as soon as he came out.


The ancestors and kings were shocked, and the emperor’s soldiers revived, as if the emperor was personally present, and no one but the emperor could surrender.

But they didn’t have time to think too much. They all used their trump cards to build a large teleportation circle and left here.


A godless power emanated from the Tomb of the Eternal Life, instantly spreading to the entire Tianhuang Star, and soon to the entire universe!

At this moment, all living beings trembled, and every living being was frightened, as if they had arrived in heaven and were facing the Supreme Emperor.

“Great Emperor, it’s the Great Emperor, see the Great Emperor!”

“See the Great Emperor!”

For a time, countless creatures began to worship. This was just a ray of imperial power generated by the independent resurrection of the Eternal Life Cauldron.

The great emperor is so powerful that all races in the universe must surrender.

Except for the Supreme Ancient Emperor who killed himself in the Life Restricted Area!

Immortal Forbidden Land!

“It’s the Eternal Life Cauldron, yes, it’s definitely the Eternal Life Cauldron. It’s revived. Is it warning me to wait? It’s a joke. It’s just an Eternal Life Cauldron. Do you think you are the Emperor of Eternal Life?”

A Supreme Being opened his eyes and looked at the Eternal Life Cauldron. Full of disdain, they were in awe of the Immortal Emperor, not the Eternal Life Cauldron.

“Everyone, since the Changsheng Cauldron has appeared, we can be sure that it is the tomb of the Changsheng Emperor. The Changsheng Emperor participated in the creation of the Changsheng Daogong and lived for a full 100,000 years in the second life, which is equivalent to the lifespan of five of us. Yuan, if we can learn the secret, it will definitely be of great benefit to us in extending our lifespan.”

After the words fell, there was silence for a long time.

“If you are interested, let’s go!”

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