The birth of the Supreme Ancient Emperor


The vision of the Immortal Tomb became more and more grand, and the power of the emperor became more and more powerful, as if the emperor was coming in person.

The divine light shoots straight into the sky and submerges into the sky. At this time, if someone is watching in the starry sky outside the territory, they will definitely see a divine light soaring into the sky, like an Optimus Prime, standing upright from the sky, and because of the colorful light, it looks extremely gorgeous.

The emperor’s power is so majestic that all living beings tremble.

At this moment, some powerful creatures in the universe were also awakened, looking at the wild star field in disbelief. They wanted to sense the connection between heaven and man, to temporarily merge with the avenue, and to sense the truth.

“The sky is blue. Is someone about to become enlightened?”

“How could this happen? The Tianxin Seal has not yet been born. How can there be the aura of the

great emperor permeating the air?” The ancient strong men of the human race were shocked, especially the ancestor kings of the ancient races. They couldn’t help but feel palpitations and fear in their hearts, because this aura of the emperor clearly belonged to the human race.

“Will our Taikoo clan have to face the rule of the great emperor of the human race as soon as we are born?”

Thinking of this, the Taikoo ancestor kings could not help but tremble and fear in their hearts. If this is true, their birth in today’s era is related to the suppression by the great emperor in the ancient times. What’s the difference?

Are you going to declare yourself a god and hide from the world again?

At the same time, almost at the same time, there was movement in all the forbidden areas of Tianhuang Star. There was a god-like aura surging and rolling in the restricted area. The aura of the Supreme Ancient Emperor oppressed the heaven and earth, making the world reach its peak, sweeping hundreds of millions of people. Thousands of miles.

“Oh my God, is the Supreme Ancient Emperor of the Life Forbidden Zone about to be born? What on earth is going on?”

Many living beings were trembling, because there was obvious evidence that the legendary dark turmoil was initiated by the major Life Forbidden Zones. Yes, now that the forbidden area of life is being moved, is dark chaos coming? Now that there is no great emperor born, who can resist the dark turmoil?

For a time, the hearts of many living beings were filled with a haze.

Immortal Forbidden Land, the terrain here is like a nine dragon pulling a coffin, as if a supreme immortal is buried. In ancient times, many outstanding people entered the Immortal Forbidden Land, but they were like a mud cow entering the sea, never to return.

At this time, a creature came out. He was shrouded in divine light, and his body shape could not be seen, but his aura overwhelmed the contemporary world. Just a ray of aura caused the nearby ancient sacred mountain to collapse.

His performance was completely unlike that of a self-proclaimed god for many years. He acted like a supreme being who had attained enlightenment in this world, with extremely abundant vitality.

Ancient Supreme!

In an instant, he restrained his aura, but the divine light emitted by the Tianling Gai shot straight into the sky, and could be detected even in the extremely distant star field.

Logically speaking, the Supreme Ancient Emperor is equivalent to the Great Emperor of the Human Race, and it is impossible for him to completely restrain himself.

This is related to their state. They are now in the state of killing themselves, and their realm is between the pinnacle of quasi-emperor and the great emperor. The divine light that soars into the sky that day is proof that they have killed themselves.

The unknown ancient supreme took a step forward, and everything seemed to go back in time. The next moment, he was in front of the Tomb of the Immortal Emperor.

The distance between the Immortal Forbidden Land and Central China is more than a billion miles? Only a supreme being comparable to the Great Emperor can reach it in one step. Otherwise, even a quasi-emperor would still need a cup of tea without having to teleport the magic circle.

“Emperor Immortal!”

At this time, he spoke, like thunder on the ground, and like the whisper of an ancient god.

He put his hands behind his back, and there was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, as if he was recalling his own prosperous years.

“Emperor Changsheng, it is my regret that I cannot be the same generation as you.” He said, he seemed to be very confident that even if he was the same generation as Emperor Changsheng, he could overwhelm him. This was the confidence of a generation of supreme beings.

Sea of Gods!

At this time, someone also walked out of one of the six forbidden areas of life known to the world.

Dressed in white, she is surrounded by fairy spirit and has a pure temperament, just like a fairy.

Turns out to be a woman!

Since ancient times, there have been two women who have reached the top of the extreme realm. One is from the ancient Tianyan tribe of the Taikoo tribe, and is known as the Queen of Tianyan.

The other one is the founder of Yaochi Holy Land, Our Lady of Yaochi.

The Holy Mother of Yaochi has already passed away, so the only female ancient emperor who appears now is the Queen of Heavenly Eyes.

The Queen of Heavenly Eyes opened one of her Heavenly Eyes between her brows. She was looking at the Tomb of the Emperor of Eternal Life, but she could only see an Eternal Life Cauldron exuding imperial power. She could not see anything else.

After a long time, she took a step forward, and a fairy light avenue appeared under her feet, leading directly to the Tomb of the Emperor of Immortality.

In just one step, she arrived in front of the Tomb of the Immortal Emperor. She glanced at the Supreme Being in the Immortal Forbidden Land, frowned slightly, and said in surprise, “Is it you?”

“Queen of Heavenly Eyes, I have long admired you!”

the Supreme Being said with a smile.

“When I first became enlightened, you took action against me.” Queen Tianyan said coldly.

“Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, so why should the queen be concerned? Now that the Tomb of the Immortal Emperor is in front of us, why don’t we work together to discover the secret of immortality?” The Supreme said with a smile, like an old fox.

“Hmph!” Queen Tianyan snorted, her attitude was very cold, she obviously refused, but she didn’t want to settle the score with him now, the secret of Emperor Changsheng was the most important.


Another Supreme Master walked out of the Divine Source, left the forbidden area, and came to the Tomb of the Immortal Emperor.

He was tall and tall, with cold eyes and a strong murderous intent that caused the void around him to collapse.

He comes from one of the six famous forbidden places, Immortal Ruins.

After he arrived, he only glanced coldly at the Supreme Being of the Immortal Forbidden Land and the Queen of Heavenly Eyes, and then looked at the Tomb of the Emperor of Immortality.

“Emperor Immortal, hum, if you were alive, I would like to see if your way of immortality can withstand my avenue of killing.”

His words were filled with disdain for Emperor Immortal.

“Are you the Nine Nether Supreme?”

the Supreme from the Immortal Forbidden Land asked.

“Ha!” He just smiled coldly and did not answer the question of the Immortal Forbidden Land Supreme.

The Supreme Being in the Immortal Forbidden Land just smiled softly, but he had already confirmed his inner guess.

The Supreme Lord of Jiuyou uses killing to prove the Way. He kills heaven, earth, and relatives. He kills everything. He uses killing to prove the Way. He is also known as the Supreme of Killing.

Interestingly, Jiuyou, an organization with a long history, was created by him.

Jiuyou Supreme is a person who lived millions of years ago. He is extremely ancient. No wonder he looks down on the Immortal Emperor.

However, living longer does not necessarily mean you are strong.

(I wish you all a happy Chinese Valentine’s Day again. I went on a date first, watched a movie late at night, and then booked a hotel, hehehe!)

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