The Holy Emperor of the Holy Spirit Lineage

All of a sudden, three supreme ancient emperors were born, and the mighty imperial power centered on Tianhuang Star filled the entire world of mortals in an instant. At this moment, the Tianhuang Star, like the sun in the darkness, has become the central focus of the universe. Immortal forces in the major star regions and other star regions have also set their sights on the Tianhuang Star.

They even used their own Ji Dao Emperor soldiers to open an ultra-long-distance teleportation array and descended on Tianhuang Star to observe the truth.

Except for a few of the thirty-six great emperors of the human race who have not left any legacy or bloodline inheritance, there are a total of sixteen immortal forces in the world, and Tianhuang Star accounts for more than half.

The people sent by the immortal forces from other star regions were all saints. When they came to Tianhuang Star, they were frightened by the truth in front of them.

“Three supreme and ancient emperors who are comparable to our human emperor have appeared in this world. Have they found the opportunity to become immortals?” A saint ancestor looked horrified. He came from the immortal power of the distant star field, Zifu Holy Land.

“If that’s the case, I’m afraid they will stir up dark chaos and bring trouble to the universe. Now that all races have no emperor, who can resist?” Some people’s faces were full of worry. If a supreme being or an ancient emperor were born, all their holy places would unite to revive with their own lives. There is still a chance that the imperial soldiers can stop them. Now three supreme ancient emperors have been born. If they launch a dark turmoil, no one in the universe can stop them.


Just when all the creatures were worried, another movement came from Tianhuang Star.

“That’s… the Mountain of Immortality!”

Someone exclaimed, with a look of horror on his face.

There is only one word difference between the Immortal Mountain and the Immortal Mountain, but their connotations are completely different. The Immortal Mountain is the orthodoxy left by the immortal emperor of the human race, while the Immortal Mountain is a restricted area of life that makes those who hear it change their minds.

But the Immortal Mountain has a deep connection with the Immortal Mountain.

Legend has it that the Immortal Emperor was not called the Immortal Emperor before he became emperor. After all, among the geniuses in the world, who can survive? But when the Immortal Emperor went through the Emperor’s Tribulation, someone in the Immortal Mountain took action against the Immortal Emperor, trying to make the Immortal Emperor fall in the Emperor’s Tribulation. However, the Immortal Emperor not only did not die, but also successfully passed through the Emperor’s Tribulation.

Therefore, he is known as the Immortal Emperor.

After becoming the emperor, the first thing the Immortal Emperor did was to conquer the Immortal Mountain. He entered the Immortal Mountain alone and faced many supreme ancient emperors in the Immortal Mountain alone. He captured an ancient sacred mountain and moved it to the Southern Wilderness. On this ancient sacred mountain, the Immortal Emperor created a Taoist tradition and called it the Immortal Mountain. It has one more word “god” than the Immortal Mountain, and it has the potential to overwhelm the Immortal Mountain.

This is the love and hatred between the Immortal Mountain and the Immortal Mountain. Up to now, the two sides can be said to be eternal enemies.

The person who came out of the Immortal Mountain was not alone, but sitting on a blue lion, holding a black halberd in his hand, and walked towards the Tomb of the Immortal Emperor with great arrogance.

As soon as he appeared, his domineering and imperial power were vaguely superior to those of the three before him. Even the green lion under him showed no corresponding respect in his eyes when facing the other three supreme ancient emperors.

In the Southern Wilderness, the Immortal Mountain, an ancient quasi-emperor felt his heart and burst out of the God Source.

“Ancestor, why did you come out?”

The Holy Lord of the Immortal Mountain asked in shock. The quasi-emperor in front of him is the younger brother of the Immortal Emperor. He experienced the establishment and glory of the Immortal Mountain, and in his middle-aged period of heyday, he proclaimed himself Divine source, if one day a powerful enemy attacks, he will come out to meet the enemy.

In other words, the day he came out of seclusion was when the Immortal Mountain faced a life and death crisis.

The younger brother of the Immortal Emperor looked solemnly, looked in the direction of the Tomb of the Immortal Emperor, and said, “The Holy Emperor of the Immortal Mountain, the Holy Spirit lineage, is born!” ”


The Holy Lord of the Immortal Mountain turned pale in shock, and the Holy Emperor of the Holy Spirit lineage was born! The meaning is the same as the Holy Emperor of the human race. The Holy Emperor of the Immortal Mountain is an emperor of the Holy Spirit lineage. He is the first emperor of the Holy Spirit lineage recorded in ancient books. The Holy Emperor of the human race pushed the human race to the pinnacle of all races in the universe, and the Holy Spirit of the Holy Spirit lineage also brought the Holy Spirit lineage to great glory.

As for the Holy Holy Emperor, it is said that he became enlightened through the channeling of fairy gold. He is much more powerful than the ordinary supreme ancient emperors. He even created the Immortal Mountain.

The Immortal Mountain and the Immortal Mountain are old enemies. Now that the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor is born, it is no wonder that the ancestor will be born. Maybe the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor will take action against their Immortal Mountain.

The Holy Lord of the Immortal Mountain is very worried.

After the birth of the Holy Holy Emperor, the remaining two forbidden areas of life each also came out with a supreme ancient emperor. They came to the Tomb of the Immortal Emperor at the same time, obviously they all coveted the secret of immortality.

One of them is from Guixu and the other is from Moling!

Each of the six well-known forbidden places has a supreme or ancient emperor, while the other supreme ancient emperors have all chosen to lie dormant. Although they are curious about the secret of the immortal emperor, their ultimate pursuit is not this, but an illusory one. Fairyland.

In the Southern Wasteland, the territory of the Ancient Sky Eye Clan, Princess Tian Eye looked dully in the direction of the Tomb of the Immortal Emperor. She originally thought that her mother had passed away, but unexpectedly she settled in the restricted area and became the Ancient Emperor of the restricted area.

“Mother!” The Goddess of Heavenly Eyes had a complicated expression.

The Queen of Heavenly Eyes, who was far away in Central China, felt something in her heart. She quickly looked towards Nanhuang. The Heavenly Eyes between her eyebrows saw through many spaces, and her vision fell on her daughter.

Seeing that her daughter was still alive, Queen Tianyan showed a beautiful smile on her face, and then she looked at the Tomb of the Immortal Emperor with a firmer look.

The world doesn’t know that Queen Tianyan is a daughter slave. She pursues the path of immortality, not to make herself immortal in the world, but to let her daughter live freely. It can be said that she is an alternative among the many supreme ancient emperors of forbidden lands.

“It’s a pity that this beautiful woman, Qing, is a thief.”

Gu Changsheng saw the performance of the six supreme ancient emperors in his eyes. He thought that God had the virtue of good life, and did not eliminate these supreme emperors who had not launched the dark turmoil back then. Ancient Emperor.

According to the legend of Tianhuang Star, there are ten forbidden places for life. Today, only six of them are known to the world, and that is all because he eliminated four of them silently.

The Golden Ancient Emperor said before that he did not take action against them “during his lifetime”, it was all because the remaining Supreme Ancient Emperors had never launched a dark turmoil, otherwise they would have been destroyed by him long ago.


At this moment, with the arrival of the six supreme ancient emperors, the vision in the Tomb of Eternal Life became even greater. The Tomb of Eternal Life seemed to be provoked, and the colorful light it emitted directly penetrated the sky and came to them. .

“Hmph, even a mere god with weapons dares to ask me to ask the Immortal Lord to come here in person.”

The Holy Spirit Emperor snorted coldly. The black halberd in his hand gave off a frightening light, and the green lion under the seat was even more interested. The Eternal Life Cauldron in the Eternal Life Emperor Tomb roared, seeming to be provoking.

(The protagonist will begin to appear at the beginning of the next chapter, so the next update will be as soon as possible!)

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