The Holy Emperor came to confer immortality, and the Immortal-killing Sword Formation (two-in-one)

Gu Changsheng, who was watching the show in another dimension, narrowed his eyes and looked at the Holy Holy Emperor.

“It just so happens that when the boy’s sword box was built, there were two or three types of immortal gold missing, and the purple gold with divine marks is one.”

Gu Changsheng has already decided, no matter whether the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor will survive this calamity or not, Dark turmoil will be unleashed, and he wants the Holy Spirit Emperor’s true form.


The Cauldron of Eternal Life seemed to be angry because of the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor’s disrespect towards Gu Changsheng. Countless colorful divine lights hit the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor. In an instant, the entire sky seemed to be dyed with brilliant colors, beautiful and beautiful. And touching.

But in this beautiful and moving color, there is endless murderous intention.

The remaining five Supreme Ancient Emperors did not take action, but watched the show from the sidelines.


The Holy Spirit Holy Emperor snorted coldly, and with a slight stroke of the black halberd in his hand, an arc-shaped black light appeared, breaking the attack of the Eternal Life Cauldron.

“Nothing more than that!”

The Holy Spirit Holy Emperor said coldly, his tone full of disdain.


The green lion under him roared, cheering for its master.

At this time, the Eternal Life Cauldron seemed to feel that there was nothing he could do to help the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor, and suddenly calmed down.

“When did this guy become a master?” Gu Changsheng couldn’t laugh or cry. It was obvious that the move of the Eternal Life Cauldron was to retreat in order to show weakness to the enemy. It wanted to lure these supreme ancient emperors into the Tomb of the Eternal Life Emperor. After all, Gu Sheng The formation to kill the emperor was set up in the emperor’s tomb.

If it were someone else, they might see the plan of the Eternal Life Cauldron at once, but if the target is the Holy Emperor of the Holy Spirit, that’s not necessarily the case.

In other words, the Holy Spirit and the Holy Emperor are bold and not afraid of the plans of the Eternal Life Cauldron.

Also, no matter how powerful the Eternal Life Cauldron is, it is just an imperial weapon. Even if it has fully recovered and is equivalent to a great emperor, how can the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor be afraid of the great emperor?

“If you don’t take action, then it’s my turn.”

The Holy Spirit Holy Emperor sneered, swung the black halberd in his hand, and struck the Tomb of the Emperor of Eternal Life.


At this time, a burst of dazzling light rose from the Immortal Emperor’s Tomb, blocking the black halberd.

At this time, the defensive formation guarding the Immortal Tomb came into effect.

“It’s just a big formation, break it with one move!”

The Holy Spirit Holy Emperor shouted coldly, his aura surged, he raised the black halberd high, and then slashed downwards.


The space shattered and chaos surged, just like the creation of the world, instantly tearing apart the defensive imperial formation. Even the other five supreme ancient emperors were amazed by the power of the Holy Holy Emperor.


The halberd in the Holy Emperor’s hand shook, and the world trembled. Only a “stab” sound was heard, and the defensive formation guarding the Immortal Tomb shattered.

“Even the Imperial Formation, if no one is in charge, will be nothing more than paper.” Queen Tianyan sighed, she was lamenting that the Immortal Emperor no longer existed.

Now that the defensive imperial formation has been broken, the Holy Holy Emperor patted the green lion under his seat. The green lion roared and understood its master’s intention. It stepped into the void and entered the Tomb of the Immortal Emperor.

“The secret of immortality is about to be revealed!”

Jiuyou Supreme sneered, and walked in with a murderous intention.

Next came the Supreme Being from the Immortal Forbidden Land, then the Supreme Being from Guixu and the Demon Tomb and the Ancient Emperor, and finally the Queen of Heavenly Eyes.

The Queen of Heavenly Eyes took one last look at the Princess of Heavenly Eyes in Southern Wasteland, and then stepped into the Tomb of the Immortal Emperor.

A strange phenomenon occurred. After the six supreme ancient emperors entered the Tomb of Eternal Life, the gorgeous vision above the Tomb disappeared without a trace in an instant, and the imperial power that suppressed all living beings also disappeared. Completely disappeared at this moment.

The overwhelming aura of the Supreme Ancient Emperor completely disappeared after they entered the Tomb of the Eternal Life Emperor. This strange phenomenon was puzzling.

“What’s going on?…Why did they all disappear all of a sudden?” Some people were surprised, but even so, he did not dare to call the six supreme ancient emperors by any nickname, for fear that they would somehow sense it and cause trouble for him. Bring disaster.

Immortal forbidden land.

“Is there something weird?!”

A spiritual thought fell, seeming to be surprised, but also doubtful.

There was a Supreme Secret Luck Mysterious Skill who wanted to figure out the situation of the Holy Holy Emperor and the others. He only heard a “boom” sound, the divine source that sealed him cracked, and a mouthful of Supreme blood spurted out. This self-proclaimed divine source has been over a hundred years old. The ten thousand year old Supreme looked horrified.

“How is that possible?”

His voice was full of shock, echoing in the silent Immortal Forbidden Land.

When he was deducing just now, he only saw a terrifying figure with its back to him. If that figure hadn’t had any murderous intention towards him, he would not just have broken his divine source and vomited the blood of the Supreme Being, but would have directly stayed where he was. Sitting and dissipating between heaven and earth.

“Senior, are you okay?”

The voice of the Golden Ancient Emperor sounded. He was very polite and showed high respect to the old supreme being. When he was in his prime, he cut himself off and sealed himself in the Immortal Forbidden Land. Therefore, he had no shortage of He was ridiculed by the other Supreme Ancient Emperors because he was able to achieve enlightenment only because of the achievement of the Immortal Emperor. Compared with others who were invincible in heaven and earth, he had a somewhat less impressive record.

But only this old man who was extremely old and could even be traced back to the formation of the Immortal Forbidden Land had never ridiculed him from the beginning to the end, which made him respect this old supreme.

Several other Supreme Ancient Emperors were also very concerned about the condition of the Old Supreme Being. They were not concerned about the physical condition of the Old Supreme Being, but rather about why he suffered backlash.

Facing their doubts, the old Supreme looked shocked and extremely pale, and he opened his mouth to explain the situation.

“Trap, this is a plot aimed at us…”

“Old guy, do you know that trouble comes from your mouth?”

Before the old Supreme finished speaking, an indifferent and cold voice sounded, and then a look of transcendent power The Immortal Forbidden Land is sealed off, and nothing here can be spread to outsiders.

As this voice fell, Gu Changsheng, dressed in green clothes, arrived at the Immortal Forbidden Land.

As soon as he appeared, the atmosphere in the Immortal Forbidden Land, which was originally extremely silent, seemed to have solidified.

After a long time, a voice full of disbelief sounded.

“You… you are still alive?”

The person who spoke was of course the Ancient Golden Emperor. He and Gu Changsheng were of the same era. He had the deepest understanding of Gu Changsheng’s terror, otherwise he would not have been in the first life. When he was in his prime, he chose to cut himself off and seal off the forbidden land.

He originally thought that millions of years had passed, and Gu Changsheng had transformed into a Taoist form, and that the Immortal Tomb was his tomb. Now, Gu Changsheng himself walked out in person, and his vitality and blood were extremely high, as if he were a real man in his twenties. A young man, how could this not shock him?

Faced with the doubts of his old rival from a million years ago, Gu Changsheng did not answer. Instead, he saw that there were only five Supreme Ancient Emperors left in the Immortal Forbidden Land, with a trace of regret on his face.

“Why don’t you go along?”

Gu Changsheng asked.

How come these people are not fooled? Isn’t the temptation of my Immortal Emperor enough?


Facing Gu Changsheng’s words, they were all speechless. They had not paid much attention to the secret of the Tomb of the Immortal Emperor, and now they learned that it was a war against them, the supreme ancient emperor of the restricted area who had killed himself. They didn’t dare to get involved in the situation.

“But since you didn’t participate, just stay well.” ”

You have also protected all races in the past. It can be said that you have served both merits and demerits, so I will not take action against you.” ”

Of course, I seriously criticize Huang Jingu by name here . My Majesty, you are the most watery girl, yet you cut yourself off in the prime of life, causing me to work hard to maintain the stability of the universe for hundreds of thousands of years. If I had known that I would not even give you the Tianxin Seal to dogs.”

Gu Changsheng was not right. Their plan to take action was just as he said. In addition to the Golden Ancient Emperor, the other Supreme Ancient Emperors had contributed to all races in the universe. Although he was the Holy Emperor of the human race, he was not so stingy that he could not tolerate other races. Otherwise, he Just wipe out other races and let the human race dominate the world of mortals.

This is the pattern!

After the Golden Ancient Emperor listened to Gu Changsheng’s words, even though he was sealed in the divine source at this moment, his face turned green and white. The mark of Tianxin was the chance to become an emperor, representing the invincible luck in this world, but even if he had invincible luck , and could not defeat the palm of the Emperor Changsheng.

But you gave me the Tianxin Seal just so that I could manage the universe for you? Want me to work for you?

“Emperor Immortal, I have a question. Are you an immortal?”

At this time, the oldest Old Supreme spoke. After a short period of recovery, his face had returned to rosy. Gu Changsheng had no intention of taking his life. Therefore, the injury he just suffered was not serious and did not damage the foundation.

“Me? No!”

Gu Changsheng shook his head. He was indeed not an immortal, because he had already surpassed the category of immortal.

“Have you never become an immortal? Is it really impossible to become an immortal in this world?” The old Supreme looked downcast. His existence was very old. When he was young, he once saw a world being beaten by a tower. Broken, a fragment fell here and became the Forbidden Land of Immortality.

After he attained the Supreme Dao, in his later years, he chose to kill himself and proclaim himself the source of the gods, because he believed that the world he had seen was the legendary heaven. Since heaven exists, then immortals naturally also exist.

But now a person who should have died a million years ago has now appeared in front of them alive and powerful, and his strength is unfathomable. This is not an immortal, so are there really immortals in the world?

The old Supreme felt that his perseverance for who knows how many thousands of years was a joke.

Wuxian, then why is he still in the world?

“Hey, I said I’m not an immortal, and I didn’t say I’ve never become an immortal. Why are you anxious?”

Gu Changsheng noticed that this old guy’s heart was about to collapse, and quickly explained, if you want to die, then die, but if it’s because of If I die because of what I said, then won’t the glorious image of me, the Holy Emperor of the Human Race, be stained with darkness?

Sure enough, as soon as Gu Changsheng said these words, the old supreme’s condition immediately stabilized, and he even seemed to be looking back to the light, with high spirits. He looked at Gu Changsheng and asked: “Do you really mean what the emperor said?”

Gu Changsheng nodded.

“Then what state are you in now?” The Golden Ancient Emperor couldn’t help but ask.

When he asked, several other people looked at him. Even though they were separated from each other by the divine source, the Golden Ancient Emperor felt that their eyes were filled with admiration.

The Golden Ancient Emperor was also frightened at this time. Asking others about their cultivation was quite disrespectful. He wouldn’t be so angry that he would kill me to vent his anger, right? Probably not, he didn’t even kill me back then.

If Li Beifei were here, he would definitely tell the Golden Ancient Emperor that you are worrying blindly. You are playing into Gu Changsheng’s hands by asking this question.

Sure enough, not only did Gu Changsheng not blame the Golden Ancient Emperor, he even had a faint smile on his face.


Gu Changsheng’s voice was very calm, but it revealed incredible confidence.


For some reason, they felt an inexplicable aura permeating the air. If Li Beifei were here, they would definitely shout that the master is showing off again.


At this moment, an earth-shattering sound came from the Changsheng Emperor’s Tomb, which had been calm for a while.

The vast divine power has descended on the entire Tianhuang Star. Countless creatures are like a lonely boat in the boundless sea. They are facing huge waves at this moment, facing the crisis of falling at any time; it is also like there is a hanging sword above their heads threatening their lives.

“Emperor Changsheng, do you think you can suppress us like this?”

Along with a roar, a halberd cut through the void and fell towards the Tomb of Emperor Changsheng carrying the aura of destruction.


Even the Eastern Region, which is hundreds of millions of miles away, can feel the earth shaking. You can imagine how tragic it is in the eastern part of Central China in the center.

Even with the backhand left by the Ancient Emperor, the earth with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles was sunk by this shocking blow.

Imperial war!

This is a battle between great emperors. If not done well, the entire Tianhuang Star may be destroyed.

“Oh my God, could it be that the Emperor Changsheng is not dead yet and is he trying to attack the Supreme Ancient Emperors in the restricted area?”

Someone said in shock.

Several Supreme Ancient Emperors in the Immortal Forbidden Land were roaring at the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor, and they all set their sights on Gu Changsheng.

“What are you looking at? This tomb doesn’t belong to me. It’s none of my business.” Gu Changsheng said.

They didn’t speak when they heard the words, but Gu Changsheng felt what they meant.

Do you think we believe it or not?

For some reason, when they saw the human race’s Holy Emperor Changsheng Emperor in person, they didn’t feel any pressure from him. Instead, they felt that Changsheng Emperor was very kind, and there was a sense that all living beings were equal in front of him. Could it be that this was Changsheng Emperor? The secret to becoming an immortal?

“Forget it, I can’t explain it to you.”

Gu Changsheng shook his head. Do you really want to say that my son did it? Then my father is too irresponsible.


Another loud noise sounded, and four giant swords with a length of one hundred feet suddenly appeared above the Changsheng Emperor’s Tomb. Each sword exuded an aura that was not weaker than the emperor’s soldiers. Obviously, these four swords The hilt sword is the body of the four sword-shaped stone statues surrounding the circular altar. Each sword is an imperial weapon.

And each sword is engraved with two large characters.

They are Zhuxian, Slaying Immortal, Trapping Immortal and Juexian!

The four imperial swords formed a large killing formation – the Zhuxian Sword Formation, trapping the six supreme ancient emperors inside. The Eternal Life Cauldron was the center of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

“How is this possible?”

The Supreme from Demon Mausoleum roared. There was a gash in his Supreme body, and bright red Supreme blood overflowed. It was obvious that he had suffered a loss just now.

The other Supreme Ancient Emperors also looked around at the Zhuxian Sword Formation with sullen faces.

“Is this the tomb of the Changsheng Emperor, or is it a trap of the Ancient Emperor? Or is the Ancient Emperor using the Emperor’s tomb to plan his layout?” The

Sky Eyes between the Queen’s eyebrows flickered. She was calculating and deducing, but even if she put the plot between her eyebrows The eyes of the sky were operating to the extreme, but all they saw was chaos.

what on earth is it?

Our beautiful Queen with Sky Eyes is now filled with a haze in her heart.

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