The ancient clock and the mean-mouthed ancient golden emperor (two in one)

In the ancient years, in addition to the birth of an ancient emperor who overpowered the world, there was also a peerless sword formation that was said to be able to kill immortals and destroy gods, and that was the Immortal-Zhucking Sword Formation.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation is a peerless killing formation created by the Ancient Emperor. It is composed of the four imperial swords of Zhuxian, Killing Immortal, Falling Immortal, and Juexian and the Zhuxian Formation.

Legend has it that if the person who presides over the Zhuxian Sword Formation is the Huanggu Emperor, even an immortal will perish in the Zhuxian Sword Formation. But unfortunately, apart from the Huanggu Emperor, the only immortal in the world of mortals is his father Gu Changsheng, and Huanggu The emperor still doesn’t know that his father faked his death and retired, so whether the Immortal-Zhuan Sword Formation has the power to kill immortals is just a legend.

But one thing is certain, the Immortal Killing Sword Formation cannot be broken without gathering four great emperors. This has been proved, because after the Ancient Emperor created the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, he went to a certain life forbidden place and took a few Supreme Ancient Emperors to practice Practice.


The four imperial swords shone brightly, exuding endless sword light. The powerful sword intent tore through the sky. The Eternal Life Cauldron sat at the center of the formation. Above it, the Zhuxian Sword Diagram exuded dazzling divine light. Mirroring the four imperial swords, the six imperial weapons now formed a peerless sword array, trapping the Holy Spirit Emperor and the six of them within the Immortal Emperor’s Tomb.

This scene of using imperial soldiers to trap and kill the Supreme Ancient Emperor occurred for the first time in history. Regardless of the outcome of this battle, it will be remembered in history, even if it is millions of years later, as long as all races in the universe are immortal. , will continue to circulate.


Almost instantly, the stars in the universe seemed to be destroyed. At this moment, all living beings in the universe felt a supreme sword intent. The Immortal Killing Sword moved, and it slashed lightly, Then he slashed out a supreme sword energy, cut through the void, and struck at the six supreme ancient emperors.

“How dare you take action against us with just a mere weapon? Even if the Ancient Emperor is resurrected, we will still suffer hatred with our joint efforts!” The

Supreme from the Demon Tomb snorted coldly, and like thunder exploding, all the stars in the sky were shattered. Trembling slightly, as if falling, this is the Supreme. Even if he cuts himself with a knife, every move can affect the universe. With a wave of his hand, a long sword appears, and he actually proves the way with the sword!

The sword energy touched the long sword in his hand, and there was a “bang”, like the creation of the world. Powerful energy fluctuations spread around, but they could not break through the blockade of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

The other people frowned slightly when they saw this. They all knew that if they didn’t break the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, it would be impossible for them to leave.

“Let’s attack together!”

As soon as the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor finished speaking, he patted the green lion sitting down, waved the black halberd in his hand, cut through the layers of space, and attacked the Eternal Life Cauldron.

Seeing this, several other people also attacked the Eternal Life Cauldron together. If they wanted to break the formation, the easiest way was to break the formation’s eye.

The six supreme ancient emperors had indifferent expressions and cold eyes. The six of them took action together, confident that even the resurrection of the Immortal Emperor and the existence of the Ancient Emperor would not be able to stop their progress.


The sky was shattered by them, but when they arrived in front of the Eternal Life Cauldron, they were blocked by an invisible barrier. When they took action, the four imperial swords’ divine light rose sharply, and the Zhuxian formation above the Eternal Life Cauldron even descended. Thousands of divine radiances are blessing the Eternal Life Cauldron.

“Their Qi is connected at this moment, like a whole!”

At this time, the Heavenly Eye of the Empress of Heaven’s Eyes was shining with light. She saw that the Qi of the six emperor soldiers were connected with each other. With one move, they were involved in the whole body, trying to break the Eternal Life Cauldron, just like Facing the combined force of the six fully resurrected imperial soldiers, one can imagine the difficulty.

Of course, this is also related to their state. After cutting themselves with a knife, their realm is still there, but the Dao Fruit is leaked. Otherwise, they could have broken the formation with just one blow together.

“The Immortal Emperor and the Ancient Emperor are separated by hundreds of thousands of years. How can their imperial soldiers achieve such a state of unity between heaven and man?” The Supreme of the Immortal Forbidden Land

frowned. He wanted to deduce, but he had no choice but to find all the secrets. They were all disturbed by the sword formation, and all they saw was chaos.

“Hmph, what do you care about them? Even if they are fully revived, but no one can control them, they are like rootless duckweeds. If they continue to wear out, they won’t last long.”

Jiuyou Supreme snorted coldly, revealing the current state of the Eternal Life Cauldron. , even if the resurrected imperial soldiers are comparable to the Great Emperor, they are only comparable and not the real Great Emperor. In the state of being ownerless, they do not have enough energy to support their consumption.

After Jiuyou Supreme finished speaking, the others seemed to disagree. They did not agree to fight for endurance with the Changsheng Cauldron. They were once the invincible strong men of an era, and they were arrogant. How could they choose such a frustrating method? ?

The Holy Spirit Holy Emperor snorted coldly, looked at Jiuyou Supreme, and said mockingly: “Sure enough, you can only do some shady things. Even if you are lucky enough to be enlightened, you are just a clown.” The

Holy Spirit Holy Emperor is the most powerful person here. Ancient, it can be said that when the other five people achieved enlightenment, the Holy Emperor of the Holy Spirit witnessed it. He was quite disdainful of Jiuyou Supreme’s way of achieving enlightenment.

Jiuyou Supreme didn’t seem angry when he heard the Holy Spirit Emperor’s words, but had a cold smile on his face.

Before he attained the Supreme Dao, he was the number one killer of all races in the universe. And he was able to attain the Dao because when a peerless genius was going through a tribulation, he made a sneak attack and killed that genius. And he naturally integrated the Tianxin Seal and realized the Supreme Dao.

He had the strength to prove the truth on his own, but he used such methods. No wonder he was looked down upon by the Holy Spirit Emperor.

But in Jiuyou Supreme’s view, being able to obtain the greatest benefits at the smallest cost is his way. What does other people’s opinions have to do with him?


The Holy Spirit Holy Emperor ignored the others and shouted, his body full of blood and energy, and he waved the big halberd in his hand. The big halberd seemed to have penetrated the nine heavens, and hit the Eternal Life Cauldron fiercely.


The big halberd hit the invisible barrier, making an earth-shattering muffled sound.

The other five people were not lagging behind. Jiuyou Supreme took out his imperial weapon, which turned out to be a blood-red dagger. The whole body was made of red blood fairy gold. It exuded a frightening blood light and stabbed in the Above the invisible barrier.

The supreme imperial weapon in the Immortal Forbidden Land turned out to be a large cauldron, but compared with the Eternal Life Cauldron, it was obviously inferior. However, with the blessing of the master, the divine power it emitted was no worse than the Eternal Life Cauldron, and was even three points stronger.

The Supreme Lord of Demon Mausoleum swung his long sword and slashed it down in the sky.

The Supreme from the Immortal Ruins is holding a broadsword. He is dressed in very ancient clothes, like a general on a bloody battlefield. His moves are wide open and closed, and he swings the broadsword to slash heavily on the invisible barrier.

Among the six people, only the Sky Eye Princess did not have any imperial soldiers. She did not seem to be planning to summon the imperial soldiers far away in the southern wasteland. The sky eye between her eyebrows shot out a chaotic light, which sank into the void and landed on the invisible barrier.


The six supreme beings used their strongest attack at the moment, which was bound to break the invisible barrier, knock down the Eternal Life Cauldron from the center of the formation, and thereby break the Immortal Killing Sword Formation.


The space seemed to be shattered, and spiderweb-like cracks appeared in front of them.

“It’s just imperial soldiers, so what if there are more?”

The Holy Spirit Holy Emperor snorted coldly, and with a slight shake of the big halberd in his hand, he shattered the invisible barrier.

“Let’s attack together and knock them out of the formation. Then the sword formation will be broken by itself!”

said the Supreme of the Immortal Forbidden Land. The others did not answer, but they also knew that this was the best moment, because the invisible barrier was broken, allowing the immortal to Ding and the others are in a state where the old power has been eliminated and the new power has not yet been generated. This time is very short, as short as only a moment, but for them, it is enough.


At this moment, a bell sounded like a bell from ancient times that came to this moment across time.

A ray of divine light fell, just in time to block their attack, but in just an instant, the divine light was dispersed, but at this moment, the Changsheng Cauldron reacted.

“Boom!” The Eternal Life Cauldron suddenly emitted thousands of brilliant lights. It relied on the power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation to repel the six supreme ancient emperors at once.

The six supreme ancient emperors had to retreat thousands of feet before they stabilized their bodies. At this time, the Holy Spirit Emperor’s face was dark.


The bell rang.

I saw hundreds of millions of miles away in the Gu family in the East Region. From the several awakened ancestors of the Gu family to the servants, they all knelt down devoutly to a simple bell in the sky.

The great bell overflows with divine glory, and two simple large characters are engraved on its body.

Ancient times!

The ancient emperor’s exclusive imperial weapon, the ancient bell!


The third bell sounded, and the sky and the earth were pale at this moment. Countless creatures listened to the bell, and couldn’t help but think of the legendary figure that even secular storytellers were keen to spread, that is, the ancient emperor.

“The Great Emperor is the Ancient Emperor. The Great Emperor has appeared!”

“Please take action, suppress the Forbidden Land of Life, and

restore a peaceful world to all races in the universe!” “Please take action, suppress the Forbidden Land of Life, and restore a peaceful world to all races in the universe!”

For a time, countless creatures were begging the Ancient Emperor to suppress the forbidden land of life.

The other untouched supremes in the forbidden land of life felt very complicated at this time, but they had no choice but to do anything. After all, the dark turmoil was started by some of the supreme ancient emperors who killed themselves, and they could only take the blame.

Immortal Forbidden Land!

When the Golden Ancient Emperor heard that countless creatures were praying for the Ancient Emperor to take action, he couldn’t help but muttered: “Praying is nothing. Do you think everyone is an immortal emperor? The ashes of the Ancient Emperor may have been scattered.”

Many great emperors and ancient emperors died in their later years . He didn’t bother to cut himself off and declare himself a god, but he was also afraid that after his death, the emperor’s corpse would mutate and cause chaos in the universe, so he would annihilate his body before death and disappear between heaven and earth.

No wonder the Golden Ancient Emperor said this.

However, he didn’t know that while he was cursing the Ancient Emperor, he was also cursing his son in front of a father.


“Ouch, who hit me?”

A bright red slap mark suddenly appeared on the face of the golden ancient emperor in Shenyuan. The burning pain made him feel like he had not started practicing and was being taught a lesson by his elders. pain!

The other Supreme Ancient Emperors all looked at Gu Changsheng who was sitting on a cloud. They had just seen Gu Changsheng waving his palms.

“What are you looking at? He actually cursed my son in front of me. A slap in the face would be considered a slight. If it weren’t for the kindness I had back then, I would have spread his ashes. Grandma, she actually dared to curse him. My son.”

Gu Changsheng said in a scary tone.

When others heard this, they were all shocked. Emperor Huangu was the son of Emperor Changsheng? The two of them are half a million years apart. Could it be that the Immortal Emperor has been the first brother for half a million years?

Also, from the tone of the Emperor Changsheng, it seems that the Ancient Emperor is still alive!

This… seems to have a lot of melons. Even though they are all the Supreme Ancient Emperors, the invincible strong men of an era, they can’t help but be curious when faced with the melons of the Immortal Emperor and the Ancient Emperor.

At this time, they all hoped that the Golden Ancient Emperor would ask more questions. Even the old Supreme, who was the best to the Golden Ancient Emperor, also thought so at this time.

They don’t have to eat the melons from the Supreme and other Supremes, but now they are the melons of the Immortal Emperor. I really want to eat them. Golden Ancient Emperor, please ask me!

Several people deeply hoped that the Golden Ancient Emperor would use his talkative attributes.

Sure enough, the Golden Ancient Emperor did not disappoint them.

“The Ancient Emperor is your son. So, haven’t you been the first brother for half a million years?”

Facing the question of the Ancient Golden Emperor, Gu Changsheng’s face darkened. He stared at the Ancient Golden Emperor with his faint eyes. In him, he saw the shadow of another person, with the same bitchy mouth. Needless to say, everyone already knew about that person.

Damn it, why didn’t you know that this guy had the meanest attributes? If I had known earlier, I would have fed the Tianxin Seal to the dogs.

“Ahem, brother, I was wrong!” Feeling Gu Changsheng’s eyes and the burning pain on his face, he quickly apologized sincerely.

But would Gu Changsheng let him go so easily? Obviously not.

I saw Gu Changsheng stretched out his right hand, grabbed it in the air, and with a “bang”, the sound of shattering was heard, and then the Golden Ancient Emperor in a golden battle robe appeared in front of Gu Changsheng.

The Ancient Golden Emperor looked confused. He was still sitting cross-legged in this posture. He had maintained this posture for millions of years.

He looked at the familiar face in front of him, squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, and said, “Hi, Emperor!”

Gu Changsheng just looked at it with a smile and said nothing.

“What does the Emperor want from me?”

“If nothing happens, I will go back and reflect on myself.”

The Golden Ancient Emperor was frightened by Gu Changsheng’s smile. After speaking, he turned around and was about to return to his self-proclaimed place, but he was horrified to find that he actually Unable to move.

“I mean, Lao Huang, we had some friendship back then, but now we have a true reunion. Are you leaving in such a hurry because you don’t want to see me?”

Gu Changsheng said with a smile, his eyes full of danger.

“How is that possible? I miss you so much.” The Golden Ancient Emperor said with a mournful face.

“Really? You don’t want me to die, do you?” Gu Changsheng smiled.

“How could it be? I definitely don’t have such an idea. If I had such an idea, I would be struck by thunder and five thunders. It would be terrible…” ”


Before the word “death” could be uttered, a sound came from the sky. A sound like thunder.

The Golden Ancient Emperor’s eyes froze, and he quickly explained: “Brother, this is not thunder, it is the sound of their battle…” ”

Okay, don’t even think about going back, just stay with me.” Gu Changsheng He interrupted his words and looked at the Immortal Tomb.

There, there are several powerful auras awakening!

The appearance of the Ancient Ancient Bell greatly increased their pressure. If they wanted to break through the Zhuxian Sword Formation, they had only one way.

That is to perfect one’s own Tao Fruit and restore oneself to its most prosperous state!

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