What are you looking at? Why don’t you call me grandpa?


In the Tomb of the Eternal Life Emperor, the Ancient Ancient Bell and the Eternal Life Cauldron were suspended in the air. Waves of ripple-like energy emanated from the Ancient Ancient Bell, while the Eternal Life Cauldron exuded thousands of brilliant brilliance.

In front of them, the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor and others looked ugly, and each had scars on their bodies. The Holy Spirit Holy Emperor’s blue lion, whose realm reached the quasi-emperor peak, had been penetrated by a sword energy, and a large amount of blood overflowed from the wound. There was still a sword intent of killing immortals and destroying gods at the wound, eroding its vitality. The Holy Emperor of the Holy Spirit looked at the blue lion mount that had been with him all his life. Even for such a powerful and proud man, his eyes also showed a hint of sadness.

But unfortunately, Qingshi was injured by the sword energy of the Zhuxian Sword Formation and could not last long.

“Roar!” The green lion also knew his state. He roared, his voice full of sadness, and his copper bell-like eyes were full of death. It took one last look at its master, said a final farewell, and finally slowly closed it. His eyes were completely devoid of life.

The Holy Spirit Emperor’s face was calm, and there was no trace of sadness or joy, but the aura on his body was getting stronger and stronger.

“Everyone, this is obviously a trick played by the Ancient Emperor through the Emperor Changsheng. Although I don’t know why the Changsheng Cauldron is willing to cooperate, it is no longer the time to explore this. If we want to break through this Immortal Killing Sword Formation, we can only let us return to The strongest state.”

This is the first time that the Holy Holy Emperor has said so much since his appearance. It can be seen that his mount, the Blue Lion, obviously holds a lot of weight in his heart.

The expressions of the other supreme ancient emperors are also uncertain. Returning to the peak state is the ultimate sublimation. This is very simple for them. Their realm is still there, but the Dao Fruit is lacking. They can make up for it in an instant. fruit.

But the problem is that after being fully sublimated, if they want to kill themselves with one knife and claim to be the source of gods, it is almost impossible, because their life source cannot withstand two self-deaths. If they really want to kill themselves, If it’s a knife, there’s only one way.

Search for the extremely prosperous ancient life star in the universe, swallow the lives of all living beings, and replenish the origin of your own life.

But if they want to supplement the origin of life in this way, the number of creatures they will swallow will be counted in the hundreds of millions. This is just the number of creatures needed by one person. With six of them, that would consume almost six billions of creatures in the universe. A living creature.

For the universe, that would be a disaster, that is, the legendary dark turmoil!

But when they reach this state, will they give up themselves because of other living beings?

Maybe, maybe, yes!

But the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor is obviously not like this.


Suddenly, the four swords of Zhu Xian moved. They were no longer suspended in the void, but were about to take the initiative to kill the Holy Spirit Emperor and others with their own bodies.


The four swords moved together, first aiming at the Supreme Being in the Immortal Forbidden Land. As if targeting him, the sword that was originally a hundred feet in size suddenly turned into a three-foot green peak, and the four imperial swords swung together. The Supreme stabbed at the Immortal Forbidden Land from four directions. For a moment, the sun and moon lost all light, and the void exploded. The supreme murderous intent locked onto him, making it impossible for him to avoid it.

The Supreme Being in the Immortal Forbidden Land was helpless. He wanted to ascend to the highest level at this moment, but he was suppressed by a force of energy, which slowed down his repair of the Dao Fruit. He had no choice but to use his imperial weapon, the great cauldron, as a He was robbed.

With a “boom”, four imperial swords instantly pierced his imperial weapon cauldron. It only blocked less than three breaths, and then with a “bang”, the cauldron was shattered.

This was also the first imperial weapon to be broken in this battle. The Supreme from the Immortal Forbidden Land did not feel any pity in his eyes. The imperial weapon could be rebuilt. If he had not used the cauldron to block it just now, then he would have died. .

Although it only blocked three breaths, it was enough.


Led by him, the other people began to repair the Dao Fruit. In an instant, their Dao was rising rapidly, and the Fruit continued to recover. After a moment, the divine light on each of their Heavenly Spirit Caps disappeared. They began to exude a true supreme power, the power of the ancient emperor.


The Holy Emperor of Holy Spirit roared angrily, and the defensive imperial formation guarding the Immortal Tomb immediately collapsed. If it weren’t for the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, most of Central China would have sunk because of his roar.

But even so, the Immortal Killing Sword Formation could not completely isolate their pressure. The power of the Supreme Ancient Emperor exuded by the six intact Supremes and Ancient Emperors swept across the entire Tianhuang Star Territory, and then spread throughout the entire universe in an instant. universe.


The Four Swords of Zhu Xian struck again. This time, the Ancient Bell and the Eternal Life Cauldron did not watch. They each bloomed with thousands of divine radiances, falling towards the six people like the Milky Way tilting, and the Zhu Xian formation above them was even more divine. A masterpiece, the spirit inside exerts its own power to the extreme, allowing the power of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian to be exerted to the extreme.

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“Boom!” “Boom!”

Faced with the attacks of many imperial soldiers, the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor and the others’ expressions did not change. They had returned to their strongest state at this time. The Immortal Killing Sword Formation had no master to preside over, and it was not enough to suppress them.

“It’s just a few imperial soldiers. Are you still trying to kill the Supreme Ancient Emperor?” The

Supreme from the Immortal Forbidden Land shouted angrily. Although he regretted that his imperial soldiers were destroyed, it didn’t mean that he wasn’t angry. Bing, do you still want to kill the emperor?

They used their peerless magical powers to fight back against the imperial soldiers.

At this time, in the deepest part of the Gu family far away in the East Territory, one of the oldest divine sources broke the seal, and a young man with a face similar to Gu Changsheng came out. He was wearing clothes from the ancient times, and there was an unusual feeling about him. breath.

He came out of seclusion and soon attracted people from the Gu family.

Among them were several great sage ancestors who had just come out of seclusion. They were all figures from hundreds of thousands of years ago. But when they saw the young man, they all saluted respectfully,

“I have met the ancestor!”

The young man waved his hand. Suddenly, he looked at a young man.

“Little baby, what’s your name?” he asked.

The young man was startled, and then he quickly and respectfully replied: “To my ancestors, my name is Gu Xichao.”

“Gu Xichao, that’s good, that’s good, work hard.” The young man said.

Gu Xichao nodded fearfully, feeling excited and nervous at the same time.

“Ancestor, do you want to leave seclusion?” asked a Supreme Elder of the Gu family.

The young man nodded and said: “Yes, the plan set by my father originally thought that he could attract up to four Supreme Ancient Emperors. Unexpectedly, six came at once, and now they have all returned to their peak state. No one The Zhuxian Sword Formation controlled by me cannot kill them, I need to go.”

“Ancestor, is there any danger in this trip?” Another person asked.

The young man smiled softly and said: “It’s a pity that I didn’t inherit my father’s physique. Otherwise, even if I was only at the ninth level of the Quasi-Emperor, I would still be confident of suppressing them. But now, I can barely manage to kill them by presiding over the Zhuxian Sword Formation.” .”


All the Gu family members looked at each other, and they could all tell that the ancestor had already prepared to sacrifice himself.

As the direct son of the great emperor, the ancestor had the strongest blood in his body. It was a pity that he was unwilling to proclaim himself a god when he was young, otherwise he would have been able to attain enlightenment and become an emperor. While the great emperor was still alive, he cultivated to the level of quasi-emperor on his own. Ninth Level, but at that time there was the Great Emperor’s Great Dao suppression, and even though the ancestor was extremely talented, he was still unable to attain enlightenment.

“Okay, I was a person from hundreds of thousands of years ago and should have passed away. Now I have the opportunity to support a few supreme ancient emperors, which is enough to leave a name in history.” The

young man smiled softly. His name was Gu Youxian, and his name was very good. Delicate, but it contains the expectations of his father, Emperor Huangu, for him and his father himself. His father is determined to resurrect his grandfather and grandmother, so he hopes to become an immortal, and his father hopes that he can become an immortal. In summary, he is called Gu Youxian.

He was actually quite curious about why Gu Xichao was able to practice the “Nine Deaths Art”, but there was no time now. The six supreme ancient emperors had reached their highest level, and he was needed to complete his father’s final plan.

“Everyone, let’s go!”

Gu Youxian waved to them gently and was about to go to participate in the battle. At this time, a figure appeared.

When Gu Xichao saw this figure, he couldn’t help but be startled, and then said: “Ancestor?”

The person who came was naturally Gu Changsheng. He nodded slightly to Gu Xichao, then turned to look at Gu Youxian.

Gu Youxian looked stunned. He had never met Gu Changsheng because his father said that not long after his grandmother passed away, his grandfather also passed away. Apart from a name, he had no idea what his grandfather looked like.

“What are you looking at? Why don’t you call me grandpa?”

(The protagonist officially returns)

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