The ancient emperor serves as a sparring partner


Gu Youxian’s tone was full of confusion. Didn’t his father say that both grandpa and grandma have passed away? What on earth is going on?

“Hey, my dear grandson!”

Gu Changsheng’s face was full of smiles. They said they were close to each other across generations. Even though he and Gu Youxian had never been in contact before, the connection that originated from the deep bloodline would not change.

Gu Changsheng reached out and rubbed Gu Youxian’s head. This scene was very strange. A young man in his early twenties called another young man in his early twenties grandpa, and the young man agreed and acted in such a kind and kind manner. But this originally strange scene seemed so harmonious to the rest of the Gu family, just like an elder’s care for a younger one. There was nothing unreasonable about it.

“Are you really grandpa?” Gu Youxian asked.

Others also came back to their senses. They all looked at Gu Changsheng. A man they had never met suddenly came out and said that he was the grandfather of the ancestor, the father of the ancient emperor. This seems ridiculous, you know the emperor. But for a person who lived half a million years ago, if his father was still alive, wouldn’t he be at least half a million years old?

The Great Emperor can only live for tens of thousands of years. Could it be that he has become an immortal?

Is he really the ancestor of our Gu family?

They were very confused in their hearts, but they did not dare to ask questions. If Gu Changsheng was really the father of the emperor, he was their ancestor. It would be extremely disrespectful to question the ancestor.

Now we can only let Ancestor Youxian ask clearly.

Gu Changsheng nodded, and then said: “Some things cannot be explained for hundreds of years, but as long as I am here, grandpa, you should not go over and cause trouble. If you want to try the emperor’s methods, I will find it for you.” A good opponent.”

After that, he said to the sky: “Old Huang, don’t be shy, come out and meet juniors like you.” As

soon as Gu Changsheng finished speaking, the golden ancient emperor walked away from the void with a look of reluctance. When he came out, the brilliance of his Tianling Cap that shot straight into the sky had disappeared. It was obvious that he had retrieved the Dao Fruit at some point and restored his Dao to its heyday.

As for whether it was forced by Gu Changsheng, Gu Changsheng said that he just mentioned it casually, and the Golden Ancient Emperor agreed.

As for what he promised to do, the Golden Ancient Emperor didn’t know, but he was not as worried about the ultimate ascension as other Supreme Ancient Emperors. He was different from other Supreme Ancient Emperors. Don’t forget, he was in the prime of his first life. The man who cut himself off and proclaimed himself a god at some time still has plenty of longevity.

As soon as the Ancient Golden Emperor came out, a surge of imperial pressure filled the air over the Gu family. Everyone was suddenly awe-inspiring. The Supreme Elders at the level of the Great Sage looked at the Ancient Golden Emperor with vigilance, as if they were ready at any time. Open the Gu family formation to deal with the golden ancient emperor.

This is an ancient emperor of an ancient tribe who is comparable to the Great Emperor. The relationship between the ancient tribe and the human race cannot allow them to be careless.


The next moment, Gu Changsheng’s figure suddenly came behind the Golden Ancient Emperor and slapped him on the back of the head, the sound was very clear.

“I asked you to calm down your breath. Didn’t you see that you scared all my descendants?” Gu Changsheng looked at the Golden Ancient Emperor angrily. Damn it, I asked you to be a sparring partner for my grandson. I didn’t ask you to show off. Aren’t you trying to steal my limelight by showing off?

At the same time, Gu Changsheng also felt that Lao Huang’s touch seemed to be comparable to that of the traitor!

But everyone in the Gu family, including Gu Youxian, looked at Gu Changsheng with wide eyes. Were they right? Grandpa (the ancestor) actually scolded an ancient emperor as if he was scolding his younger brother. If this were told, who would believe it?

But the next moment something happened that shocked them even more.

“Boss, I was wrong. I just recovered. I haven’t had time to adapt yet. I’m sorry, sorry, it’s my fault!” The Ancient Golden Emperor apologized quickly.

“There’s no point in apologizing to me. You didn’t scare me. You scared my descendants. If you want to apologize, you are also apologizing to them.” Gu Changsheng did not accept the apology from the Golden Ancient Emperor at all, which made you pretend to be cool. .

When other people hear this, do they think this is okay? How can they afford to have an ancient emperor who is equivalent to the great emperor of the human race apologize to them?

Just when they thought that the Ancient Golden Emperor would refuse adamantly or show an expression of embarrassment, the Ancient Golden Emperor waved to the Gu family with a warm smile and said, “Haha, I’m sorry about that, I haven’t been out for a long time, and I haven’t gotten used to it for a while. Come here, I scared you, my fault.”


Everyone looked at each other, is this still the ancient emperor of the ancient clan that they talked about? Why are you so well-behaved in front of your ancestor?

“Okay, you two can get along slowly, and I’ll take care of things first.”

“To be honest, that guy Gu Sheng is not reliable at all. In the end, I have to wipe my ass. If I happen to be away, wouldn’t it be wrong? You have to take the life of your eldest grandson? No, you have to educate him when we meet in the future.” “It’s

all my fault. I faked his death too early and didn’t have time to educate him. I’ll have to make up for it in the future!”

Gu Changsheng muttered, and then When she was about to leave, Gu Wei happened to come back from outside. She saw so many people gathered together and two strangers, and she was filled with doubts.

“Little baby, you performed well and did not embarrass my Gu family.”

Gu Changsheng gave Gu Wei a thumbs up. Gu Wei forcefully killed the Great Sage Ancestor in the Taishi Holy Land in front of the Tomb of the Emperor of Eternal Life. He watched the whole process. Yes, although both sides are right, but whoever makes Gu Wei a descendant of his own blood, he will naturally favor his own people.

After Gu Changsheng finished speaking, he disappeared.

Gu Wei was stunned. Suddenly, she saw Gu Youxian, and she quickly saluted respectfully, and then asked: “Ancestor Youxian, who was that person just now?”

“My grandpa!” Gu Youxian said. At this time, he was already sure. Gu Changsheng is really his grandfather, and the feeling deep in his bloodline is unmistakable.

“Grandpa?” Gu Wei was startled, and then her pretty face was full of surprise. Isn’t the grandfather of the ancestor Youxian the emperor’s father, the ancestor of their Gu family?

“Then who is he?” Gu Wei looked at the Golden Ancient Emperor who was wearing a golden shirt. Now that the Golden Ancient Emperor had perfectly restrained his aura, Gu Wei didn’t know that he was an Ancient Emperor who was equal to the Great Emperor.

“Ahem, Xiaowei, don’t be rude!”

A great sage-level Supreme Elder reminded him. This was an ancient emperor. Even if he apologized to them in a shocking way, they didn’t dare to be too presumptuous.

“Senior, who are you?”

Gu Youxian asked.

“Me, I was called the Ancient Golden Emperor a million years ago. I don’t know how many people still remember me? After all, the boss is the Holy Emperor of the human race. Not many people know about it now. I, the Ancient Golden Emperor, should No one knows anymore.” The Golden Ancient Emperor smiled.

“Golden Ancient Emperor?!”

Gu Youxian looked shocked. As a figure from the ancient times, he naturally knew about the Golden Ancient Emperor.

“Wait a minute, Senior Golden, when you say the boss is the Holy Emperor of the Human Race, you mean…” Gu Youxian’s tone was full of uncertainty.

“Forget it if they don’t know. You are his grandson. Don’t you know that your grandfather is the Changsheng Emperor?” The Golden Ancient Emperor also stared at Gu Youxian. He thought that the Huanggu Emperor knew that the Changsheng Emperor was his father. Now it seems that he also I do not know.

“Grandpa is the Immortal Emperor?”

Gu Youxian was confused. He suddenly remembered that his father was still determined to resurrect his grandfather and grandma. Now it seemed that his father was also kept in the dark!

Suddenly, the Golden Ancient Emperor burst out laughing, and he said: “Among those Supreme Ancient Emperors, a few of them seem to be dissatisfied with your grandfather. Now that the real master is looking for them, I wonder if they will be scared to death. ”

He had personally experienced Gu Changsheng’s terror back then.

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