The End of the Imperial War (2-in-1)

In Central China, in the Tomb of the Emperor of Eternal Life, the auras of the Great Dao and the auras of killing were intertwined with each other. The combination of the Eternal Life Cauldron and the Ancient Ancient Bell caused some changes that were beyond common sense. They exerted force together, which was far beyond the realm of common sense. One plus one equals two.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation co-hosted by them, even if the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor and the others have been fully sublimated and returned to their peak period, it is not easy to break through the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

But as time goes by, the power of the Eternal Life Cauldron and the Ancient Ancient Bell is gradually declining. After all, they are in a state of ownerlessness, like a castle in the air without roots. Moreover, the Eternal Life Cauldron has been confronting the six supreme ancient emperors for nearly half a month. , only now has the state of weakness appeared, and this performance has exceeded that of ordinary imperial soldiers.

But now, they are slowly falling into the disadvantage. Among the four imperial swords, the Zhuxian Sword has cracks on its body at this time, but it still exudes endless sword light. When swung, it is a killing sword energy. It slashes at the enemy, but its power is obviously weakened compared to before.


the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor roared angrily, and the euphorbia in his hand also had a crack invisible to the naked eye. It can be seen that in this battle, even the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor who became immortal gold, if it were not for several other Supreme Ancient Emperors, If we cooperate together, we may also fall into the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

But there are no ifs in the world. They have the upper hand now, and it won’t be long before they can break through the Zhuxian Sword Formation. By then, it will be the time to face the butcher’s knife for life.

The Holy Emperor of the Holy Spirit waved the great halberd in his hand, and an extremely domineering aura swept across the sky. The great halberd hit the Zhuxian Sword. He wanted to defeat the Zhuxian Sword at once and break the Zhuxian Sword Formation.


Powerful energy fluctuations swept around, but the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor’s halberd did not attack the Immortal Killing Sword, because a long sword blocked the Immortal Killing Sword, and that was the Immortal Killing Sword.

At this time, slight cracks appeared on the sword body of the Immortal Killing Sword. It was obvious that it had paid a price for the blow just now.


The Holy Emperor of the Holy Spirit snorted heavily. The scene of the Immortal Killing Sword blocking the attack of the Immortal Killing Sword reminded him of his mount, the Green Lion. The Green Lion also blocked the attack of the Immortal Killing Sword Formation for him. Will die on the spot.

“The emperor’s soldiers value love and justice so much, but we are in a dead end because of greed. How ridiculous!”

At this time, the Queen of Sky Eyes suddenly stopped.

“Queen of Sky Eyes, are you going to give up resistance?”

The Supreme of the Immortal Forbidden Land asked with a frown.

The other Supremes also looked at the Queen of Heavenly Eyes, and Supreme Nine Nether said in a cold voice: “If you don’t do it for yourself, heaven and earth will destroy you. Whether it is the killing trap set up by the Emperor of Immortality or the Emperor of Ancient Times, since we have been forced to reach the highest level, after we get out, , in order to survive, it is necessary to launch a dark turmoil. In the final analysis, the blame lies with the person who set up the trap. If he did not set up a trap, how could we be fooled?”

“Queen of the Sky Eye, don’t tell me that you will not launch a dark turmoil after you go out. ?”

Facing Jiuyou Supreme’s final question, Queen Tianyan just smiled faintly and answered Jiuyou Supreme’s question with practical actions.

I saw the Queen of Heavenly Eyes sitting cross-legged on the spot, her eyes closed tightly, and she stopped taking action!

“Hmph, even if you are in the same realm as me, it is just a woman’s kindness!”

The Holy Emperor of the Holy Spirit snorted coldly and ignored the Queen of Sky Eyes. Since she insisted on dying, it had nothing to do with them.

The remaining five people looked at the several emperor soldiers, their eyes were cold, and their strong murderous intent was condensed into essence, targeting the Eternal Life Cauldron and the Ancient Ancient Bell.

“Some of the emperor’s soldiers, even if they are the strongest among the emperor’s soldiers, are not good enough in front of us. Even if your master is resurrected and faced with our siege, he will still suffer hatred!”

Jiuyou Supreme said with a sneer on his face. He was full of disdain for the Immortal Emperor and the Ancient Emperor. When they reached the realm of the Supreme Ancient Emperor, they were both invincible for an era. Who would conquer whom?

“Yes, if your masters are of the same era as me, it will be their misfortune!”

The Supreme of the Immortal Forbidden Land sneered. He heard from the Golden Ancient Emperor in the Immortal Forbidden Land how powerful the Immortal Emperor was. It’s already too much trouble.

“It’s just a different era, but you still dare to call yourself the most powerful emperor?”

the Supreme Lord of Demon Mausoleum said.


The Eternal Life Cauldron and the Ancient Ancient Bell were angry, and the Eternal Life Cauldron sent out a thought.

“If my master were here, even if they were in the same realm, one finger would be enough to suppress you!”

Facing the words of the Eternal Life Cauldron, Jiuyou Supreme sneered: “What a joke, how can a person who has been dead for millions of years have the right to suppress you?” Shall we wait? Even if he stands in front of me now, my killing avenue can still suppress the Emperor of Immortality!”


A voice sounded very suddenly, and the Queen of Sky Eyes who was sitting cross-legged on the ground suddenly “swish” Opening his eyes, what he saw was a young man wearing a blue robe.

“Emperor Changsheng!”

They recognized Gu Changsheng at a glance.

“Impossible, how can you… be still alive?”

The Supreme Being of the Immortal Forbidden Land looked at Gu Changsheng with horror on his face.

Gu Changsheng didn’t even look at them, because at this time, the Changsheng Cauldron had shrunk to the size of a palm and came to him, seeming to be coquettishly complaining to him.

It seems to be saying that if you haven’t come to see me for so many years, you don’t love me anymore.

“Okay, okay, I’m wrong. I faked my death and didn’t leave a grave. I have to leave something to symbolize my identity. You are the only one in the world who can symbolize me, so don’t complain.”

Gu Changsheng coaxed Changsheng Ding like a child, and soon Changsheng Ding’s mood stabilized.

“They were slandering you just now. I am no match for them now. Help me suppress them.”

At this time, the Eternal Life Cauldron left the last thought to Gu Changsheng, and then its spirit fell into a deep sleep. Apparently, it had been consumed in the past half month. It was too big. After all, it was not an immortal weapon. It was still in the category of imperial weapons. It could restrain the six supreme ancient emperors for half a month, which was unprecedented.

“Have a good sleep!”

Gu Changsheng put the Eternal Life Cauldron away and looked at the Immortal Killing Sword and the Immortal Killing Sword. He waved his hands gently and repaired the cracks on their bodies.

Seeing how easily Gu Changsheng repaired the imperial weapons, the supreme ancient emperors couldn’t help but shrink their pupils.

Chief Gu’s life has exceeded their expectations, and now he has shown such extraordinary methods, which makes them feel terrified!

Emperor’s soldiers, how can you just say it’s repaired?

After repairing the Immortal Killing Sword and Immortal Killing Sword, Gu Changsheng looked at them.

“It seems that you are all unconvinced by me.”

Gu Changsheng’s tone was indifferent, and there was no aura emanating from his body, just like an ordinary mortal, but this ordinary aura made the arrogant Holy Spirit just now. Huang and others were shocked.

They were silent for a long time.

Seeing that they were silent, Gu Changsheng just smiled softly. He looked at the Supreme Being in the Immortal Forbidden Land and said, “You just said that if my son and I were of the same era as you, it would be a tragedy for us, right? Well, then, Look who is the sad one!”

Gu Changsheng lowered his realm infinitely, until he reached the realm of enlightenment and becoming an emperor, and then he extended a finger to the Supreme Being in the Immortal Forbidden Land.

“In order to prove that my little tripod is not bragging, I have to put in some effort to suppress the cultivator.”


As soon as Gu Changsheng finished speaking, his fingers became extremely huge and pressed towards the Supreme Being in the Immortal Forbidden Land.

When the Supreme Master of the Immortal Forbidden Land faced Gu Changsheng’s finger, he was horrified to find that his Tao and Dharma were suppressed by a powerful force at this moment. What frightened him the most was that that force clearly did not exceed The scope of the emperor.


The Supreme Being in the Immortal Forbidden Land screamed in horror, and was crushed by Gu Changsheng’s fingers with a “bang”. The powerful Supreme Body was like an ant in front of Gu Changsheng.

When the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor and others saw this, their faces were full of disbelief. They also felt the aura of the emperor emanating from Gu Changsheng’s body. It was the power of the Ultimate Dao. They were in the same realm as them, so why was there such a gap?

Only the Queen of Heavenly Eyes had a smile on her face. She closed her eyes again and waited for death to come.

Being able to die in the hands of the most powerful emperor in history is thousands of times better than being worn to death by time.

After crushing a Supreme with one finger, Gu Changsheng looked at Jiuyou Supreme. In terms of grievances, his grievances with Jiuyou Supreme were the biggest. Jiuyou, the killer organization, was created by Jiuyou Supreme. Jiuyou actually wanted to assassinate his apprentice Honghong, so he killed him.

For Jiuyou Supreme, he has a blood feud to destroy the Taoist lineage.

“Since we are enemies, then you should die!”

Gu Changsheng just waved his hand gently and smashed the Jiuyou Supreme into pieces. Of course, he was holding the imperial weapon dagger made of red blood fairy gold. Gu Changsheng was specially careful. ‘s stayed.

He can make immortal gold, but who would think it is too little?

“Kill!” Seeing that

the Changsheng Emperor suppressed the two Supreme Beings so easily, the remaining three Supreme Beings, led by the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor, all attacked Gu Changsheng.

The sky sends murderous intentions, and the stars change places!

The earth sends murderous intent, dragons and snakes rise from the ground!

And when people unleash murderous intent, heaven and earth will turn upside down!

The strong murderous intention shook the avenue of the universe, and countless big stars in the starry sky were trembling, and they were about to fall at any time. Countless creatures felt the cold murderous intention at this moment. This was still the reason why the Zhuxian Sword Formation was blocked. Without the Zhuxian Sword Formation, , just their murderous intention can kill countless living beings on the Tianhuang Star.

They have obviously used the Supreme Technique of fighting for their lives. If this blow is carried out, they will die quickly. If the source of life is not replenished in time, they will turn away.

But now, when they faced the extremely tyrannical Emperor Chang Sheng, they had no choice.

Either the Immortal Emperor dies, or they die!

But the supreme technique in which their lives were at stake suddenly disappeared in front of Gu Changsheng.

“How is it possible?”

The Holy Spirit Holy Emperor and the others were all surprised. They did not feel any aura fluctuations from the Emperor Changsheng. How could their attacks suddenly disappear?

“Invulnerable to all laws, he has reached the realm of invulnerable to all laws.”

The Supreme of the Immortal Ruins shouted loudly, revealing the mystery in one word.

There are usually two opinions on the invincibility of all laws.

The first is that one’s own realm is higher than the opponent’s, and any Tao and Dharma fights of the other party cannot affect one’s own. This can be regarded as invulnerable. For example, when the emperor faces a monk under the emperor, this kind of invulnerability can only be regarded as fake. invade.

The other is a legend. It is said that no matter how strong low-dimensional creatures are, they cannot cause danger to high-dimensional creatures. This is the true invulnerability.

Gu Changsheng falls into this category at this time.

His life dimension is many dimensions higher than these supreme ancient emperors. Even if he lowers his realm to that of a great emperor, others will not be able to cause any harm to him, because his life essence is different from other people’s. Even if he will cultivate Even if he descends to the level of a mortal, the essence of his life will not change.

Just like a two-dimensional character, no matter how powerful he is, he cannot affect three-dimensional creatures.

The Holy Spirit Holy Emperor and the others also noticed the difference in the nature of life between them and Gu Changsheng.

“You…have become an immortal?” the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor asked.

“It’s a success!”

Gu Changsheng smiled.

Cheng Guo’s answer is very meaningful. It can be understood that he became an immortal and then degenerated from it for some reason.

It can also be understood that if you have become an immortal, you have now surpassed the immortal and are no longer an immortal.

Obviously, Gu Changsheng is the latter.

At this moment, the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor and the others were filled with bitterness. Their enemy turned out to be such a terrifying existence. They had made such bold words before, but now that they think about it, it was probably just a joke.

“Since you are so powerful, why do you still set up a trap? If you want to deal with us, you can just take action.”

Holy Holy Emperor asked. He was full of confusion in his heart. With the terrifying strength shown by the Changsheng Emperor, and the world’s respect for The disgust in the forbidden area of life, even if he directly attacks them, it will only increase his achievements and make future generations remember him forever.

“I’m just cleaning up the mess for my son!”

Gu Changsheng didn’t hide it. The kind-hearted Holy Emperor of the Human Race never minded letting others treat him as a fool.

The Holy Emperor and the others were startled. The Changsheng Emperor mentioned the term “son” twice. Could it be that his son was the Ancient Emperor?

Suddenly, an idea arose in their minds, and they thought this was the truth. Otherwise, how could they explain how the Eternal Life Cauldron and the Ancient Bell could cooperate so seamlessly? Because one is my father’s weapon and the other is my son’s weapon, can’t they work well together?

It turns out that this is a game, the biggest father-son game in history!

One family has two great emperors. From ancient times to the present, only the Gu family has been the one.

“Okay, you know what you should know, and it’s time to get on your way.” ”

This move is a magical power that I learned after I became emperor. So far, no one has seen it, so you are lucky.” After that

, , Gu Changsheng waved his hand, and countless light points appeared in the void. Each light point was filled with the breath of time. In an instant, countless light points gathered into a sword the size of a hundred feet.

“This move is called Time Like a Knife!”

As soon as Gu Changsheng finished speaking, the hundred-foot-sized Heavenly Sword of Time instantly slashed across the three Holy Spirit Emperors, and a terrifying scene appeared.

The three Holy Spirits and Holy Emperors were instantly wrinkled and their bodies shrank. They seemed to be dying after thousands of years.

“The years are like a knife, I admire you, the Human Race Holy Emperor!”

After the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor finished speaking, his body began to slowly dissipate, and in the end only his weapon, the halberd, was left.

The other two were worse than the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor, and they had already turned into nothingness before the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor could speak.

Time is like a knife, cutting down the Supreme Being!

Five of the six supreme ancient emperors have fallen, and there is also a beautiful Queen with the Sky Eyes who is waiting for death with her eyes closed.

Queen Tianyan opened her eyes and said: “Emperor Changsheng, take action, it’s worth it to die in your hands.”

But Gu Changsheng waved his hand and removed the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and at the moment the sword formation was removed, Tiandao Suddenly, the thunder roared, and blood rained down on all the ancient stars in the entire universe.

The Supreme Ancient Emperor fell, and Heaven felt the way to commemorate it with a rain of blood!

Queen Tianyan was stunned, her eyes full of doubts. He didn’t understand why Gu Changsheng didn’t take action against him.

“You have no intention of launching a dark turmoil.”

Gu Changsheng answered.

Not only did the Queen of Sky Eyes have no intention of launching a dark turmoil, she never even showed any disrespect towards him from beginning to end. Moreover, the Queen of Sky Eyes had also protected all races in the universe. In this regard, Gu Changsheng was willing to give her a chance to say goodbye to his daughter. Even if he doesn’t take action, Queen Tianyan will soon transform into a Dao.

“Thank you so much, Emperor!”

Queen Tianyan stood up to express her gratitude to Gu Changsheng. She naturally knew what Gu Changsheng meant, so she took one step and returned to her hometown, the territory of the Tianyan Clan in the Southern Wilderness, to see her after a long separation. The daughter of hundreds of thousands of years.

At this point, the Imperial War ends.

The Immortal Tomb was also erased by Gu Changsheng.

“You built a tomb for me while I was still alive. How filial!”

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