The Gu family blossoms

“Hey, I seem to have forgotten something.”

Gu Changsheng, who had just left, suddenly turned back. He looked thoughtful, with a trace of doubt in his eyes. What decision had he made before?

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and remembered something he had forgotten.

He originally wanted to give the Purple Gold, the Holy Spirit Emperor’s true form, to his traitor, but on a whim, he used a magical power that he had never used before, directly beating the Holy Spirit Emperor into nothingness.

“Forget it!”

Gu Changsheng shook his head. He knew that Li Beifei had made Gu Tianjun owe him two favors. With his understanding of this traitor, he would be shameless and take the fairy gold from the Gu family, and Gu Tianjun also agreed. .

The Gu family was founded by himself. Doesn’t Li Beifei’s request for immortal gold from the Gu family mean he is asking for it from him?

What came and went was equivalent to what he gave to Li Beifei.

Just when Gu Changsheng was about to leave again, a ripple suddenly appeared in the void, and then, the Qinglong elixir appeared.

As soon as it appeared, it immediately flew to Gu Changsheng’s side, and its main body like a real dragon leaned intimately on Gu Changsheng’s shoulder, exuding joyful thoughts.

“I almost forgot, there’s you too!” Gu Changsheng was also very happy to see the long-awaited Green Dragon Elixir. The Green Dragon Elixir was an indispensable partner on his road to invincibility. He relied on the Green Dragon Elixir to survive. In the second life, there will be more time to enter the supreme realm.

Maybe even if he didn’t have the Qinglong Elixir at that time, there would be other elixirs following him, but there was no chance in the world that the one who followed him at that time was the Qinglong Elixir.

“Buzz buzz”

Qinglong Immortal Medicine sent out thoughts one after another, describing that he had been with the Changsheng Cauldron for so many years and had never followed another person.

Gu Changsheng listened to its expression of loyalty and smiled: “Okay, I know you are the best.”

In terms of age, the Qinglong elixir is at least tens of millions of years or even hundreds of millions of years old, but he is In front of Gu Changsheng, he was like a child who liked to act coquettishly and hoped to be favored by Gu Changsheng.


Qinglong Immortal Medicine sent out another spiritual thought, seeming to be asking something.

“Oh, tell me about them. The little girl in red clothes is my eldest disciple, her name is Hong Hong. The one who looks very wretched is my second disciple, my name is Li Beifei. You don’t need to know much about the others. I I’m afraid you will be led astray by him.”


In the Gu family of the Eastern Region, all the ancestors who claimed their divine source as their family heritage have broken the divine source and seen the light of day again.

The Gu family is worthy of being the number one family in ancient times and the number one immortal force in the universe. Apart from Gu Youxian, there is one person each at the eighth level of quasi-emperor and one person at the seventh level of quasi-emperor. They are Gu Youxian’s son and daughter respectively. Those below the seventh level of quasi-emperor add up to enough There are twelve people.

There are fifteen quasi-emperor-level experts in the Gu family alone, twelve more than the Wanchu Holy Land thirty thousand years ago. The great sage, holy king, and saints even lined up in a long line in the family meeting hall. .

Nearly a thousand people!

Gu Wei, who had shown strong performance outside the Changsheng Emperor’s Tomb before, could only be ranked at the bottom according to seniority.

Not to mention the current generation of young people like Gu Xichao.

At this time, the Golden Ancient Emperor has been regarded as a guest of the Gu family, not only because he is a living ancient emperor, but also because of the relationship between the Golden Ancient Emperor and Gu Changsheng.

Since the Golden Ancient Emperor and the First Ancestor are friends, they must give him enough respect.

Without this relationship, even if you are the Supreme Ancient Emperor, you will not get the respect of my Gu family.

The Golden Ancient Emperor couldn’t help but sigh in his heart when he looked at such a prosperous Gu family.

“The human race is better. Among countless races, although the human race is a relatively mediocre race, its reproduction speed is unmatched by other races. Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. Doesn’t this give birth to a pervert like the boss? And his son is also a pervert.”

“Even his grandson, the ninth level quasi-emperor, doesn’t have any special physique, but his combat power is definitely no less than that of the ordinary Supreme Ancient Emperor.” ”

Abnormal, the whole family is a pervert.”

The Golden Ancient Emperor couldn’t help but think of his son, who should be dead now Although he was born, he was very dissatisfied with the thought of competing with the descendants of Emperor Changsheng, even his own son.

He had heard that the heirs of this generation of the Gu family had a holy body, a physique that suppressed the ancient times, and they were descendants of the Immortal Emperor. All these bonuses…

“Son, as a father, I am sorry for you, allowing you to be born in this era! ”

The Golden Ancient Emperor couldn’t help but start praying for his son, hoping that he wouldn’t be hit too hard.

“Senior, please drink tea!”

At this time, Gu Youxian gave the Golden Ancient Emperor a cup of tea.

“Well, okay!” The Golden Ancient Emperor took the tea. He didn’t pay much attention to it. What kind of tea has he never drank? But when he opened the tea cup, a strong aroma of tea penetrated from his nostrils and reached all his limbs in an instant. He even felt that he had a new understanding of Tao. Of course, the last one was a This kind of illusion, his Tao and Dharma have not changed at all, but this tea can actually make his body have an illusion, which shows that this tea is very extraordinary.

He lowered his head and looked at the tea leaves. There were only three tea leaves, but the shapes of the three tea leaves were different. Some were like unicorns, some were like real dragons, and some were like phoenixes. They were lifelike, as if they would come alive at any time.

“Is this…the Ancient Tea of Enlightenment?”

The Golden Ancient Emperor’s tone was quite uncertain, because even he had never seen the Ancient Tea Tree of Enlightenment. The Ancient Tea Tree of Enlightenment was also a legend among the Supreme Ancient Emperors.

“That’s right, it’s the ancient tea of enlightenment.” Gu Youxian nodded.

“Could it be that the Ancient Tea Tree of Enlightenment is in your Gu family?” Ancient Golden Emperor asked in surprise.

Gu Youxian nodded and said: “I don’t know where my father found this before he disappeared. For some special reason, the Ancient Tea Tree of Enlightenment is not like other immortal medicines that can ignore the environment. It seems that the Ancient Tea Tree of Enlightenment can only be used in It can survive under specific circumstances, so it has always stayed in my Gu family.”

“The Ancient Emperor!”

The Golden Ancient Emperor murmured. He didn’t know that Gu Sheng was Gu Changsheng’s son, but the name of the Ancient Emperor during the Ancient Period That was like thunder.

The Ancient Emperor’s Immortal-killing Sword Formation was practiced with several Supreme Ancient Emperors from the Immortal Forbidden Land, and unfortunately, he was one of them.

Although none of them had reached their highest level at that time, the strength of the Ancient Emperor was already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The Ancient Golden Emperor is willing to call the Ancient Emperor the second most powerful emperor in history. As for the first, there is no need to say more.

“One sect and two great emperors have taken over both the first and second places. Are they going to let others live?”

the Golden Ancient Emperor said angrily.

“What are you doing?”

At this time, Gu Changsheng came back. He was also shocked when he saw the Gu family’s fight. Good guys, they started queuing up from the meeting hall and could not see the edge at a glance.

This is probably hundreds of thousands of people!

The Gu family is the first aristocratic family in ancient times. Women in the family rarely marry outside the family. Basically, men become the sons-in-law. This has also contributed to the unprecedented prosperity of the Gu family.

There are thousands of young people of the same generation as Gu Tianjun alone.

It can be said that the Gu family, with Gu Changsheng as its origin, has completely blossomed.

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