Li Beifei’s method of summoning his master, an ancient clan’s battle (two-in-one)

At Humanity Academy, Li Beifei and others had just finished their day’s classes, and a group of five people gathered in Li Beifei’s yard again.

“Brother, didn’t you ask your master to separate the immortal gold? It’s been two months, why hasn’t your master come yet?” Xuan Mingzi asked, sitting on the sacred Kirin tree. Beside, the turtle is shaking!

He grabbed Li Wangba’s tail and started swinging it like a pendulum. No matter how threatened Li Wangba was, he never let go.

Xuan Mingzi had no idea that the turtle he was playing with was the Chaos Black Turtle who was famous throughout the world in the past and in the future!

Others are already used to it.

Li Beifei was also full of doubts at this time. Logically speaking, he had scolded him so much before, and if Gu Changsheng was here, he would definitely come out and beat him up.

“Did he leave the world of mortals again?” Li Beifei thought to himself.

“Don’t be anxious yet. The old guy is getting old, so it’s normal to slow down!” Li Beifei said to them.

“Hiss! Brother Li, I see that your hall is dark today, as if something is going to happen.” Bai Yifei glanced at Li Beifei’s face and said suddenly in shock.

“Go away, you are the one who is in trouble.”

Li Beifei said angrily, this guy actually cursed himself.

At this moment, as soon as Li Beifei finished speaking, he felt a big hand on his shoulder.

Li Beifei stiffened, and then slowly turned his head. What came into view was an extremely familiar face. A smile that was ten times uglier than crying appeared on Li Beifei’s face.



As soon as he finished speaking, Li Beifei flew out like a cannonball, and his body was embedded in the wall.


Bai Yifei and the four of them were all shocked, but when they thought about Li Beifei calling “Master” just now, they immediately understood the identity of the person coming.

The young man in green clothes in front of him is obviously the master that Li Beifei has been talking about recently, the “old guy” in Li Beifei’s mouth.

“Hello, senior!”

Several people hurriedly came forward to say hello respectfully, especially Xuan Mingzi, who directly threw Li Wangba out and hit Li Beifei.


Gu Changsheng nodded, with a harmless smile on his face, as if he wasn’t the one who slapped Li Beifei away just now.

Next to Gu Changsheng, the Golden Ancient Emperor’s eyes were on Li Beifei. He always felt that he had met Li Beifei. He thought about it and soon thought of it.

Li Beifei and Li Beichen are obviously related.

Li Beifei struggled down from the wall, grinning as he endured the pain. He walked up to Gu Changsheng and said, “Master, with so many people watching, can’t you save some face for me?”

Hearing this, Gu Changsheng sneered: “You also know that there are so many people, and you just spoke to an old guy?”


Li Beifei lowered his head angrily and muttered: “Isn’t it because you haven’t been here for two months? I usually scold you right away. Just come and beat me up.”

Gu Changsheng’s face darkened, could he dare this traitor to regard this as a lesson in how to summon him?

“Take it out!”

Gu Changsheng said angrily.


Li Beifei was startled. He didn’t know if he was stunned, and he didn’t react for a while.

“Senior, here it is!”

Xuan Mingzi reacted quickly and immediately took out the immortal green gold the size of a human head from the storage ring.

“Here I go, such a big piece of immortal green gold?”

When Xuan Mingzi took out the immortal green gold, the Ancient Golden Emperor couldn’t help being surprised. This was the first time he had seen such a large piece of immortal gold. If He would definitely be tempted to snatch others away.

“Don’t be embarrassed, isn’t it just a piece of immortal gold?” Gu Changsheng glanced at him and sent a message to him to pay attention to his image in front of the juniors. After all, he is also an ancient emperor.

What do you mean it’s not just a piece of fairy gold? The Ancient Golden Emperor expressed his dissatisfaction. You must know that his imperial weapon’s golden mace was just a piece of fist-sized orange gold with immortal marks. As for why there was so little, who could obtain a lot of immortal gold in the same era as the Emperor Changsheng?

The Golden Ancient Emperor wanted to cry when he thought about what happened back then. Only when he was the same age as the Changsheng Emperor did he know how painful it was. Everything had to be crushed by the Changsheng Emperor. Who could bear it?

“Ahem!” Gu Changsheng also knew the grievances the Ancient Golden Emperor felt in his heart, so he quickly changed the subject.

“How did you obtain this immortal green gold?” Gu Changsheng asked knowingly.

When several people heard this, they immediately recounted the scene with great joy.

Li Beifei, in particular, told him about pretending to be the Golden Ancient Prince, and even asked Bai Yifei to cooperate with him and reenact the scene.

“Master, you don’t know. After I pretended to be the ancient golden prince and used my blood energy to transform into a rainbow, Holy Son Ziwei’s expression looked as ugly as if he had eaten daddy. Haha, he must not have thought that the ancient golden prince at that time was me.”

Li Beifei laughed heartily, but he didn’t know that Prince Huang Jingu’s father was standing in front of him.

At this time, the Golden Ancient Emperor’s face was calm, but the strange look in his eyes showed that he was not as calm as he appeared on the inside.

At this time, he was worried about his son’s future. It doesn’t matter if his opponent is strong or his background is strong, but he is afraid that even if his opponent is strong and his background is strong, he will still be the sixth child.

Li Beifei is obviously such a person.

Gu Changsheng looked at Li Beifei and the others’ lively performances and couldn’t help but hold his forehead with a look of helplessness.

“Okay, okay, stop acting. I’ll help you divide the immortal gold first.”

After Gu Changsheng finished speaking, he flicked his finger, and the sharp sword energy flashed away, and the immortal green gold the size of a human head was wiped out. Neatly cut into three pieces.

This scene aroused the amazement of several of Li Beifei’s friends.

“A bunch of bumpkins!”

Li Wangba, who was lying on the tree again, saw their expressions, his face was full of disdain, why not just cut the immortal gold? I can crush Lao Li with my teeth.

Unknowingly, this Chaos Black Turtle, which had no cultivation for some reason, had accepted the name Li Wangba.

So what if you don’t accept it? You can’t beat the person who named it.

“You guys divide up slowly.”

After saying that, Gu Changsheng left with the Golden Ancient Emperor. He said that he wanted to show the Golden Ancient Emperor to his apprentice, so Honghong was a must.

After Gu Changsheng left, Li Beifei, Bai Yifei and Xuan Mingzi each took a piece of immortal green gold, with satisfaction on their faces.

When Xia Wuji saw this, his face was full of envy.

“By the way, Brother Li, what is the strength of the senior?” Bai Yifei asked curiously after putting the immortal gold away.

“Guess.” Li Beifei smiled.

“I guess the senior is at least a quasi-emperor, otherwise how could he cut the immortal gold so easily.”

Xia Wuji said, as for the quasi-emperor and above, he did not dare to guess in that direction. The reincarnation of the quasi-emperor would already be a shocking thing. If If they are above the quasi-emperor, how will they attain enlightenment in the future?

“Honestly, I don’t know either!”

Li Beifei shrugged. He didn’t say that Gu Changsheng had transcended the realm of immortals. He was afraid of scaring them silly, and they might not believe him if he told him.

“Boss, you are so weak, you don’t even know the realm of your master!” Xuan Mingzi imitated Li Wangba’s tone and said to Li Beifei.


“By the way, have you discovered something?” At this time, Li Ruoyu, who had been silent, spoke.

“What’s going on?” Several people looked at him curiously.

“Senior didn’t come alone just now. There was someone beside him, and I always felt that he looked a bit like the same person.” Li Ruoyu said.


Several people looked at each other. They really didn’t pay attention to the Golden Ancient Emperor next to Gu Changsheng just now. Mainly because Gu Changsheng knocked Li Beifei away as soon as he came out, attracting all their attention.

“Golden Ancient Prince!” Li Ruoyu said.


“Brother Ruoyu, when did you learn to tell jokes? It’s still such a cold joke.” Xuan Mingzi said.

“Yes, brother Ruoyu, you don’t have to tell jokes. We all understand your character.” This is what Bai Yifei said.

Xia Wuji even said: “Brother Ruoyu, really, I suggest you find a Taoist nun. You are not young anymore. You must have been holding it in for too long and you are hallucinating. How can you be the one who is with your seniors?” A member of the ancient tribe? Not to mention related to the Ancient Prince Huang Jin. That senior is not the father of the Ancient Prince Huang Jin.”

None of the three of them believed it and thought Li Ruoyu had made a mistake. Only Li Beifei looked thoughtful.

It stands to reason that the Golden Ancient Emperor, who could give Master a chance to become emperor, should be on good terms with Master, right?

At this thought, Li Beifei was immediately shocked. He was already 98% sure that the person standing next to his master was the Golden Ancient Emperor.

Damn it, if this is the case, and I have a conflict with Prince Huang Jingu, wouldn’t it be like a flood flooding the Dragon King Temple, and my own family beating my own family?

In a quiet courtyard, Honghong was playing with a bright red potted plant gracefully. This was given to her by the Holy Maiden of Yaochi, saying it could bring her luck.

I don’t know why, but Honghong always feels that the Saint of Yaochi, whom she has just met, seems to treat her unexpectedly well. It seems that they have not just met, but have known each other for a long time.

In this regard, Honghong can only think that she and the Yaochi Saint are very destined. They are both innate Taoists, and they also practice the “Innate Tao Sutra”. They also awakened the ancient vision of the Innate Tao Map. Even the weapons used are Xuanhuang Dao Diagram.

If all this was not caused by fate, how could it be such a coincidence?

On the cloud, Gu Changsheng, the Ancient Golden Emperor, said, “Just watch.”

Ancient Golden Emperor:? ? ?

Why, I just met your second apprentice.

“I’m afraid you scared Honghong.” After Gu Changsheng left a sentence, he entered Honghong’s yard, leaving only the Golden Ancient Emperor alone, messy in the wind.

“I’m not ugly, either?” The Golden Ancient Emperor took out an ancient mirror, but he didn’t look scary no matter how he looked at himself.

“Honghong, what are you doing?” Gu Changsheng’s voice sounded.


Honghong heard Gu Changsheng’s words and quickly stood up and saluted Gu Changsheng.

“Honghong is better, unlike your junior brother who is not only disrespectful when he sees me, but also often scolds me behind my back.”

Gu Changsheng made a comparison and suddenly felt that he was right to treat Honghong well.

Hong Hong smiled when she heard this. She knew that the master did not really mean to blame Li Beifei. The way they got along was like that. If one day the junior brother stopped being rebellious, the master would probably feel uncomfortable inside. On the contrary, If the master is suddenly too nice to the junior brother one day, the junior brother will also think that the master in front of him is fake.

Both parties knew that this was just a way of getting along, so neither Gu Changsheng nor Li Beifei took the other’s words and deeds to heart.

The master and apprentice were sitting face to face, and Honghong was telling Gu Changsheng what happened during this period, just like a daughter telling her father, full of warmth.

When the ancient golden emperor on the cloud saw this scene, he felt very envious for some reason.

“By the way, I haven’t seen my son in a million years!” The Golden Ancient Emperor murmured.


At this time, there was a strange sound outside the Humanity Academy.

Soon, the dean of the academy led a group of teachers to the gate of the Humanity Academy.

When he saw the person coming, the dean frowned slightly.

The visitor is none other than the Taikoo clan who was born not long ago, and the leader is Huang Jinrong.

“Why did you come to our Humanity Academy?” the dean asked calmly. Even though Huang Jinrong’s cultivation had reached the level of a great saint, she did not show the slightest panic.

Huang Jinrong smiled and said, “Don’t be nervous, Your Excellency. We are not here to cause trouble this time, but to discuss something with you.”

“What’s the matter?” asked the dean.

“I heard that the Academy of Humanity has gathered all the geniuses of the human race in the Tianhuang Star. We, the ancient clan, have come together for one thing. We hope that our princes and princesses can have a competition with the geniuses of the human race.”

“It won’t be a match . A competition that limits life and death!”

A competition that does not limit life and death?

The expressions of the dean and many teachers changed. In the Changsheng Emperor’s Tomb, more than thirty students of the academy were killed in the hands of the princes and daughters of the Taikoo clan. However, no one of the princes and princesses of the Taikoo clan was injured. Among them, The gap is undoubtedly huge. I am afraid that only descendants of immortal forces like Gu Tianjun can rival the princes and daughters of the ancient clan. Others are not even close.

“You are not afraid anymore, are you?”

At this time, a woman behind Huang Jinrong said. She was dressed in silver armor. She was the ancestral queen of the ancient tribe who went head-to-head with Gu Wei that day.

The dean’s face turned ugly when he heard this. Although she wanted to agree, as the dean of the academy, she had no right to make decisions for the students.

“Dean, promise them!”

“Yes, dean, promise them.”

At this time, students were already coming to the door one after another. When they saw that they were from the ancient tribe, they all said.

“Nonsense, do you know the importance of this matter?”

a teacher scolded.

“Jiaoxi Ye, we all know that, but from the moment we set out to practice, we have been prepared to sacrifice. If we shrink back now, what qualifications do we have to climb the great road?” ”

Yes, if it is this difficult. We also choose to retreat, so what qualifications do we have to climb the avenue? Dean, promise them, we are not afraid!”

“Yes, promise them, we are not afraid!”

For a time, dozens of students shouted loudly together, with momentum like a rainbow, The morale was so strong that even the ancestors of the ancient clan were slightly frightened when they saw it.

“Okay, we agreed!”

the dean said to Huang Jinrong.

Huang Huangrong nodded and said, “We’ll see you at the top of the North Mountain of Zhongshenzhou in half a month!”

After saying that, Huang Huangrong and the others left.

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