Mobilization before the game

The news that the genius of the Ancient Clan invited the genius of the human race to fight against the genius of the human race spread throughout the Tianhuang planet that day. The immortal forces and many great religions were extremely concerned about this matter, because the genius of the human race who played on the match day was probably their descendant. After learning the time and place of the competition, these forces sent powerful elders to set off.

Some good-for-nothing people who had financial resources but were not strong enough to cross the endless ocean took out their wealth and gave it to the local major religions or holy places, hoping that they would give them a ride.

Naturally, a large religion or a holy land will not refuse the source crystals delivered to their door. Anyway, their large teleportation arrays can transport a lot of people at one time, and opening the teleportation array requires a huge amount of source crystals. Someone may be willing to pay a large amount of source crystals. It’s too late for them to be happy, so how could they refuse?

And this can also reflect the style of the holy land of great religions. The stronger the power, the more important it is to word of mouth.

Humanity Academy!

In the square, students and teachers stood together, looking seriously at the dean above.

At this moment, the dean is doing pre-game mobilization for the students!

The dean’s face was full of solemnity, and she said: “Everyone, this competition with the princes and daughters of the Ancient Clan will be the most dangerous trial before you set foot on the ancient starry sky road. This competition is not only about your Life is more related to the dignity of our human race.”

“The ancient tribes have been eyeing our human race since ancient times. This time they proposed a competition, obviously they want to see the strength of the younger generation of our human race, so as to judge the future development of our human race. Will the potential become their biggest enemy? If they find that my human genius is too powerful, they will not do anything to you on the surface, but secretly, they will definitely use any means to get rid of you. This is the consistent trick of the Ancient Clan.”

On the cloud, Gu Changsheng and the Ancient Golden Emperor stood together. After hearing the dean’s words, the Ancient Golden Emperor said angrily: “Boss, this is a stereotype. Not all the ancient tribes are hostile to the human race.”

Gu Changsheng . Changsheng heard the words, glanced at him, and said, “That Huang Huangrong is from your Golden Ancient Clan, right? He took the lead in promoting this competition.” ”

I…I will go back and expel him from the family tree when I have time. You think it’s okay?” Really?” The Ancient Golden Emperor was about to cry, and secretly scolded Huang Huangrong for joining in the fun. Even if you support this competition, don’t be the leader, you idiot.

“Look at how cowardly you are, even the Ancient Emperor. If I didn’t agree, do you think they could make any waves?” Gu Changsheng mocked. If he didn’t agree to this competition, he would have slapped him in the face. Those who took the lead were beaten to death, why wait until now?

The dean below was still talking.

“But you don’t have to worry too much. Our human race is no longer as weak as it was in ancient times. We have enough power to protect you. Therefore, please be sure to use your full strength in this competition that concerns the dignity of the human race and win.” Let’s compete!”

At the end of the sentence, the dean couldn’t help but look at Li Beifei.

The next moment, everyone looked at Li Beifei.

Li Beifei:…

“Brother Li, to be honest, we don’t even know your true strength!” Xia Wuji said.

Everyone else nodded. Li Beifei, the sixth child, has never seen his true strength since he joined the Humanity Academy. This sixth child always thinks of ways to trick others and is very good at hiding it.

The others must be hiding their real trump cards, but Li Beifei is different. He is a sword cultivator. So far, he has only used his sword very rarely, and he only used his sword when he attacked the Holy Son Ziwei in Tiandu Mountain. , but that time even Holy Son Ziwei couldn’t feel Li Beifei’s strength, because it was too fast, and one of his arms was cut off by Li Beifei before he could sense it.

Among so many people, Li Beifei is the one who hides the most. It is no wonder that the dean will look at him. With his sixth-year character, he might choose to hide his strength or even admit defeat in order not to be targeted by the ancient clan.

With Li Beifei’s face, he naturally ignored other people’s looks, but he found that his future wife had also looked over. He quickly said to Mu Qingyi: “Qingyi, don’t worry, I won’t embarrass you.”

Mu Qingyi Hearing this, he was stunned for a moment and said softly: “Master Li, what are you talking nonsense about?”

What do you mean by not embarrassing me? Is it appropriate for you to say this in an occasion with so many people? Mu Qingyi felt like crying but had no tears in her heart, but she was a little sweet.

“Boss, if nothing else, your apprentice has some skills in flirting with girls.” On the cloud, the Golden Ancient Emperor said.

“This kid’s skills are just based on his thick skin.” Gu Changsheng said disdainfully. Compared with himself, this traitor is far behind. Back then, he used his personality and charm to conquer the most beautiful Yao Ji.

“Don’t you have to be thick-skinned when picking up girls?” Golden Ancient Emperor asked.


Gu Changsheng said he didn’t want to discuss this with this rough guy.

The other students in the academy also looked at Li Beifei with disdain. Damn it, do you think this person is speaking human language? Everyone else was thinking about fighting for the dignity of the human race, but he actually thought about fighting around women. But when they saw that the fairy in green didn’t scold him severely, everyone felt heartbroken again.

Fairy, why do you fall in love with this old man?

Ziwei Shengzi, who was interested in Mu Qingyi, was even more angry. He stared at Li Beifei gloomily, as if Li Beifei had the hatred of killing his father and taking away his wife. If he knew that the immortal green gold was Li Beifei, together with Xuan Mingzi and Bai Yifei, took it away. I wonder if he would commit murder regardless of the rules of the academy.

The dean also glanced at Li Beifei helplessly. He didn’t know how this kid was attracted by Senior Gu. He didn’t have any integrity.

“Everyone, there are still fifteen days before the competition. During this time, the academy will activate the Yuan Gathering Formation for you. You should be well prepared!” said the dean.

The Juyuan Formation is a super Juyuan Formation in the academy, which can gather the energy of heaven and earth that has escaped between heaven and earth for students to practice.

Activating the Yuan Gathering Array consumes a huge amount of money. In half a month, billions of high-grade source crystals are consumed. Even the Academy of Humanity cannot open it frequently.

The dean is doing ideological work with various geniuses of the human race, and other forces are not idle either.

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