
At this time, Li Wangba was lying on the Kirin Holy Tree and soundly asleep. It seemed that it was not worried about the loss of its cultivation. It should eat and sleep every day, but for Xuan Ming The kid teased it every now and then, and it simply thought it was a fairy-like life. However, now all the students in the academy are practicing in seclusion, and Xuan Mingzi is no exception. It is also enjoying and relaxing during this period.


At this time, a stone shot over and hit its turtle shell hard. The stone immediately turned into powder, but its turtle shell was unscathed. However, the huge force still knocked it from the Kirin Sacred Tree. He was shot down and turned upside down.

“Damn it, kid, are you looking for a bite? You actually disturbed my sleep.” Li Wangba woke someone up, and he suddenly became furious and looked at Li Beifei with his teeth bared.

Li Beifei didn’t care about its anger at all. He said calmly: “Damn turtle, you gave me this ‘Thirty-three days of creation magic’. I can’t understand a word of it. How do you want me to learn it?”

“Do you understand ? Do you know what immortality is?” Li Wangba looked at Li Beifei with narrowed turtle eyes.

Before Li Beifei could answer, Li Wangba continued: “Immortal magic is naturally the magic created by immortals, and the ‘Thirty-Three Days of Creation Immortal Technique’ in your hand is the supreme magic created by the Immortal Emperor of the Red Dust. The material of the scroll is made of the fur of an immortal monster. Only the immortal can carry the Tao and Dharma engraved in the ‘Thirty-Three Days of Creation Immortal Technique’.” ”

It is not written with words; Dao marks, how can Dao marks be seen with the naked eye? Of course you have to use your heart and your Dao to understand, how stupid!”

In the end, Li Wangba did not forget to despise Li Beifei’s IQ.

“Didn’t you tell me earlier?” Li Beifei stared at Li Wangba with wide eyes. It has been two or three months since he got the “Thirty-Three Days of Creation Immortal Technique”. He took it out to look at it whenever he had time, but you told me it wasn’t the case. To read? are you playing with me?

“You didn’t ask earlier, I thought you could learn something from your master.” Li Wangba said innocently.


Li Beifei no longer argued with Li Wangba, the turtle bastard. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the ground, placed Juan Zhang in front of him, closed his eyes tightly, and began to try to communicate with Juan Zhang, understanding that this person is said to be able to give full play to his three abilities. A supreme magic with thirteen times combat power.

At this time, Li Wangba climbed up the Qilin Sacred Tree again and looked at Li Beifei with squinted eyes, his eyes full of teasing.

“You brat, do you think this ‘Thirty-Three Days of Good Fortune’ is so easy to understand? Lord Turtle… Well, it took me nearly a thousand years to understand it. Just you, even if I give you ten thousand years… …”

Before Li Wangba could finish speaking, the turtle’s eyes were almost bulging out.

“Mother, how is that possible?” Li Wangba looked at Li Beifei in disbelief.

I saw a burst of dazzling purple light emitting from Li Beifei’s body at this time. A few rays of purple light extended out and fell on the scroll recording the “Thirty-three days of creation magic”, marking the Dao marks on the scroll one by one like tadpole inscriptions. Light up.


a subtle sound sounded, and the rolls on the ground slowly rose. The traces on the rolls seemed to have been injected with life force, and they all came to life. They began to surround Li Beifei like cheering children. Turn.

“What the hell is this kid coming from? He actually figured it out in an instant!” Li Wangba looked at Li Beifei in shock.

It didn’t know that there was Lao Liu in Li Beifei’s body, who was known as one-tenth of the top plug-in of Three Thousand Chaos.

At this time, with the blessing of Lao Liu, Li Beifei quickly understood the “Thirty-three days of creation magic”, and the countless tadpole-like Dao marks entered his mind neatly and orderly, forming his own ” Thirty-three days of creation magic.”

Li Beifei, who was comprehending the “Thirty-three days of creation magic”, suddenly felt dizzy. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived in a strange world.

This world is filled with fairy spirit, and everyone you see is filled with happy smiles, showing a prosperous scene.

“This is… heaven?” Li Beifei had a familiar feeling. This feeling was exactly the same as what he felt in Tianduan Mountain. Tianduan Mountain was created by his master by cutting off a fragment of the fairyland. This world gave him The feeling was the same as Tianduan Mountain gave him, it was obviously the heaven.

Only in heaven can there be such a prosperous scene.

“Boom!” Suddenly, strange changes occurred, the sky exploded, and a group of mysterious people whose bodies were shrouded in black mist appeared. They killed people when they saw them, and no grass grew in their path.


At this time, a strong man filled with immortal energy appeared.

Is this a fairy?

Li Beifei suddenly had a feeling that this person was the legendary immortal, an immortal even more tyrannical than the emperor.

But as soon as this immortal appeared, before he could show his strength, his heart was pierced by a mysterious man, and his life soon disappeared.

“This…” Li Beifei was dumbfounded. The immortal was killed so easily?

But the fall of this immortal also alarmed other powerful people in the heaven.

In an instant, countless auras that surpassed the emperor came from all directions. Soon, thousands of immortals appeared. When they saw the mysterious man killing everyone on sight, they immediately launched a counterattack without asking the reason.

Among the immortals who came to support, there were dozens more with extremely powerful auras, many times more powerful than the previous immortal.

“This should be the powerful Immortal King that Lao Liu mentioned. He is so strong. I feel like he could crush the Immortal just now with one finger.” Li Beifei couldn’t help but clicked his tongue.

Heaven was supported by the Immortal King, and soon he was fighting back and forth with the mysterious man.


At this time, a huge hand stretched out from the exploding sky. Wherever it passed, just the breath destroyed the true immortals and immortal kings in the heaven.

“Immortal Lord!”

Someone shouted, his voice full of horror.

Immortal Lord, respected among Immortal Kings, is only one step away from Immortal Emperor.

There are immortal emperors in the world of mortals, but no immortal lords.

“Emperor of Heaven, please take action!”

At this time, a cry rang out, and as the cry fell, a terrifying aura that surpassed everything came, and just the aura shattered the big hand.

Li Beifei, who was watching the battle, shrank his pupils.

What comes into view is an extremely majestic figure, surrounded by a divine ring. With one step, a world is born.

After smashing the mysterious man’s big hand, the cracks in the sky suddenly became larger. Then, nine mysterious men with long swords appeared. The aura exuded by them was no worse than the Emperor of Heaven in the world of mortals!

Nine Immortal Emperors!

Li Beifei was horrified. He looked at the Emperor of Heaven in the world of mortals. Could he be his opponent?

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