The Scene of the Past

The Hongchen Heavenly Emperor was bathed in the fairy light. He could only vaguely see his tall stature, but could not clearly see his appearance. He stared coldly and arrogantly at the mysterious nine immortal emperors of the same level.

When the nine sword-wielding immortal emperors saw the Red Dust Heavenly Emperor, they took action without saying a word. They waved their swords gently, and their power was like the creation of the world, and a corner of the huge heaven was cut off.

Each of them is ruthless and ruthless, with no regard for the creatures in the heaven.


The heaven and earth shook, and the nine world-destroying sword lights directly hit the Red Dust Heavenly Emperor. The aftermath of the destruction of the world and the destruction of the world went towards the creatures in the heaven. Countless creatures were like rootless duckweeds, their faces full of panic and helplessness. A battle at the Immortal Emperor level, even the aftermath, is not something that ordinary people can bear. Even the Immortal Lord, under the power of reopening chaos, can only grab the creatures from the heaven and leave the heaven immediately. Avoid this disaster.

The sword light full of destruction strangled the Emperor of Heaven.

“Is everything going to be okay?” Li Beifei was not affected at all as if he was watching the image of the image stone. He saw the nine Immortal Emperors suddenly taking action, and the attack fell directly on the Red Dust Emperor, and a trace of worry flashed in his heart.

This is Li Beifei’s instinctive reaction as a creature in the world of mortals.


The Hongchen Heavenly Emperor’s body was shaken, and the sword light on his body was scattered. He was unscathed. Not only that, even his clothes were not damaged.

The nine immortal emperors all shrank their pupils. They did not expect that the Hongchen Emperor was so powerful.

But before they could finish being shocked, the Hongchen Heavenly Emperor took action.

I saw him punching out, and an Immortal Emperor was blown up in an instant. With another punch, another Immortal Emperor was blown up. In front of him, these Immortal Emperors seemed not to be strong men of the same realm, but The ants that could be dealt with with one punch, the Hongchen Heavenly Emperor was extremely powerful and moved very quickly. He blasted the nine mysterious Immortal Emperors with nine consecutive punches.

Li Beifei was shocked when he saw this!

But the next moment, something shocking happened. The nine Immortal Emperors who had been blasted by the Red Dust Heavenly Emperor were resurrected intact.

“Damn, isn’t this cheating?” Li Beifei yelled, but he couldn’t help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart. He came from the Tianhuang Star countless years later, and he had already guessed the dismal end of the Red Dust Emperor.

But the Hongchen Heavenly Emperor did not show any expression. He just repeated the steps just now, disillusioned step by step. Every time he took a step, he punched out and landed. No matter how the nine immortal emperors resisted, they were all punched by him. Blast.

But the next moment, the nine Immortal Emperors seemed to have suffered no loss at all and were resurrected again.

After several times in a row, the Hongchen Emperor suddenly stopped taking action.

“Why can people from other worlds come in?”

the Hongchen Heavenly Emperor asked.

“It has nothing to do with you. Retreat quickly to avoid causing trouble. Billions of years of Taoism will disappear.” A mysterious immortal emperor said coldly.

“Joke!” The Hongchen Emperor sneered.

“You suddenly came to my world of mortals, started massacring me at a disagreement, slaughtered countless of my people, and now you have smashed the heaven of my world of mortals to pieces. You actually said that it had nothing to do with me?”

The voice of the Emperor of Heaven was heavy, although he looked at it He couldn’t see his expression, but Li Beifei could feel the anger in his heart.

“You are so stubborn. No wonder we are so rude.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the aura of the nine Immortal Emperors suddenly became stronger, but strangely, there were traces of cracks in their bodies.

The Hongchen Heavenly Emperor frowned. He always felt that something was wrong with the other party. Now he has determined that the nine Immortal Emperors in front of him are not their true bodies, but are all incarnations of spiritual bodies. They cannot display the true power of the Immortal Emperors at all. If they are true, These incarnations of them will be destroyed.

But now, they are obviously serious about it.

Spider web-like cracks began to appear on their bodies, but their aura and sword intent were rising rapidly. The heavenly space was cracking inch by inch, and the energy of chaos surged.

“Seeking death!”

the Hongchen Heavenly Emperor shouted angrily. He had already seen the other party’s plan, which was to smash the world of mortals. After the world of mortals was shattered, the origin of the avenue would appear. Their goal turned out to be the origin of the avenue in the world of mortals. He As the emperor of heaven in the world of mortals, how can he not be angry?

The Emperor Hongchen gave a cold shout, and several worlds suddenly appeared behind him. If you count carefully, there are a total of thirty-three big worlds.

“How is that possible?”

The mysterious Immortal Emperor exclaimed.

“How can you have the blessings of thirty-three worlds?”

“Hmph!” The Hongchen Emperor snorted and shouted angrily: “Thirty-three days of creation magic, activate!”


As soon as he finished speaking, the Hongchen Emperor His momentum suddenly increased dozens of times, his eyes were like lightning, and he punched the nine Immortal Emperors. The powerful power directly enveloped the nine Immortal Emperors, and fell with a “boom”, and the nine Immortal Emperors were struck by him. It was beaten into nothingness, while the other intruders under the Immortal Emperor were completely destroyed.

The supreme magic that can exert one’s own strength thirty-three times – the thirty-three days of creation magic, now finally shows its supposed power.

What Li Beifei saw was that his heart was surging, but he frowned. Could it be the end like this?


At this moment, the mutation reappeared, and a hole was opened in the sky. A nine-story small tower fell from the crack. The small tower looked like a mundane tower, without any powerful momentum. Radiate out.

But the Emperor Hongchen’s pupils shrank. He actually felt that he was bound by an invisible force. The closer the small tower got, the stronger he felt the bound power.

At that moment, he shouted: “Senior!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a shocking scene appeared in front of Li Beifei’s eyes. A turtle that looked only two palms in size appeared, looking like his pet Li Wangba. Sample.

“Damn it, isn’t this old bastard bragging? Is he really the predecessor of the Emperor of Heaven?” Li Beifei felt that the scene in front of him was too outrageous.

But he was not allowed to think too much. He saw the Red World Emperor taking out a scroll and handing it to Wu Gui, saying: “Senior, that tower is too terrifying. I am no match. I am afraid that the Red World will be robbed. This is If you can survive the Thirty-Three Days of Creation Immortal Technique, please help me find a suitable successor, thank you!” ”

Boy, what are you talking about? Lord Turtle, I will definitely survive.” Wugui. He glared at the Emperor of Heaven, “What does it mean to survive?”

The Red World Emperor smiled and said: “I’ll hold on for a while. Senior, please find a chance to leave the world of mortals.”

Wu Gui nodded after hearing this, and then complained: “Originally, I came here to have tea with you, but I didn’t expect that the stall In this matter, I don’t know whether I am unlucky or you are lucky.”

After saying that, the turtle ran away without even looking back.

When Li Beifei saw this scene, he was very decisive and determined that the turtle was the current Li Wangba.

Just when the Red Dust Emperor was about to face the terrifying little tower alone, some people who should have been able to escape returned.

“Emperor of Heaven, we are back!”

Those who came back were all above the Immortal Kings. As for the True Immortals and those below, they had long since sent them away from the world of mortals.

“You… shouldn’t have come back.” The Hongchen Heavenly Emperor said with a bitter smile.

“Haha, we have lived for hundreds of millions of years anyway. Under the leadership of you, Emperor of Heaven, the world of mortals plays a decisive role in all the worlds. It has also brought us countless years of peace. When we enjoy peace, we will naturally You have to experience war.”

A powerful Immortal King laughed.

“It’s an honor to face the enemy with the Emperor of Heaven, even if we die!” ”

Bah, Immortal King Aoming, shut your crow’s mouth, will we definitely die?” ”

Haha, I was wrong!”

The Hongchen Heavenly Emperor saw that everyone had put life and death aside, and his heart was not so heavy.

“Okay, then let us give our last effort to the world of mortals that lives and raises us!”

The Emperor of the Red Dust roared loudly, and the thirty-three big worlds behind him exploded, causing his momentum to rise rapidly, and soon he was Came to a special realm.

He sacrificed his Tao in exchange for temporarily surpassing the power of the Immortal Emperor.

But the next moment, the small tower suddenly emitted a burst of powerful golden light, covering everyone. Before they could react, they were sucked into the small tower. After them, the small tower destroyed the world of mortals and destroyed the origin of the avenue in it. Absorbed.

After doing all this, the small tower left the crack in the sky.

The world of mortals, after this brief war, was completely in decline.

At this time, Li Beifei was spinning again. When he opened his eyes, he was already back in his small courtyard.

But the scroll that should have been in front of him disappeared at this time.

“Where’s the roll?”

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