Gu Changsheng picks up rags? (4400 words two-in-one)

“It has entered your divine sea.”

Li Wangba’s voice sounded.

Li Beifei looked at Li Wangba, his eyes were so weird and weird. Seeing that this guy is not even his opponent now, he obviously couldn’t escape from the heaven in the first place. Damn, he still calls me weak every day?

“Boy, what are you looking at? Don’t think that you are invincible after comprehending the thirty-three days of creation magic.” Li Wangba shouted, feeling that Li Beifei’s eyes were full of contempt.

“You are so weak!” Li Beifei said this to Li Wangba. Not only that, he also said: “You are useless even if I give you a chance!” ”


“Boy, do you know something? ? Tell me quickly.” Li Wangba asked quickly. He never knew why he lost his earth-shattering cultivation and became the pet of this kid Li Beifei, which made him very helpless.

“You really don’t know?” Li Beifei looked at Li Wangba suspiciously.

“I knew I would ask you again? Tell me quickly.” Li Wangba said angrily.

Li Beifei saw the anxious expression on the turtle’s face, and a strange smile appeared on his face, and said: “bastard, this is not the attitude of begging for help.” ”

You kid, don’t be too greedy, thirty-three days of creation I’ve given you the magic, what else do you want?” Li Wangba said.

Li Beifei curled his lips. These thirty-three days of creation magic were originally entrusted to him by the Emperor of the Red Dust to find a suitable successor. He could understand it at once. It was obvious that he was the suitable successor. This old turtle bastard actually bullied him without knowing it. .

“It’s okay if you want me to say it, unless you bring out some good things.” Li Beifei looked at Li Wangba with a smile. Since Li Wangba has lived for such a long time, he didn’t believe that he didn’t collect some good things. Maybe he would be an immortal. There is gold.

When he thought of this, Li Beifei immediately stared at Li Wangba.

“Hey, boy, what are you looking at? This turtle doesn’t like humans, let alone men!” Li Wangba immediately wanted to cover his butt with his front two claws, but it was not long enough and could only touch the turtle shell.

“Go away! Take out the fairy gold, and I will tell you what I know.” Li Beifei insisted that Li Wangba had fairy gold, otherwise he would be sorry for living for so many years.

“How do you know that I have immortal gold?” Li Wangba was stunned for a moment, and then continued: “You really know something, no, I can’t trust you, tell me quickly, I will give you the immortal gold if you tell me.” ”

I I can’t trust you either. You give it first, and I’ll tell you later.”

“No, you tell me first, and I’ll give it later!”

The two refused to give in, and neither could convince the other, but in the end, Li Beifei was the winner. He said that he Don’t worry, the piece of fairy gold on your body is enough to advance the Seven-Star Sword Box, and you can also get two pieces of fairy gold from the Gu family. There’s no rush, there’s no rush at all.

In this regard, Li Wangba had no choice but to give in. He really wanted to know the truth about his total loss of cultivation.

So Li Wangba took out a piece of fairy gold that exuded a faint purple light.

“Divine Mark Purple Gold!” Li Beifei looked surprised. He knew that there were four kinds of immortal gold missing when the Seven Star Sword Box was built, and Divine Mark Purple Gold was one of them. Now that he has obtained Divine Mark Purple Gold, he only needs to look for the remaining With the three types of immortal gold, the Seven-Star Sword Box can become a peerless weapon that brings together the nine immortal golds.

The other three types are Feathered Immortal Gold, Light Immortal Gold and Dark Immortal Gold. These three types of Immortal Gold have been seen by few people throughout the ages, and are obviously very rare among Immortal Golds.

But no matter how rare it is, he believes that he will find it one day. Master’s Eternal Life Cauldron is a collection of ten supreme refining materials, including Nine Immortal Gold and Xuanhuang Qi. If Master can do it, I can definitely do it too. Done.

So Li Beifei smiled and put away the purple gold with the mark of the gods, and kept it until he had enough strength to recast the Seven-Star Sword Box.

“I’ve given you something, tell me quickly.” Li Wangba stared at Li Beifei, as if he would bite Li Beifei if he cheated.

“Just tell me, why are you in a hurry!” Li Beifei rolled his eyes at him, and then told about his experience. The scroll recording the thirty-three days of creation magic obviously has the mark of the Red Dust Emperor, which can be used to inherit the thirty-three days of creation. The descendants of the three-day creation magic saw the battles of the past.

After burning the incense, Li Beifei told what he saw and heard.

“No more?” Li Wangba looked at Li Beifei with wide eyes.

“No, that’s all.” Li Beifei said.

“Damn it, you kid actually lied to me, look at the bite.” Li Wangba jumped up, jumped onto Li Beifei’s thigh, and then bit him hard.

“Holy shit, let go, no, tell me, you’re a dog, aren’t you?” Li Beifei grinned in pain, even though his body was so strong that his blood and energy turned into rainbows, he couldn’t withstand Li Wangba’s teeth.

But Li Wangba not only did not let go, but instead pressed harder, biting Li Beifei’s thigh, and said through gritted teeth: “I asked you to lie to me.” ”

When did I lie to you?” Li Beifei felt that he had been wronged.

“I want to know the reason why I lost all my cultivation. I know what you just said. Are you lying to me?” Li Wangba said angrily.

“Damn it, did I tell you that I know the reason why you lost all your cultivation?” Li Beifei cursed loudly.

“No?” Li Wangba was stunned. He thought about it carefully. It seemed that Li Beifei had never said it. It seemed that this was all his own imagination. Could it be that he was wrong?


Li Wangba immediately denied that it was his mistake.

“Even if you didn’t say it, you intentionally misled me in this regard. You are guilty!”

King Li said sternly. I don’t know how he managed to bite the ground firmly while talking.

Depend on! Li Beifei cursed secretly, but he had to say that what Li Wangba said was really right. He knew that Li Wangba was anxious to know the truth about his total loss of cultivation, so he used deception to lure Li Wangba into taking the bait. Anyway, he got the immortal gold, and the purpose Once it has been achieved, even if it is known, it doesn’t matter.

“Ahem, boss, your apprentice’s hobbies are a bit strange, huh?”

At this moment, a voice sounded.

Li Beifei followed the sound and saw his master and a man who was suspected to be the Golden Ancient Emperor appearing at some point. Moreover, his master’s face seemed a little unhappy.


Li Beifei opened his thigh. Damn it, Li Wangba didn’t know when he changed his position and actually bit the edge of his crotch. Then his whole turtle body hung in the air like a pendulum, and Li Wangba’s eyes were full of a teasing smile.

“Damn it, Li Wangba, if you do this, you will be beaten later!” Li Beifei said with a wink.

“Hmph, just beat me. Although my cultivation is gone, my strong defense is still there. It will only hurt for a few days at most. Unlike you, when the time comes to participate in the competition, your nose will be bruised and your face will be swollen. Let’s see how you meet your green-robed fairy.”

Li Wangba sneered and said that it was ready to face Gu Changsheng’s fist. In the words of the human race, its move meant that they would both die together.

“Nah!” Li Beifei cursed in his heart.

But now, he had to say hello to Gu Changsheng.

“Hey, morning, Master!” Li Beifei chuckled, as if he wanted to fool around.

In fact, it is already late, the sun has already reached the zenith.

“Boy, you had a lot of fun!” Gu Changsheng said with a smile.


“Master, you misunderstood. All this is a trick of this old bastard. He wants to alienate the relationship between our master and his disciples.”

Li Beifei explained quickly.

“Yes, I know.” Gu Changsheng nodded.


Li Beifei exhaled heavily. He was not afraid of being beaten, nor was he afraid of a bruised nose and swollen face. He was just afraid of appearing in front of Mu Qingyi with a bruised nose and swollen face. He knew that Mu Qingyi wouldn’t mind, but he did.

“Master is wise!” Li Beifei said.

“Yeah!” Gu Changsheng nodded, and then with a “pop”, a man’s crotch and a turtle were embedded into the courtyard wall. The courtyard wall, which had only been repaired for a few days, appeared again with a large human-shaped pit. , but what is different from before is that there is an extra turtle between the legs of this human-shaped pit.

After breaking free from the wall, Li Beifei said with great grievance: “Master, why are you still beating me?”

“Hitting you? Master is helping you. Look, don’t you just ask the bastard for this?”

Gu Changsheng pointed out Li Wangba said while it was still printed on the wall.


Li Beifei was speechless for a moment.

“Master, what do you want from me?” Li Beifei asked.

“If nothing happens, I can’t come to you? Or, in your eyes, as a teacher, I can’t care about you?”

Gu Changsheng looked at Li Beifei jokingly.



Li Beifei subconsciously wanted to nod, but was frightened back to his senses by Gu Changsheng’s voice, so he quickly said: “Of course, the master cares about his disciples. That’s human nature. It’s human nature.” .”


Gu Changsheng looked at him acting against his will and didn’t bother to reveal his inner thoughts. Everyone knew what he was thinking.

“Hehe!” Li Beifei scratched his head and smiled.

Gu Changsheng ignored his stupidity, but waved his hand, and several more weapons appeared on the ground, including a black halberd, a blood-colored dagger, a broadsword, and a long sword. They all had the same thing in common. , that is, it is dull, full of cracks, and seems to be broken at any time.

“Choose one!” Gu Changsheng said softly.

Li Beifei took a look at the ground, and immediately looked at Gu Changsheng strangely, and said: “No, Master, you are also the founder of the Gu family after all. The Gu family is the richest man in the universe. How did you end up being a picker of rags? Look at this shady guy Euphorbia, and this bloody dagger, this broadsword, this long sword, what kind of weapons are these? Any piece of garbage in the garbage recycling bin of the academy is stronger than them.” The

golden ancient emperor who had been silent next to him heard When Li Beifei made such shocking remarks, his eyes couldn’t help but widen, almost bulging.

That black big halberd is probably the imperial weapon of the Holy Holy Emperor. Although it has been broken and the spirit has disappeared, the material is still there, and he glanced at these imperial weapons with his golden eyes, and the immortal gold sea that was smelted into them remains. whole.

Among them, the euphorbia was smelted with dragon-marked black gold, and the content was the largest, not much smaller than the piece of immortal green gold that day.

And that bloody dagger is made of a whole piece of red blood fairy gold. It is about the size of two fists. It has no impurities. Now it is just dull and dull. Can’t you recognize it?

The remaining broadswords and long swords were smelted with fairy mark orange gold and dao tribulation gold respectively, and were much heavier than an adult’s fist.

How can this be compared to the rags in the garbage recycling bin? I wonder if the Holy Spirit Emperor and others will be angry when they know that the imperial soldiers they are proud of have been demoted to worse than garbage by Li Beifei. They will come to settle the score with Li Beifei.

“Boss, since your apprentice doesn’t like these rags, why not give them to me?”

said the Golden Ancient Emperor.

Gu Changsheng rolled his eyes at him and ignored him, but continued to say to Li Beifei: “Stop talking nonsense and choose one thing.”

When Li Beifei heard the person suspected of being the Golden Ancient Emperor saying that he wanted something, he was shocked in his heart. Did you make a mistake again?

Damn, that’s right. What kind of person is Master? How could he pick up rags? Damn it, is it because Master was so kind to me out of the blue today that I subconsciously suspected that Master was fake? That’s why I had this idea?

So Li Beifei knelt down carefully and looked at the four weapons carefully.

After looking at it for a long time, he finally chose the long sword.

“Are you sure?”

Gu Changsheng asked him with a frown. He thought this boy would choose the spurge. Among other things, the spurge is the largest of these weapons, and naturally it contains the highest amount of “gold”. Isn’t this right? Is this kid’s thinking? How could this kid choose a sword? He didn’t think that Li Beifei would choose a sword because he was a swordsman. This sword couldn’t be his weapon at all.

“Sure!” Li Beifei smiled.

“Tell me what you are thinking.” Gu Changsheng asked.

“Master, can’t you read minds? Don’t you know what I’m thinking?” Li Beifei asked suspiciously.

“Pah!” Gu Changsheng slapped him on the back of the head. The feel was almost like that of the Golden Ancient Emperor.

“As a teacher, you have a lot of free time, right? It depends on your thoughts whether you have something to do or not?” Gu Changsheng looked at the rebellious disciple in front of him angrily. As a teacher, you know how to respect other people’s privacy.


After being beaten, Li Beifei not only didn’t get angry, but felt that he was his master here. He chuckled and said, “Isn’t it been so long since I gave Qingyi a gift?” ”

So you just take this.” Are you giving the rags to my future apprentice wife?” Gu Changsheng squinted at Li Beifei, and the rags bit his son very hard.

Li Beifei’s face was shocked and he said: “How can Master’s things be tatters? It’s all my fault for my poor eyesight. It’s my fault that I can’t see 25,800,000 yuan. It’s my dog’s eyes that look down on others. It’s me…”

Li Beifei said a series of words about himself. Gu Changsheng’s ears felt calloused when he heard the disparaging words. He waved his hand and said: “Okay, okay, I know you are rubbish. Stop talking about it. Besides, you are also my apprentice. If the disciple fails to teach, it is the fault of the teacher. You If you keep saying this, I won’t be able to help but praise you, and then I won’t have you as my disciple.”

Li Beifei immediately closed his mouth after hearing this.

Gu Changsheng waved his hand, and the four broken pieces on the ground underwent astonishing changes. They seemed to shrink, quickly condensed toward the center, and finally turned into complete pieces of fairy gold.

There were four pieces of fairy gold, the largest of which was black gold with dragon patterns, almost as big as a human head. Li Beifei’s scalp went numb just looking at it.

“Master, can I choose again?” Li Beifei said.

“What do you think?”

Gu Changsheng looked at him with a sneer.

Li Beifei felt cold in his heart. As long as he beeped one more time, he believed that the familiar screams would ring out throughout the academy.

Gu Changsheng pointed to the piece of fairy-marked orange gold and said, “One piece of fairy gold is not enough. You can give this piece of fairy gold to Qing Yi. I, Gu Changsheng’s disciple-in-law, have many benefits. How can I lose her?”

Li Beifei heard this. , an excited smile suddenly appeared on his face, if it’s two pieces, I’ll take one piece, Qing Yi shouldn’t mind, right?

“You dare?”

Gu Changsheng asked lightly.


Damn, why don’t you have time to read minds as you promised?

Li Beifei cursed in his heart.

But of course he didn’t dare, but he asked: “Master, what are you going to do with the rest?”

“It’s none of your business!”

After Gu Changsheng said that, he left with the Golden Ancient Emperor.

This time, he just wanted to give Li Beifei a little more background. You know, the Queen’s daughter, Princess Tianyan, has now successfully fused with the stone eye transformed by the Queen, even if she can’t fully exert its power. , but it has surpassed most of its peers.

He didn’t want Li Beifei to lose miserably when the time came. That would be too humiliating.

As for the remaining immortal gold, he was not the only disciple of Li Beifei.

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