: Above the Immortal Emperor, the Hunyuan of the Heavens

As soon as he finished speaking, Hun Kun walked out of the void. His breath was unstable, and the Yin Yang Taoist robe on his body had several big holes. It was obvious that he had just experienced an extremely fierce battle.

Gu Changsheng looked at Hun Kun, who usually paid great attention to his personal image, and asked, “Where’s Zulong?”

“Boss, I’m here!” At this time, a dragon soul flew out of Hun Kun.

The Ancestral Dragon’s body was destroyed, leaving only the immortal dragon soul.

Gu Changsheng saw that Zu Long only had his soul left, and frowned and said, “Aren’t you too miserable?”

Zu Long heard this, and his heart was extremely miserable. Boss, forget it if you don’t comfort him, why are you still so angry? It’s not like Hun Kun, an old bird, majored in Yin Yang Dao.

Zu Long smiled bitterly and said: “Originally, with our strength, those people were not our opponents, but the strange thing is that this world is actually able to suppress our strength. In addition, they have a large number of people, and it became like this accidentally. , even a streak of Hongmeng Purple Qi was lost.”

“Boss, it’s all the fault of Zulong, the old loach. Originally, we could easily catch up with the Hongmeng Purple Qi, but this old loach insisted on competing with me, and as a result, two streaks of Hongmeng Purple Qi were lost. The purple energy seemed to be drawn by something, and came to this world, but we had no choice but to follow in. Fortunately, I grabbed a beam of Hongmeng purple energy.” Hun Kun couldn’t help but start to complain about Zulong.

“Old bird, I rely on you. If I hadn’t helped you block their most powerful attack, and you could have grabbed the Hongmeng Purple Qi, what would I be like again?” Zu Longpo cursed.

Hun Kun’s expression remained unchanged and he said, “If I hadn’t risked my life to rescue you, you would have been beaten to a pulp by them. Also, I don’t have an uncle, but we are the same person. Can you still rely on me?”

” Damn it!” Zu Long cursed.

“You still have the strength to argue, why don’t I leave?”

Gu Changsheng interrupted their quarrel. Of these two guys, one had his vitality damaged, and the other had his body destroyed with only his soul left, so they could still argue vigorously. If I had known earlier I wouldn’t have come.

The two of them immediately shut up and even looked extremely friendly.

Gu Changsheng ignored their performance, but looked into the dark void, and said coldly: “Come out, a bunch of guys who hide their heads and tails.”

Then he directly blocked the world completely, let alone escaping. Don’t even think about getting the message out.

“Boss, um, how about you open a back door for us?”

Hun Kun said.

“Sorry, I forgot that you haven’t gone out yet.” After saying that, Gu Changsheng waved his hand and sent them directly back to the world.

“You are an anomaly in the world of mortals. Since you are here to die, don’t blame us for being rude!” As

soon as he finished speaking, dozens of figures appeared around Gu Changsheng. The aura exuded by these figures was not weaker than that of the Immortal Emperor. , nine of them have vaguely surpassed the Immortal Emperor, and have almost reached the realm of Zulong and the others.

“A group of hidden ants relied on the suppression of Zulong and Hunkun by this deformed world to defeat them. How dare you talk to me like this.” ”

Okay, I originally planned to give you little minions to my apprentice . As a stepping stone, forget it now and wait until they deal with the people behind you.”

Gu Changsheng looked at these people from other chaos with indifferent eyes. In his eyes, these are already dead people.

“What a loud tone! In your chaos back then, we could only exert one-tenth of our strength. Now that the Lord has created a world that can accommodate our true bodies, do you think we are still as weak as before?

” At that moment, a figure holding a long sword said something coldly. He was one of the nine people who attacked Gu Changsheng in the chaos. With a wave of his long sword, the space around Gu Changsheng suddenly became distorted. , as if boiling, squeezed towards Gu Changsheng, as if to tear Gu Changsheng into pieces.

“If you didn’t tell me, I would have forgotten you ants.” Gu Changsheng sneered, and with a wave of his hand, a ten thousand-foot-long sword light appeared in the void, and the sword light slashed directly at the man.

“Arrogant!” The man snorted coldly, obviously irritated by Gu Changsheng’s words. He waved his long sword, chaos surged, and Gu Changsheng’s sword light suddenly dissipated.

“Haha, you see, this is my true strength, odd number, your end will be…” The man laughed, but before he finished speaking, the laughter stopped suddenly. I don’t know when, His chest was pierced by a sword energy and he was nailed to the void, and the vitality in his body that was enough to allow him to live as long as the world was passing quickly. Soon, his eyes were dim, his breath was gone, and his body was connected to the weapon in his hand. The long sword gradually dissipated,

“It seems that my traitor’s traceless sword technique is quite useful!” Gu Changsheng said with a smile. He just used Li Beifei’s traceless sword technique out of curiosity. He didn’t expect it to be so good. It seems that this traceless potential still needs to be tapped.

The people who had participated in the siege of Gu Changsheng saw this scene, and their pupils shrank immediately. There were nine of them, no, there are only eight left now. They are the strongest among these dozens of people. Each of them surpassed the Immortal Emperor. Stepping into the Broken Dao Realm, with the addition of this world, they can even exert their strength at the Broken Dao Realm, so they can suppress Zulong and Hun Kun, two strong men in the Broken Dao Realm.

Breaking the Dao, as the name suggests, can break the Dao, and you will no longer be bound by the Dao. Even if the world returns to chaos, it will not cause any harm to them. It is the true supreme state where the world is corrupt and I am immortal.

But even this kind of supremely powerful man was instantly killed by an anomaly in the world of mortals in front of them. This was beyond their expectation. They had only seen this kind of strength in their master.

But who is their master? That was an invincible strong man above the broken path. He controlled three thousand chaos, and there were only a few people who could stand on an equal footing with him.

Could it be that this person really has what the Lord is looking for?

Thinking of this, a person shouted angrily: “Get up in formation, come together, and kill this person with all your strength.”

As soon as he finished speaking, dozens of powerful men at the level of Immortal Emperors each used a formation diagram. In an instant, they A supreme killing formation was built, and the remaining eight half-step Tao-breaking realm experts served as the formation’s eyes. They were receiving gifts from dozens of immortal emperors, and their momentum increased rapidly. Soon, their realm He truly stepped into the Broken Dao Realm.

Of course, this is only temporary. Once the formation is broken, they will fall back to their original state.

“Interesting, this formation can perfectly superimpose everyone’s strength. Very good, I accept this formation!”

Gu Changsheng’s eyes lit up. He also has a named disciple named Duan Fei. That boy His feet are extraordinary, not much different from those of Zulong and others.

“Arrogant! Go to hell!”


Eight people who were as good as Zu Long and others in the Dao Breaking Realm took action together. For a moment, the void beneath their feet cracked open, holes appeared out of thin air, and the energy of chaos overflowed. A powerful chaotic storm formed and swept towards Gu Changsheng, tearing at Gu Changsheng’s body crazily and trying to crush him.

Gu Changsheng just waved his hand lightly, and the formations in front of dozens of Immortal Emperors came neatly in front of him.


Without the formation map, the formation collapsed without any attack. These people suffered huge backlash, and they all vomited blood.

“All Heavens Hunyuan Formation, the name is not bad. Thank you for your gifts. To thank you, I will personally send you on your way!”

A knowing smile appeared on Gu Changsheng’s face. This trip was not in vain.

(To be continued)

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