The Great Road is Clothing

“Help me!”

Suddenly, a mysterious man with a strong aura shouted angrily. As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly turned into a giant sky-swallowing beast and opened his blood basin at the dozens of immortal emperors. With a big mouth, streams of thick blood continued to pour into the giant beast’s body.

“Ah, no!”

“Why, we are loyal, why?”

For a moment, screams broke out, and soon, dozens of immortal emperors turned into withered bones, and then disappeared between heaven and earth.

When the remaining seven people saw this, their pupils shrank.

“Ten, you…”

The giant beast turned its gaze to the other seven people without saying a word.


said one person, and fled to the edge of the world, but this world has been blocked by Gu Changsheng, and no one can enter or exit except him.

For a moment, the whole world resounded with screams, and as the screams fell, a sky-swallowing giant beast exuding an extremely terrifying aura appeared in front of Gu Changsheng, even surpassing Zulong and the others. .

Seeing this scene, Gu Changsheng did not stop him.


Because the sky-swallowing giant beast in front of him was not humanoid, and he had never eaten the meat of a beast that was stronger than the ancestral dragon.

The opportunity was rare, how could he block it?

“Hahahaha, such a powerful force. If I had known this earlier, I should have swallowed them while they were at their strongest. In this case, maybe I could surpass the Lord.” The sky-swallowing

giant beast let out a roaring laugh. , the whole world began to collapse, and then he looked at Gu Changsheng, showing a look that would choose and devour anyone.

“As long as I swallow you, I will definitely be able to surpass the broken path, surpass the Lord, and die!”

The giant sky-swallowing beast opened its bloody mouth and bit Gu Changsheng. At this moment, a strange scene appeared.

I saw Gu Changsheng’s never-changed green shirt emitting bursts of dazzling light, and auras emerged, including the gears of destiny, the long river of time, the laws of cause and effect, and the different dimensions of space…the original auras of various avenues. , can be felt on Gu Changsheng’s green shirt.

The aura emanating from the green shirt instantly froze the sky-swallowing beast in the void.

“Impossible, who are you?”

The sky-swallowing giant beast felt this aura that was beyond its understanding, and there was a look of horror in its eyes. It couldn’t even hit a piece of the opponent’s clothes.

Three thousand avenues, three thousand is an imaginary number. In fact, the avenues are endless. No one can understand all the avenues, not even the Lord who towers over the three thousand chaos.

But what did it see? The origin of countless avenues has actually become this person’s clothes, seemingly voluntarily. How is this possible?

“Me? I’m just a human saint emperor who just happened to pass by your deformed world!”

Gu Changsheng’s voice fell, and the sky-swallowing giant beast felt that its vision went dark, and it unexpectedly came to a strange world, and it discovered to its horror that it His cultivation level was blocked and he couldn’t move.

“Damn it, let me out!”

The giant sky-swallowing beast roared to the sky, but no matter how hard it struggled, it was all in vain.


Suddenly, the sky-swallowing giant beast felt as if it had been stabbed several times on its back. At this time, its cultivation level was blocked. The pain that was usually just like mosquito bites seemed to be magnified countless times at this moment. It’s extremely uncomfortable.

“Try cutting a few dozen kilograms first. If it tastes good, you still have a chance to live.”

Gu Changsheng’s voice echoed in this world. This world was temporarily created by Gu Changsheng in order to feed this sky-swallowing giant. Beast, if the meat of this giant sky-swallowing beast was delicious, he wouldn’t mind keeping it, but he felt a little bit sorry for always cutting Zulong and Hunkun’s flesh.

“Damn it, you actually treat me like a domestic animal?”

The sky-swallowing beast roared angrily. How could it not understand what Gu Changsheng meant? But now it was a foregone conclusion. Its cultivation was blocked and it could not move, even if it wanted to commit suicide.

As for biting your tongue and committing suicide?

It quietly felt the wound just now, and it was already healed. Apparently, Gu Changsheng retained its ability to heal itself quickly. Even biting its tongue would only increase the pain.

The giant sky-swallowing beast kept struggling and roaring, but no matter how it struggled or roared, the whole world seemed dead, and it was the only living thing.

At this time, Gu Changsheng stood in the deformed world and said to the void: “Still not coming out?”

As soon as he finished speaking, a ray of purple energy came out of the void and came to Gu Changsheng, looking aggrieved.

“Because you are so playful, not only did you almost kill yourself, but you also almost tricked Zulong and the others.”

Gu Changsheng glared at the Hongmeng Purple Qi. Obviously, it was this Hongmeng Purple Qi that brought Zulong and Hun Kun brought it here.

“Buzz buzz!”

A thought came out, seeming to be apologizing.

“Forget it, I won’t argue with you anymore, leave quickly and find whomever you should look for!”

Gu Changsheng waved his hand and opened a gap. Seeing this, Hongmeng Ziqi immediately got out.

At this point, there is only Gu Changsheng in the whole world.

Gu Changsheng looked at this mixed world and sneered: “It’s so disgusting. It’s so disgusting.”


With a cold snort, the whole world began to break. Soon, this deformed place The world was filled with chaos and completely destroyed.

“Boss, are you too fast?”

At this time, Zulong and Hunkun, with only their dragon souls left, came out. The difference was that Zulong was surrounded by purple energy, and it was obvious that he had obtained the Hongmeng purple energy just now.

Gu Changsheng looked at Zulong’s dragon soul and sneered: “Do you think I won’t beat you without the body? You are so fast!” ”

Uh… Boss, you misunderstood, I mean you are too powerful In just a short time, all the enemies have been wiped out.” Zu Long quickly explained that he did not want his dragon soul to be wiped out by Gu Changsheng with a slap. The immortal dragon soul was also relative.

“Okay, you can go back and recuperate yourself.” Gu Changsheng waved his hand, but the next moment, he said: “Wait a minute, I’ll treat you to something to eat.”

With that, Gu Changsheng took his hands from the sky-swallowing giant beast. He took out the meat. He did not seal the meat in the outside world, so the moment the meat appeared, the aura emanating from it shocked Zulong and Hunkun. The owner of this meat was actually stronger than them. Even better.

“Come on, try it quickly, it will be good for your injuries.”

Gu Changsheng said quickly.

“Boss, you don’t want us to help you taste it, do you?” Zu Long looked at Gu Changsheng suspiciously.

When Gu Changsheng saw that Zu Long had revealed his thoughts, there was no change in his face. He said righteously: “That’s nonsense, boss, am I that kind of person? I’m doing this for your sake, but this meat can I want to speed up the process of condensing your body, don’t you? Don’t pull me down, I’ll go back and eat slowly by myself.”

After saying that, Gu Changsheng made a gesture to leave.

“Wait, boss, I’m just saying casually, why are you so serious? Really, can’t I eat it?” As soon as

Zulong finished speaking, he gathered his weak body and took a bite, regardless of whether the meat was raw or cooked. Go down.

Zulong’s pupils shrank, and then he took several bites in succession, finishing all the dozens of kilograms of meat. His mouth was full of blood, and he said: “Boss, I don’t know if it suits your appetite, but this meat suits my appetite very much, and Is that so?”

At this time, Zulong’s physical body also solidified a bit.

“No, you’ve eaten it all.” Gu Changsheng said with a straight face.


Zulong and Hunkun were speechless, it would be strange for them to believe it.

“Forget it, I’ll give you some!”

Gu Changsheng waved his hand and distributed a few hundred kilograms to everyone, and then said: “Recuperate well, your condition is too weak now, the meat is not delicious.”

Zulong and Hun Kun was very moved when he heard the previous words, but after hearing the last sentence, he suddenly felt, boss, you don’t need to say it.

“Let’s go!”

Gu Changsheng waved his hand and left with satisfaction. Not only did he gain a supreme formation, but he also gained a giant sky-swallowing beast that could provide unlimited food. What a great harvest!

There can be more of this kind of thing!

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