The Golden Ancient Emperor’s Method of Raising His Son

The time has come to the time agreed between the Taikoo clan and the Humanity Academy.

On the top of the North Mountain of Central China, the major human forces of Tianhuang Star and the Ancient Clan divided the sky into two sides. The human forces were naturally led by the Immortal Force, and the Ancient Clan was naturally led by the Ancient Royal Family.

In the ancient royal family camp, there are two people who display a spirit that is very different from the other princes and princesses.

The first one is naturally the Heavenly Eye Princess who has integrated the new Heavenly Eye. Her current Heavenly Eye is the transformation of her mother, the Heavenly Eye Queen, and contains the Heavenly Eye Queen’s Dao and Dharma, even if she can only exert one billionth of the power. , enough for her to sweep the world.

Therefore, the temperament she displayed at this moment was very sharp, like a sharpened sword, with a cold light.

The second person who showed a difference was the Golden Ancient Prince. He was exactly the opposite of the Sky-Eyed Princess. He used to be proud and looked down upon by everyone, but now, his spirit is a little sluggish, and some people thought he was doing something.

But others really didn’t know what he was doing.

“Prince, are you okay?”

As the protector of the ancient Prince Huang Jinrong, Huang Jinrong asked with concern.

“I’m fine!” The Golden Ancient Prince shook his head, but his spirit showed that he was helpless.

Huang Huangrong looked at the depressed state of Prince Huang Huang, and couldn’t help but worry and doubt in his heart. He was worried about the upcoming competition of geniuses, and he was confused as to why the prince became like this.

“Did the prince… indulge in too much?” Huang Huangrong couldn’t help but have a shocking thought in his heart. When he looked at the ancient prince Huang Huang’s expression, it seemed to be very consistent with his guess. No, the prince, as the biological son of His Majesty the ancient emperor, The royal bloodline is rich and the body is extremely strong. Who can do this to the prince? Is it a certain princess?

Huang Huangrong squinted at the princesses of other royal families and found that the expressions of the other princesses were normal. Could it be that I guessed wrong?

When Huang Jinrong saw the Sky-Eyed Princess, his body suddenly trembled.

“It’s strange, when did Princess Tianyan’s aura become so deep, and her vitality was like three flowers gathering at the top, soaring into the sky? Could it be…” Huang Huangrong had another

shocking guess in his heart. Could it be that the prince was following Princess Tianyan? The one together? I heard that at that time, often at the end, the woman appears to be full of energy and her spirit and body are greatly satisfied, while the man often appears to be in low spirits.

Isn’t this very consistent with the behavior of the prince and Princess Tianyan?

Huang Huangrong, who has always been single, has already set off huge waves in his heart. Even the Dabi in front of him has been put behind him. Now there are things that are ten thousand times more important than the Dabi.


At this time, Princess Tianyan noticed Huang Jinrong looking at her and couldn’t help but frowned.

“Haha, Princess Tianyan is really radiant. Please give me your advice in the future!”

Huang Huangrong said inexplicably.

“Huh?” Princess Tianyan said that she didn’t understand Huang Huangrong’s words at all, but she cared too much about it. All she saw now was the competition between geniuses. In order not to disappoint her mother, she wanted to defeat all her peers and prove herself!

“Huang Huangrong, what are you talking about? Why can’t I understand you?” Prince Huang Huang asked.

When Huang Jinrong heard this, he smiled at Prince Huang Jingu and said, “Prince, I understand. Now is not the time to announce it. I will definitely keep it secret.” ”


What is it? Forget it, don’t think about it anymore, adjust your state quickly, it’s all the fault of that mysterious man, you have to force yourself to fight with him, mother, don’t let me know who you are, or you will kneel down and sing the song of conquest when I achieve success in my practice.

After thinking about it, the Golden Ancient Prince quickly sat cross-legged and used his skills to adjust his condition before the competition started.

In the void, Gu Changsheng looked at the Ancient Golden Emperor strangely and asked, “What did you do to your son?”

“Nothing! What’s wrong?” The Ancient Golden Emperor obviously didn’t realize the importance of the matter. .

“It’s nothing. It’s just that your son is just like my traitor. He just wants you to kneel down and sing “conquer” because he wants to succeed in cultivation.” Gu Changsheng said with a bit of gloating.

“What? Does that kid really think like this?” The Ancient Golden Emperor was furious and almost jumped out of the void to teach the Ancient Golden Prince.

“So what did you do to your son?” Gu Changsheng asked curiously. Although he could know it with just a thought, it was more comfortable than the Golden Ancient Emperor saying it himself.

He originally just wanted to see the condition of the Sky-Eyed Princess, but unexpectedly he looked at Huang Huangrong with a strange look in his eyes. So out of curiosity, he read his mind. Not only did he read about Huang Huangrong’s fantasy ability that was comparable to the peak of the Jida, but he also heard about Huang Huang. The last voice of the ancient prince, the mysterious person that the ancient golden prince was thinking about, was obviously the ancient golden emperor.

“Damn, you traitor…”

Ancient Golden Emperor cursed angrily, and then explained: “Actually, it’s nothing. I just hid my identity, then captured him from the clan, and then I lowered his cultivation level to I’m in the same realm as him and let him compete with me. I didn’t force him in the process.” ”

Haha!” Gu Changsheng laughed. You didn’t force your son, but you don’t think about it. A person who can be in the ancient royal family How could he, a young monk in the realm of life and death, dare to offend the person who quietly kidnapped the prince in the territory? In order to save his life, he would naturally do whatever you said, otherwise he would still dare to resist?

But the Golden Ancient Emperor didn’t seem to have rounded the corner yet. He continued: “Didn’t my damn father treat me like this back then? I have nothing to do. This traitor, as for such a big resentment, does he still want me to sing “Conquer”? ? You really swallowed the courage of the Supreme Being.”

“What was your father’s cultivation back then?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“Hmm… let me think about it… it seems like a saint? No, that old guy is only a semi-saint. He was still a semi-saint when he was incarnation.” The Ancient Golden Emperor thought for a while and then said it.

“Then what state are you in now?” Gu Changsheng continued to ask.

When the Golden Ancient Emperor heard this, he said proudly: “At the peak of the Ancient Emperor, if heaven and earth hadn’t allowed it, I would have become an immortal long ago.”

“Oh…” Gu Changsheng deliberately lengthened his voice and said, “You also know that you are now The ancient emperor is at his peak, so why do you still have the nerve to compete with your father? Even if the ancient emperor lowers his cultivation to the realm of life and death, the Tao and Dharma he displays are still at the ancient emperor level. Do you still want your son to defeat you? ”

Uh… I have this idea. Which father doesn’t want his son to surpass himself?” Golden Ancient Emperor said matter-of-factly.

“Do you know why I don’t use your stupid method to teach my son and disciples?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“Why?” The Golden Ancient Emperor asked curiously.

“Because I’m not stupid!” Gu Changsheng sneered. This method of lowering his own cultivation level to compete with his son, you can’t imagine it. You are still the ancient emperor. Why did I give you such a stupid thing the Tianxin Seal back then? ah.

If it was really useful, I would have used it long ago. Why don’t I wait for you to discover it?

As for the Golden Ancient Emperor’s method of raising his son, Gu Changsheng said that it was not as good as his own method of feigning death and raising his son. At least his son is still alive and well, and is still striving for his great ideal of resurrecting his parents. It has reached the peak of Immortal King.

Comparing it to the Golden Ancient Emperor, Gu Changsheng felt full of accomplishment.


There was a loud noise from the sky, and a huge magic boat broke through the void and appeared on the top of Beishan.

The Humanity Academy is also here.

When the sun reaches its zenith, the competition officially begins.

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