: The God of Decay is Exposed

As soon as the Dharma Ark from the Humanity Academy appeared, it attracted everyone’s attention.

But some people are unhappy, and Huang Huangrong is one of them.

Huang Huangrong snorted coldly and said, “We’re finally here. We princes and princesses have been waiting for so long. I thought you humans were afraid and didn’t dare to come.” Faced with

Huang Huangrong’s ridicule, the academy did not make any move. any representation.

In this regard, Huang Huangrong obviously thought that the academy was in the wrong, and his face became even more proud.

But at this moment, someone was anxious again, and this person was naturally the Golden Ancient Emperor who was standing with Gu Changsheng.

“Huang Huangrong, you bastard, why are you so showy? Damn it, uncle!”

After the Ancient Emperor Huang Huang finished scolding him, he turned to Gu Changsheng and said, “Boss, don’t worry, I will take care of him when I get back.” Expel the Ancient Golden Clan.”

“Why, didn’t you go back a few days ago?” Gu Changsheng looked at the Ancient Golden Emperor with a smile.

“Uh…” The Golden Ancient Emperor choked for a moment, and then he said with a smile: “Isn’t it because I was so anxious to see my son that I forgot about this matter? Next time, I will do it when I go back next time.”

“Forget it, I’ll wait for you to do it. , the cucumbers and vegetables are cold, I’d better take action myself.”

After that, Gu Changsheng made a gesture to take action, and the Golden Ancient Emperor on the side quickly said: “Wait a minute, boss!”

“Huh?” Gu Changsheng looked at Huang Jin in confusion. Ancient Emperor.

“This, that, actually, that kid Huang Huangrong is not that hostile to the human race, but that’s just his personality. He loves to show off. For my sake, boss, please spare him. I will return to the clan right now. Expel him.”

The Golden Ancient Emperor said. He, the majestic ancient emperor of the ancient clan, would actually intercede with Gu Changsheng for a member of the Great Saint Realm.


Gu Changsheng narrowed his eyes, and Huang Huanghuang immediately understood what he meant and said, “Actually, Huang Huangrong is the son of one of my clan brothers. Back then, my clan brother blocked a fatal disaster for me. Huang Huangrong was his only one.” I have to repay this kindness, otherwise my Taoist heart will be dusted. Even if the origin of the heaven and earth is revived, I may not be able to become an immortal.” ”

You kid has quite a lot of bloody plots. If I don’t deceive you, you won’t say anything. Come out.” Gu Changsheng laughed.

The Ancient Golden Emperor was stunned and asked: “Boss, were you kidding me just now?” ”

Otherwise? I am the Holy Emperor of the Human Race, the unprecedented invincible, how could I be so stingy?” Gu Changsheng rolled his eyes at the Ancient Golden Emperor. If he If you were so stingy, you should have wiped out other races and left only the human race. But that would be harmful to the development of the human race. Races without competition will withdraw from the stage of history.

“Huh…it turned out to be a false alarm.” The Golden Ancient Emperor exhaled, feeling a little frightened when interacting with Gu Changsheng.

“But it still has to be expelled!”


“You’re kidding!”


The sun in the sky is about to reach its zenith, which means that the competition between geniuses is about to begin.

Everyone turned their eyes to the big sun in the sky, watching it slowly reach the zenith.

Not long after, the sun reached its zenith.

The dean of the academy said: “The time has come and we can start.”

“No hurry!” An ancestor king of the ancient tribe shook his head and said: “Since it is a competition, there must be a referee, please ask the Great Sage!”

As soon as he finished speaking, an old man appeared between the human race and the ancient race. He had white hair and a gentle smile on his face, and his face was full of kindness and wealth.

“Isn’t it? This old man is not dead yet?” Gu Changsheng asked in surprise.

The Golden Ancient Emperor was also very shocked. The Huntuo Great Sage was already a Great Sage in their time. Of course, even if he is not dead now, it is not enough for Gu Changsheng to remember him. There is only one reason why Gu Changsheng remembers him. Wherever this old man appears, people will fall, from saints to quasi-emperors.

So millions of years ago, Hun Tuo had a title – God of Decay, because wherever he appeared, someone would fall.

“Why did these people invite this old man out of the mountain? Are they dissatisfied with his longevity?” The Golden Ancient Emperor murmured.

However, they had no intention of stopping it. They wanted to see how Hun Tuo persuaded people to die.

Naturally, the Academy would not immediately agree to the request of the Ancient Clan to let the Great Sage Huntuo serve as the referee.

“No, he is a member of your ancient tribe. How can we guarantee that he will treat everyone equally?” The dean shook his head and did not agree with the ancient tribe’s suggestion.

The Great Sage Huntuo chuckled, not caring at all about the dean’s attitude towards him. He said: “You, the Holy Emperor of the human race, have also heard of my name Huntuo, but it has been so long, and you don’t know it. I’m excusable, so how about one of your human race be the referee of this competition with me?”

Faced with Hun Tuo’s words, the dean pondered for a while, and there was no limit to the talent competition. In matters of life and death, there was originally no need for a referee, but then she thought about it. If she gave up when she knew she was outmatched, if it were the referee, she could also save her in time. After thinking about it, the referee was still necessary.

“It seems that the Ancient Clan is also worried about their princes and princesses!” The dean already understood the thoughts of the Ancient Clan. They were very confident in their princes and princesses, but they were afraid of what might happen, so they proposed the referee rules. ,in case.

“Okay, I agree.” The dean said.

“In that case, just let me be the referee.”

At this time, the heroic Gu Wei walked out of the Gu family’s Dharma boat.

“Junior sister?” The dean was stunned. Gu Wei and she were academy students three thousand years ago. They were two years younger than her, so they were considered her junior sisters based on their age.

“Senior sister, long time no see, why didn’t the teacher come this time?” Gu Wei said with a smile.

“Teacher, the old man seems to have realized something and has gone into seclusion.” The dean said.

Gu Wei nodded, and then said, “Senior sister, is it okay for me to be the referee?” ”

Of course it’s okay, I’m eager to do it.” The dean said with a smile.

“Let’s go, Tianjun, your aunt and the dean are actually classmates?” Li Beifei was surprised on the boat. He looked at Gu Wei, a beautiful girl in her early twenties, and then looked at the dean, seven or eight She looks like an old woman, but she doesn’t look like her classmates.

“That’s Li Beifei?” Li Beifei’s words caught Gu Wei’s attention, and she looked at Li Beifei.

“Ah, it’s me!” Li Beifei nodded.

But just as he finished nodding, a roar sounded.

“Didn’t you say you are Bai Yifei?”

The Golden Ancient Prince glared at Li Beifei. He had seen all the scenes where Li Beifei admitted that he was Li Beifei just now, because when the Dharma Boat from the Humanity Academy came, he had set his sights on it. Li Beifei’s every move was seen.

Now that he heard that Li Beifei was not Bai Yifei, he felt as if he had been humiliated and was furious.

“In vain, I thought you were an upright human being, but I didn’t expect you to be a guy who hides his head and hides his tail.” The ancient golden prince glared at Li Beifei angrily. In addition, he was recently caught and beaten by a mysterious man, and his current mentality was a bit uncomfortable. Stable.

“Uh…” Li Beifei was stunned. It would be great if the Golden Ancient Prince was not the son of the Golden Ancient Emperor. Now they are still family friends. Now it is so embarrassing and difficult!

Fortunately, Gu Wei helped Li Beifei out of the siege.

“This is what Tianjun promised you, give it to you.” After saying that, Gu Wei took out a ring and threw it to Li Beifei, then flew to the middle, side by side with the Great Sage Huntuo, acting as the referee.

“In that case, I announce that the competition between the geniuses of the Ancient Clan and the geniuses of the human race has officially begun.” ”

I would like to say one more thing, peace brings wealth, there is no need to fight to the death, just stop it!”

Great Sage Huntuo said with a smile,

“Here it comes, this familiar feeling!” On the cloud, Gu Changsheng and the Golden Ancient Emperor looked at each other, saying the familiar words, harmony brings wealth!

“Bai… Li Beifei, I, the Ancient Golden Prince, challenge you!”

With a sound, the Ancient Golden Prince walked out step by step. He was bathed in golden light, like a god of war, with astonishing momentum.

Everyone looked at Li Beifei. Facing the Golden Ancient Prince, would the sixth child use his full strength?

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