Zhao Tie vs Feng Lei Tiansheng

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“Who else?”

After Feng Lei Tianxiang easily defeated Yang Wuming, his momentum increased to a higher level. He stood in the air with high spirits and looked at the many students on the Dharma Boat provocatively.

Seeing Feng Lei Tiansheng being so arrogant, Xia Wuji was about to stand up and help Yang Wuming regain his position, but someone beat him to it.

“Let me give it a try!”

A voice sounded, and his tone was very flat, as if he didn’t sound very confident.

He took one step forward, left the Dharma Boat, and came to Feng Lei Tian Jiang.

“Zhao Tie!”

Li Beifei said in surprise.

“Brother Li, besides us and Fairy Tsing Yi, do you actually know other people?” Bai Yifei looked at Li Beifei in great surprise.

Several others also looked at Li Beifei in surprise. Could it be that Brother Li and Zhao Tie had some ulterior secret?

“Ahem, I don’t know him, I just happened to meet him.” Li Beifei concealed it. He didn’t want to say that he only knew Zhao Tie because he wanted to sneak attack the Yaochi Saint during the Tianduan Mountain trial. If If the monks who admire the Yaochi Saint find out, the consequences will not be as serious as usual.

“Who are you? Tell me your name. I, Feng Lei Tian Jiang, will not kill unknown people.” Feng Lei Tian Jiang still said the same thing, but he seemed to have remembered Yang Wuming’s name, so he added one more sentence.

“Even if your name is really Wuming, it doesn’t matter.”


“Human race, student of Humanity Academy, Lingxi Sect, Zhao Tie!”

After Zhao Tie finished speaking, he looked in the direction of the human race forces and looked at For a long time, I found that I didn’t see the person I wanted to see.

“Yes, our Lingxi Sect is just a small sect, how can we be qualified to watch the battle!” Zhao Tie murmured, and his determination to build the Lingxi Sect into an immortal force became even stronger. Lingxi Sect will definitely add one more word in the future. .

Lingxi Holy Sect!

In the center of a city hundreds of thousands of miles away, countless monks gathered together and looked at the scene in the sky. When Zhao Tie came out, several exclamations rang out.

“Master, look, look, that’s Senior Brother, he’s finally on the stage.” A little girl with freckles on her face pointed excitedly at the picture in the sky. She almost jumped up, but she still tried her best. suppressing the inner excitement.

“Junior sister!” a man said.

“Ah, Second Senior Brother, what’s wrong?” the little girl asked.

“It doesn’t have to be like this.”

“I’m sorry, Second Senior Brother, I’m too excited.” The little girl lowered her head shyly.

“No, that’s not what I mean. What I mean is, there is no need to be secretive.”

After saying that, the man glanced at the junior brothers next to him. The others nodded, and then the next moment, they pulled out the They put up a banner that was dozens of meters long, with the words “Senior Brother Zhao Tie, come on, kill the ancient tribe.” And that was not enough. They also used their spiritual power and shouted the name of “Zhao Tie” loudly, becoming A conspicuous package in this city.

“This…Master, is this really good?” The little girl looked at a little old man and asked.

Unexpectedly, the little old man’s face turned red and his eyes were very excited. He picked up the little girl and joined the cheering team.

Although they cannot visit the top of Beishan in person, they are also supporting Zhao Tie in their own way.

This scene was naturally reported to the city lord, but the city lord said: “Go down and let people stir up the atmosphere. I want the whole city to cheer for Zhao Tie.”

“Huh?” The guard looked confused.

“Just do it!” the city lord said.


Soon, the city, led by the city lord’s palace, shouted “Come on Zhao Tie”.

When the city lord saw this, a satisfied smile appeared on his face. He looked at the scene in the sky and murmured: “We are all human beings. This is all I can do.”

Zhao Tie didn’t know that there were tens or millions of people at this time. People were waving flags and cheering for him. He watched the wind and thunder falling from the sky bathed in thunder in front of him, and white thunder snakes began to emerge from his body.

“Oh, I didn’t expect that you also practiced the thunder method.”

Feng Lei Tianjiang looked at Zhao Tie in slight surprise.

Zhao Tie did not speak, but the thunder and lightning on his body became more and more intense, and even the void seemed to be ignited. Compared with when he met the Yaochi Saint before, he is undoubtedly stronger now. As for how powerful he is, he will soon be It can be verified.

Among the princes and daughters of the ancient clan, Princess Tianyan suddenly said: “Fenglei Tiansheng is going to be defeated.”


As soon as she said this, she immediately attracted the attention of the other princes and princesses. They were all discussing Zhao Tieneng’s role in Fenglei Tian. Lower your hand and hold on for a few rounds.

Prince Qilin said: “Princess Tianyan, you are telling me the opposite. I know the strength of Fenglei Tianshuang best. Even I am not sure that I can win it within three hundred rounds.” ”

That’s because you are too weak.” Princess Tianyan said coldly.

“You…” Prince Qilin glared at the Heavenly Eyes Princess. If the situation was not right, he would definitely challenge the Heavenly Eyes Princess. The competition between the ancient clans was also very fierce. After all, there is only one Tianxin mark, but now it is When speaking unanimously to the outside world, it seems that there is harmony now, but in the future it may be a matter of life and death.

The Heavenly Eye Princess did not speak anymore, but looked towards the battlefield. She had just looked at Zhao Tie with her Heavenly Eye, and found that there was a powerful force hidden in his body, and its attributes were exactly opposite to the thunder and lightning that appeared on his body.

“Yin and Yang twin thunders?” Princess Tianyan thought secretly.

At this time, Feng Lei Tianxiang and Zhao Tie were already fighting together.


There was lightning and thunder in the sky. Both of them used their thunder skills to the extreme, like two thunder balls, constantly colliding in the sky.

The fight between the two was very savage and rough. They were using their own lightning to empower their bodies, and then they were constantly hitting each other, just like barbarians who didn’t know their moves.


Another violent collision. In a short period of time, they had already fought for more than ten rounds. Compared with Yang Wuming before, Zhao Tie’s performance was beyond everyone’s expectations.

After the two separated, they did not take action again.

“It seems that the thunder method alone can’t do anything to you.” Feng Lei Tianjiang squinted at Zhao Tie. At this time, he was extremely surprised. He did not expect that a human’s thunder method could actually control the thunder and lightning with him. Compared to the Fenglei clan, this reminded him of a person.

Feng Lei Tianjiang shook his head and laughed at himself, how could it be?

“In this case, I have no choice but to use my true strength, even though this form is a bit ugly!” As

soon as Feng Lei Tianjiang finished speaking, he suddenly bent over, and his back seemed to have two large tumors that were constantly expanding.

Zhao Tie’s expression remained unchanged, as if he already knew Feng Lei Tiansheng’s trump card, and he did not stop him. Not only did he want to rectify the name of the human race, but he also wanted to rectify the name of himself and the Lingxi Sect.


Feng Lei Tian Jiang’s junior actually grew a pair of wings, which surprised countless people.

“Wings of wind and thunder, it seems that the prince of the wind and thunder royal family is going to use his true strength.”

“Yes, the wind and thunder clan are born to control wind and thunder. Thunder represents the ultimate offensive power, and wind represents the ultimate speed. Nowadays, Prince Fenglei has used his true strength, and that human race will suffer.” ”

I guess that human race can last for ten rounds at most.” Everyone in the

ancient clan looked at Zhao Tie jokingly, and they all thought that the overall situation was decided.

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