Feng Lei’s Defeat

“Next, the battle will be over soon!”

“If you can force me to use my wind and thunder wings, you will die

without regrets.” At this time, Feng Lei Tiansheng was extremely proud, and he looked at Zhao Tie with cold and arrogant eyes.

Zhao Tie was expressionless.

“Are you scared by me now?” Feng Lei Tianxiang couldn’t help but start sarcastically.

“Damn it, this guy is better at pretending than me. If I had known earlier, I would have taken action.”

On the boat, Li Beifei said bitterly. He would never miss this kind of opportunity to show off.

“Junior brother, you don’t want to use the tricks you used in the competition in Demon City to attract Sister Mu’s attention, do you?” Honghong glanced at Li Beifei and said jokingly.

“How is it possible? I want to severely humiliate this Feng Lei Tiansheng and let him know that if you don’t have the strength, don’t show off.” Li Beifei said righteously and seriously.

“No way, boss, have you ever used such low-level methods to pursue the Tsing Yi Fairy?” Yet? Do you still use it?


“Watch the battle carefully and don’t pry around.” Li Beifei scolded. He quietly looked at Mu Qingyi and found that Mu Qingyi didn’t show anything strange, and he felt relieved.

“It’s true that I’m a little scared!”

Zhao Tie rarely spoke, but as soon as he finished speaking, he changed his tone and said: “Because you are really ugly in this form.

” It was as simple as having a pair of wings on his back, but his whole body had changed. Horny skin had grown on many parts of his body, and a pair of horns had grown on his head, like a demon from the Nine Nether Hell.

Ugly, really ugly. After all, Feng Lei Tianxiang himself had said it before, but what he said and what others said were two different things.

“Seeking death!”

Feng Lei Tianxiang roared, and the Feng Lei wings behind him moved slightly, and then attacked Zhao Tie with the intention of the wind and thunder. He was extremely fast, at least several times faster than before. In just an instant, he arrived Behind Zhao Tie.

Feng Lei Tian descended, condensing powerful thunder and lightning in his hand, and punched Zhao Tie in the back.

But the next moment, Zhao Tiemengran turned around, his fist also condensed with powerful thunder and lightning, facing the fist of Feng Lei Tiansheng.


Feng Lei Tianxiang felt an extremely cold chill coming from his fist, causing him to retract his fist instantly and take a few steps back.

The people of the ancient tribe were shocked when they saw that Feng Lei Tianlin used his wind and thunder wings and was repelled by Zhao Tie.

“No, look at the thunder and lightning on that human’s hand.”

Someone immediately noticed something was wrong and exclaimed, drawing everyone’s attention to Zhao Tie’s fist.

Feng Lei Tianxiang also looked at Zhao Tie’s fist. At this sight, his pupils couldn’t help but shrink, and his face was full of shock and disbelief.

“Yin and Yang twin thunders, how is it possible?”

Feng Lei Tiansheng was shocked. The black and white thunder and lightning on Zhao Tie’s fist were intertwined with each other. They were the twin thunders of Yin and Yang. Only one strong man had understood the twin thunders of Yin and Yang since ancient times. That was the Yin-Yang Thunder Emperor of the human race, and unfortunately, the one who contended with the Yin-Yang Thunder Emperor back then was Feng Lei Tianxiang’s father, a terrifying quasi-emperor.

Now seeing Zhao Tie using the Yin-Yang Thunder Emperor’s exclusive Yin-Yang Double Thunder, how could Feng Lei Tianshang not be shocked?

His father failed in the struggle for hegemony with the Yin-Yang Thunder Emperor and ended up dead. Now he is the prince of the Fenglei clan, and Zhao Tie is undoubtedly the descendant of the Yin-Yang Thunder Emperor. Is this a battle arranged by fate?

“That’s fine, I will take back my father’s revenge from you, the descendant of the Thunder Emperor.” Feng Lei Tian Jiang said in a cold voice, exuding extremely terrifying killing intent, as if it was about to condense the void.

Feng Lei Tian descended and waved his big hand, and his hands were transformed into a pair of sledgehammers. The lightning was bright and powerful.

Zhao Tiena took out the yin-yang twin spears that he had only used with the Yaochi Saint, and responded coldly: “I’m afraid you don’t have the strength.” ”

What a joke, do you think you are the Yin-Yang Thunder Emperor?” Feng Lei Tianjiang said without shame. said.

“Haha, although I am not the Thunder Emperor, but don’t forget, you are not as good as your father.” Zhao Tie sneered, I am not the Yin Yang Thunder Emperor, but I am determined to surpass him, so that I can live up to him. The inheritance of the elderly.

“Seeking death!”

Feng Lei Tianjiang roared angrily, raising his two hammers high in the air, and a “rumbling” sound came from the sky. Countless thunder and lightning gathered on the two hammers and bathed in the thunder light, just like the legendary God of Thunder in the heavens.

Zhao Tie’s eyes narrowed, and he knew that it was time for the two of them to decide the outcome.

Zhao Tie waved two yin and yang spears, one black and one white, and powerful black and white thunder and lightning appeared on his body, and the powerful power of thunder and lightning was poured into the two spears.

“The Wrath of Thunder!” Feng Lei Tianjiang shouted angrily, swung his double hammers as if the God of Thunder was angry, and hit Zhao Tie hard.

“Thunder shakes the nine heavens!”

Facing the menacing wind and thunder falling from the sky, Zhao Tie was not afraid at all. He also roared angrily, facing the wind and thunder falling from the sky like a god of war above the nine heavens.


There was a loud noise, and the sky was covered by lightning within a hundred feet, making it impossible to see clearly what was happening inside.

“Feng Lei Tianjiang lost!”

The Heavenly Eyes Princess said calmly. The Heavenly Eyes between her eyebrows could see through thunder, so she knew the outcome of the battle in advance.


The thunder light gradually dissipated, and the figures of the two people were also revealed. Just as the Princess Tianyan said, Feng Leitian lost. Not only did his double hammers be shattered by Zhao Tie’s double spears, but his heart was also shattered by Zhao Tie. A spear pierced him, and the wings on his back were also pierced. Not only that, even the mouth was pierced by Zhao Tie, but Feng Lei Tianxiang did not die. With such an injury, ordinary people would have perished long ago, but The ancient race’s physique is inherently stronger than that of the human race. Even if they are so seriously injured, they still have their last breath.


A saint-level ancestor of the Fenglei Ancient Clan roared, and he was about to step forward to intervene to save people, but was stopped by a beautiful figure.

Gu Wei said coldly: “How can you interfere in a life-and-death battle?”

“You…” The ancestor of the Fenglei Ancient Clan glared at Gu Wei, but he was intimidated by Gu Wei’s aura and did not dare to say anything.

However, he coldly said to Zhao Tie on the battlefield: “Human race, you’d better let our prince go, otherwise don’t blame our Fenglei clan for being rude. We have just investigated the Lingxi Sect, it’s just a small sect.”

” Boom!”

As soon as the ancestral king of the Fenglei Ancient Clan finished speaking, Zhao Tie’s body exploded with lightning, instantly turning Fenglei Tianshu into charcoal. After doing all this, he heavily lifted Fenglei Tianshu’s charred corpse from his spear. Throw it to the ground, and then look at the ancestor king.

“What did you just say? I didn’t hear clearly.”

“You are so brave. Do you know that he is the most noble prince of our Fenglei clan? You actually killed him. Very good. I will make sure that everyone in your sect will be punished.” Our prince was buried with him.”

The ancestor looked at Zhao Tie angrily.

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To be continued

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