The Son of the Ancient Emperor vs. Xuan Mingzi

Xuan Mingzi was so strong that he was able to kill the ancient genius in an instant, which shocked everyone.

“Senior brother is so strong!” Bei Weiwei said with admiration.

“There are many people who are stronger than your senior brother, but the opponent is too weak.” Yin Yangzi smiled and seemed to be modest, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was extremely proud at the moment. Is the opponent weak? Obviously he is not weak. Xuan Mingzi’s opponent killed a descendant of a great religion in the last game. How can someone who can enter the academy be weak?

Xuan Mingzi’s performance also attracted the attention of the princes and daughters of the ancient clan.

“This human race is interesting. After watching it for so long, it’s time to take action. Let’s warm up with him.”

A prince from the ancient race smiled softly. He took one step forward and came to Xuan Mingzi.

“That’s…Prince Tianpeng, the son of the ancient Emperor Tianpeng!”

“Hahaha, there’s something going on now. The son of the ancient emperor appears on the scene, and his action will definitely suppress that human race instantly.” “No,

no, no, I do. I hope Prince Tianpeng won’t suppress him so forcefully and let him resist a few times, so that he can think that he has the power to fight back, and then kill him with one more blow in the end, so that he can die in confusion. That would be a happy experience.” ”

Hey, you. Do you also have this hobby? Fellow Taoist, when the competition is over, we can go into the details?”

“It’s easy to talk about!”

As soon as Prince Tianpeng appeared on the stage, he was like an idol that attracted everyone’s attention, receiving all kinds of praises. He seemed to enjoy these compliments very much. , his face was full of pride, and he didn’t take Xuan Mingzi into his eyes at all.

“Are you the prince of the ancient clan?”

At this time, Xuan Mingzi asked.

“That’s right, my father is the Ancient Emperor Tianpeng!” When it comes to his identity, Prince Tianpeng is very proud. He does have the right to be proud. After all, the Supreme Ancient Emperor is the same as the Great Emperor of the human race. No matter who his father is, he is the Ancient Emperor. The Supreme Emperor would be proud of himself, and Prince Tianpeng was no exception.

“It’s an honor for you to die in my hands!”

Prince Tianpeng was extremely arrogant. Before the battle even started, he had already decided that he would be the victor. This kind of arrogance was already engraved in his bones.

“No, I won’t die!” Xuan Mingzi said.

“Are you very confident?” Prince Tianpeng frowned slightly and looked at Xuan Mingzi. Although Xuan Mingzi had performed very strongly just now, there was still a gap between him and Zhao Tie before. He couldn’t figure out why Xuan Mingzi was so confident. .

Xuan Mingzi shook his head and said, “It’s not that I am very confident, but that I am very confident in my boss’s financial resources.”


Prince Tianpeng was a little confused. Who is your boss? And your boss’s financial resources allow you to win the game?

The next moment, Xuan Mingzi said to Li Beifei: “Boss, can you advance Wan’er’s salary for eight thousand years?”

When Li Beifei heard this, his face darkened. Ten thousand years is ten thousand Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pills, eight thousand years. There are eight thousand coins in Nian. Although it is not that he can’t get them out, but you can sustain so many fatal injuries in one battle and you still fight?

“Not ten thousand, not eight thousand, only one hundred, whether you love it or not.” After Li Beifei finished speaking, he threw a large jade bottle to Xuan Mingzi, which contained a hundred nine-turn life-sustaining pills. .

Others who didn’t know thought that Xuan Mingzi was asking Li Beifei for some instant healing elixirs. Dabi’s rules did not say that he could not take healing elixirs, but for the sake of face, none of the people fighting in front of him chose to take them during the battle. Medicine, after all, the instant healing elixir works quickly, but the effect is not satisfactory. Unless it is a holy elixir that can instantly heal, it cannot change the situation of the battle.

But a hundred holy elixirs? It seems impossible even when I think about it.

Therefore, Prince Tianpeng had no words for Xuan Mingzi’s actions. In his opinion, this was just Xuan Mingzi’s desperate struggle.

“Thank you, boss!” Xuan Mingzi took the jade bottle and smiled immediately. He didn’t want so much. Wan’er Baqian was just mentioned casually. He thought the boss could give him a few and it was enough. He didn’t expect the boss to be so He was so generous that he actually gave me a hundred coins. The boss was really right. He really gave me the benefits.

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Little did they know that Gu Changsheng’s face turned dark in the clouds.

“What a waste of money!” Gu Changsheng looked at Li Beifei below and cursed.

“Boss, how many nine-turn life-sustaining pills have you refined? Is this useless to you?” said the Golden Ancient Emperor.

“Do you know why the Nine Revolutions Life-Sustaining Pill has become a legend?” Gu Changsheng asked without answering.

“Why?” The Ancient Golden Emperor wondered.

“Because in the past million years, except for common things like Source Crystal, I have collected 80% of the treasures in the universe!” Gu Changsheng said.


“Boss, are you a Tuntun Rat?” The Ancient Golden Emperor couldn’t laugh or cry. The Tuntun Rats are not as ruthless as you. He finally knows why the Gu family is not short of fairy gold. With such an ancestor, What can be missing?

“Let me tell you, no wonder after us so many great emperors and ancient emperors came to the Forbidden Land of Life to fight the autumn wind in order to build imperial soldiers. It turns out that the culprit is you, the boss!”

The Golden Ancient Emperor thought of the millions of years since he proclaimed himself the source of the gods, and almost every day The ancient emperors or great emperors of this era would go to the forbidden land of life to fight against the autumn wind. It turned out that they could not find fairy gold in other places, so they decided to set up the forbidden land.

Gu Changsheng shrugged, admitting that this was his reason, but so what? Come and hit me!

Below, after Xuan Mingzi got one hundred nine-turn life-sustaining pills, Bai Yifei said with envy and hatred: “Xuan Mingzi, if you don’t beat out this Tianpeng prince, how can I come back?” I’ll beat you right away.”

“That’s right, Xuan Mingzi, if you think it can’t be done, give me the thing and I will fight for you.” Xia Wuji looked at the jade bottle in Xuan Mingzi’s hand greedily. He has lost all his demeanor as a prince of the divine dynasty.

Li Ruoyu, who is usually mature and steady, also said: “Brother Xuan Mingzi, Ruoyu is really itchy, can you give him to me? Of course, you have to give me the elixir in your hand as well.”

Xuan Mingzi’s face turned dark. Damn, what kind of brothers are they? If you don’t worry about whether he will be beaten to death by Prince Tianpeng, you still worry about his elixir. Not to mention the door, there are no windows.

“You want it

? ”

Use Xuan Mingzi’s trick to trick Li Beifei… No, get some pills in advance?

“That’s enough!”

At this time, Prince Tianpeng shouted angrily, and a surge of anger rose up in his body. He glared at Xuan Mingzi and Li Beifei. These people dared to play and play like this in front of him. Obviously, they didn’t care. He took it seriously, especially the three people who spoke, and their tone was quite serious.

“No matter how many elixirs are taken, it’s just a dying struggle. Don’t worry, I will let you die without any pain.”

Prince Tianpeng sneered, and the aura emanating from his body was like an ancient sacred mountain, and the space became distorted. Distorted.

“Is this the aura of the life and death realm? Even a strong man in the Nirvana realm is nothing more than this, right?”

Everyone was shocked, especially the human race, who felt the aura emanating from Prince Tianpeng, the strength of the fourth level of the life and death realm, exuding The aura that came out was comparable to the fourth level of Nirvana. This was still superficial strength, and there must be something hidden secretly.

The strength of the ancient emperor’s son was so terrifying!

At this time, some people actually felt that Li Beifei’s rejection of the Golden Ancient Prince was a very wise choice. How could Li Beifei, an unknown young man, be the opponent of the Ancient Emperor’s son? Now it seems that it was indeed a wise choice.

“Master, will senior brother be okay?” Bei Weiwei said worriedly. Although she had not formally met Xuan Mingzi, she had grown fond of Xuan Mingzi under the influence of Yin Yangzi during this period. Now that Prince Tianpeng is showing amazing strength, she will naturally be worried.

“Don’t worry, your senior brother will not do anything you are not sure about.” Yin Yangzi comforted, but deep in his eyes, there was still worry.

The son of the ancient emperor was equivalent to the emperor’s biological son. How could he not be worried?

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