Fighting with Holy Laws


Prince Tianpeng roared angrily, his black hair standing on end, and his eyes emitting an astonishing cold light. He swung out a palm and condensed a huge spiritual palm in the air. The momentum was overwhelming. He wanted to Xuan Mingzi must be suppressed forcefully.

Xuan Mingzi suppressed his smile. Facing the huge spiritual palm in the sky, his face showed an extremely dignified and cautious look. However, he did not dodge, but chose to confront the opponent head-on.

Xuan Mingzi punched the spiritual palm in the sky, condensing a huge fist.

There was a loud “boom” sound, and the palm against the fist was like a needle against a wheat awn. The moment the two sides came into contact in the air, an astonishing energy wave erupted.

“Bang, bang, bang!”

Xuan Mingzi was shaken back three steps by the huge energy aftermath, and stepped on three large craters on the ground as hard as meteorite, but Prince Tianpeng did not move at all. Obviously, in the first round, Xuan Mingzi Lost.

But Prince Tianpeng was obviously not satisfied with the result. He frowned slightly and said in a cold voice: “It’s really interesting to be able to take one of my moves. Anyway, if it ends too soon, it won’t be a warm-up.”

Prince Tianpeng was extremely aloof . , bluntly saying that Xuan Mingzi was just a warm-up object for him.

But Xuan Mingzi didn’t care about the other party’s pride at all. He smiled and said: “I will definitely let you warm up!”

After saying that, bursts of light appeared on Xuan Mingzi’s body, the light was black and white.

“Huh? Another human race who practices Yin and Yang Dao!” When Prince Tianpeng saw the black and white light on Xuan Mingzi’s body, he remembered Zhao Tie’s Yin and Yang double thunder. However, unlike Zhao Tie, Zhao Tie majored in thunder. Yin and Yang only assist in the thunder method, while Xuan Mingzi majors in Yin and Yang.

“That’s all!”

Prince Tianpeng sneered and stepped forward. His figure was like a ghost, and he was behind Xuan Mingzi in an instant. He waved his arm and struck at Xuan Mingzi like a broadsword.


Xuan Mingzi reacted quickly and stretched out an arm to block the blow, but a powerful force still made his arm numb.

“Damn, are the bodies of these sons of ancient emperors naturally so strong?” Xuan Mingzi cursed in his heart.

He has been deliberately training his body. Although he is not as perverted as the boss and Gu Tianjun, he claims to be among the best among his peers. When he used his physical power to fight against the Holy Son of Taishi in Tiandu Mountain, he was only at the top of the list. With a slight disadvantage, his body has become much stronger during this period, but he can still feel the physical strength of Prince Tianpeng.

It can only be said that he is worthy of the blood of the emperor.

“What? I only used less than 80% of my strength, and you can’t resist it?” Prince Tianpeng noticed the change in Xuan Mingzi’s mood and couldn’t help but mocked.

“It stinks!” Xuan Mingzi suddenly said: “Your tone is too loud and strong, and it offends me. I am indeed not as good as you in this regard.”

“You… have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth!” Prince Tianpeng snorted coldly. , but he was not really angry. In his opinion, Xuan Mingzi was already meat on his chopping board, so he just let him talk about it.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

Next, the two of them fought for more than ten rounds with only their physical strength. Prince Tianpeng was as easy as strolling in the courtyard, while Xuan Mingzi gradually fell into At a disadvantage, obviously, the gap in physical strength between the two sides is still a bit large.

But no one noticed that the yin and yang light on Xuan Mingzi’s body became more and more concentrated, and the color became darker and darker.

No, it can’t be said that no one noticed it, at least the two people on the cloud who were drinking and watching the battle saw it.

“Boss, this kid seems to be practicing some kind of skill. He is really brave, and he is practicing at this time.” The Golden Ancient Emperor commented as if he had seen through Xuan Mingzi.

“That’s wrong!” Without waiting for Gu Changsheng’s reply, the Golden Ancient Emperor discovered the clue.

“Rather than saying that he is practicing a certain skill, it is better to say that he is using the son of Ancient Emperor Tianpeng to temper his body to meet the conditions for the use of his cultivation method!”

Ancient Emperor Huang looked at Xuan Mingzi in surprise, He couldn’t help but activate the Golden Divine Eyes, wanting to see Xuan Mingzi’s physical changes.

After he activated the Golden Divine Eye, Xuan Mingzi became an almost transparent existence in his eyes, and his meridians were clearly visible. Every time Xuan Mingzi collided with Prince Tianpeng, it seemed that he was falling into a disadvantage. , but every time a trace of strange energy would be generated in his body, passing through his Dantian and then flowing through his limbs and bones.

“This is…” The Ancient Golden Emperor was surprised, and his tone was uncertain.

“This is the holy method of fighting!” Gu Changsheng confirmed the Ancient Golden Emperor’s guess.

“It’s just incomplete.”

Gu Changsheng added.

“It’s really this supreme fighting method!” Even if it was incomplete, it was enough to shock the Golden Ancient Emperor.

The name of the Holy Dharma of Fighting has been resounding throughout the world millions of years ago, because the Holy Dharma of Fighting is a fighting method created by the Holy Emperor of Fighting. Legend has it that it can make people use ten times their combat power, and the Holy Dharma of Fighting The emperor comes from the Douzhan Holy Ape clan of the ancient tribe. The status of the Douzhan Holy Emperor in the ancient tribe is equivalent to that of the human race’s Holy Emperor. If the Changsheng Emperor is the most powerful emperor in the human race, then the Douzhan Holy Emperor is the strongest emperor in the ancient tribe.

However, the Dou Zhan Holy Emperor became enlightened millions of years earlier than the two of them. Millions of years ago, the Dou Zhan Holy Ape clan had disappeared, and even the world-famous Dou Zhan Holy Method had become a legend.

“I really want to see the power of the complete fighting holy law!” The Golden Ancient Emperor sighed.

“Really?” Gu Changsheng suddenly looked at the Golden Ancient Emperor happily.

“I know how to fight against the Holy Law!”


The Ancient Golden Emperor remained silent. Fighting with you is just looking for abuse. Why don’t you beat me up now?

Xuan Mingzi and Prince Tianpeng fought hand to hand for dozens of rounds, but Prince Tianpeng realized something was wrong.

It stands to reason that Xuan Mingzi was at a disadvantage from the beginning, how could he sustain it for such a long time?


Prince Tianpeng shouted angrily when he realized something was wrong, and used all his physical strength to knock Xuan Mingzi away with one punch.

“Has it been discovered?” Xuan Mingzi said regretfully. He was still a little short of fully activating this incomplete secret method. He didn’t know the name of this secret method. He got it when he fell into a cave out of play during his childhood. He has been practicing for ten years, but before he can activate it, he has to be beaten first. This makes Xuan Mingzi very depressed. What if someone cannot control it well and gets burped before it activates?

Fortunately, even if it cannot be fully activated now, it can temporarily double its combat power.

“Let’s fight!”

This time it was Xuan Mingzi’s turn to be full of energy. He looked directly at Prince Tianpeng, and his aura gradually changed dramatically. He was no less powerful than Prince Tianpeng.

“Interesting!” Prince Tianpeng was not frightened by Xuan Mingzi’s changes, but his face became even more excited.

“Bang!” Prince Tianpeng’s body suddenly accelerated. He turned into a big roc and rushed towards Xuan Mingzi with a powerful momentum.

“Well done!” Xuan Mingzi shouted and rushed towards Prince Tianpeng, and the two of them collided with each other.

(To be continued, please help the author of Poujie to vote!)

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