Tianpeng’s speed is not human and can be eaten (two-in-one)

Prince Tianpeng saw that Honghong had announced her identity, so he focused on Honghong.

“Since your human academy sent you out to die, don’t blame me for being cruel.”

After Prince Tianpeng said, he roared, holding a halberd in his hand, and his body emitted a burst of golden light, like a bright sun, incomparable Dazzling.


The next moment, a huge golden claw clawed through the void and grabbed at Honghong. This was the claw transformed by Prince Tianpeng. It was the magical power of the ancient Tianpeng clan, the Claw of Tianpeng.

Prince Tianpeng used his peerless magical power as soon as he came up. Apparently after Xuan Mingzi’s “I surrender” lesson just now, he thought of quickly killing Hong Hong with sharp means, giving Hong Hong a chance to shout “I surrender”. nothing.

The golden Tianpeng’s claws clawed through the void and instantly enveloped Honghong.


A loud noise fell, stirring up dust all over the sky.

Prince Tianpeng frowned slightly. He looked intently and saw that inside the smoke, a brown shield was built around the body of the human girl named Hong Yi, which easily blocked his Tianpeng claws.

The brown shield gave him a very strange feeling. The Tianpeng claw just seemed to be grasping on the extremely hard ground.

The brown shield on Hong Hong’s body is obviously one of the eight innate virtues, and it is a magical power with extremely abnormal defensive power.

At the same time, on the Dharma Boat in Yaochi Holy Land, a beautiful middle-aged woman’s face changed slightly when she saw the shield around Hong Hong’s body.

“How can this girl know the eight innate postures?” the middle-aged beautiful woman asked in surprise. She knew that only by practicing the “Xiantian Dao Sutra” can she use the eight innate postures, and the “Xiantian Dao Sutra” is the emperor’s scripture of their Yaochi Holy Land. Now that she saw it on an outsider, how could she not be shocked?

The middle-aged beautiful woman thought for a while and finally decided to read on and report to the Holy Land when the matter was over.

Prince Tianpeng was only surprised for a moment when he saw that his Tianpeng claw was blocked by Hong Hong, then he waved the big halberd in his hand and hit Hong Hong at extremely high speed like a shooting star.

Naturally, Honghong didn’t want to be passively beaten all the time. She made a hand seal with her hands and stabbed Prince Tianpeng with a red Lihuo sword.

The Lihuo Sword and Prince Tianpeng’s halberd collided in the air, making a “boom” sound. The Lihuo Sword exploded, and Prince Tianpeng was also shaken back a few steps by the aftermath of the powerful force.

After Prince Tianpeng stabilized his body At that moment, a golden fist hit him in the face. Just when the fist was about to hit Prince Tianpeng, suddenly, Prince Tianpeng’s body flashed, like a god changing position. Everyone’s eyes were dazzled. The figure of Prince Peng disappeared.

Honghong marveled in her heart, she was just a little bit close to hitting him.

“Tianpeng’s body technique is the fastest in the world! “Some people couldn’t help but exclaimed, seeing the magical power that Prince Tianpeng used to avoid the red fist just now. Legend has it that

the Tianpeng clan is closely related to the legendary golden-winged Dapeng clan in the heaven. They are born to control the world’s fastest speed. Once used, Tianpeng’s movement technique is extremely fast, and only the legendary Shuchichengcun can balance it. However, Shukchichencun’s magical speed has become a legend, and has not been heard of in the world until now.

But Honghong This punch did not return in vain. I saw a strand of long golden hair falling slowly from the air and falling to the ground like the afterglow of the setting sun at this moment.

In the sky, Prince Tianpeng appeared here at some unknown time. He lowered his head. Looking down at the girl in red on the ground, a cold and arrogant voice sounded.

“I made a mistake. I didn’t expect you to be more powerful than the one who only knew how to play tricks. “Prince Tianpeng seemed to be praising Hong Hong, but also belittling Xuan Mingzi, who had fought with him before. As soon as he

finished speaking, Prince Tianpeng used Tianpeng’s body technique again. His figure was like a big roc bird, and he came in an instant Arriving behind Hong Hong.

Hong Hong gave a warning to Xinsheng. Without looking back, he directly raised his slender and well-proportioned thighs and swept back with one kick.

“Bang!” ”

Honghong’s thigh hit Euphorbia’s body hard. Prince Tianpeng frowned. Apparently he didn’t expect Honghong’s body to react so quickly. He stretched out his other hand and turned into a roc claw, towards Honghong. At this moment

, Honghong jumped lightly with the help of the big halberd, trying to get away from Prince Tianpeng.

But the figure of Prince Tianpeng was like a ghost, chasing after Honghong. Honghong saw this , a flash of blue light flashed through the peach blossom-like eyes.

The next moment, with Hong Hong as the center, a powerful cold air instantly froze the earth.

“Not good! “Prince Tianpeng secretly exclaimed, and used Tianpeng’s movement skills again, instantly staying away from Honghong.

Prince Tianpeng flew to the sky, looked down, and saw that the entire top of Beishan was now covered with a layer of three-inch thick The ice makes the top of Beishan look like a crystal.

“The power of ice is so powerful. Even those who specialize in the power of ice cannot do this in this realm. “Some people were shocked by the ice created by Honghong. Beishan is an ancient sacred mountain with a height of tens of thousands of feet. Although the red ice only froze the top of Beishan, the top of Beishan is very large, with a radius of several hundred feet. A large platform, otherwise this place would not be designated as the arena for the competition.

But Honghong can instantly freeze the top of Beishan, which is also very terrifying.

On the cloud, the Golden Ancient Emperor looked at Honghong in surprise for creating such a big scene. He asked: “Boss, each of your disciples is becoming more and more perverted. ”

The boss himself is the biggest pervert in history. It seems reasonable that his disciples are becoming more perverted than the last.

“What are you thinking? Your whole family is perverts. This is amazing. Do you know how to describe it? “Gu Changsheng slapped him angrily.

But the Golden Ancient Emperor ignored it and instead muttered.

“No, there is still a big gap between my boy and the boss’s perverted apprentice. I have to let the boss do it when he has time. I’ll take a few days off and go back to train that kid properly. ”

Gu Changsheng: “…”

He could already imagine the miserable situation of the Golden Ancient Prince.

“What a pity, it was so close again! “Honghong shook her head regretfully. Prince Tianpeng was too fast, and her attacks seemed to have no effect on him.

“You are really strong! “In the sky, Prince Tianpeng spoke again.

“However, only a human genius like you who kills can help me create an invincible emperor. I, Prince Tianpeng, am destined to be the emperor in this life! “Boom! ”

Prince Tianpeng was extremely proud. He didn’t take the world’s elites seriously at all. He exuded a domineering aura. He looked at Honghong with disdain and said with murderous intent on his face: “Kill people like you. So happy! ”

“kill! ”

Prince Tianpeng shouted loudly, like the fury of thunder, the ice on the ground broke one after another, and the entire top of the North Mountain was crumbling.

“Shua! ”

Prince Tianpeng disappeared again, and the next moment, a golden divine light shot towards Honghong like a horse.

Seeing this, Honghong calmly built a brown shield again.

“Boom! ”

With a sound, the golden divine light hit the shield heavily, and spider web-like cracks suddenly appeared in the shield.

“Stab! ”

The shield was shattered by the golden light, but after the shield was shattered, the power of the golden light was greatly reduced, and it was easily broken by Hong Hong.

At this moment, Hong Hong once again felt the threat to her life coming from behind her, a golden roc claw, I don’t know when I will catch Hong Hong’s back and pierce his heart.

At this moment, a Tao map with the aura of the Tao appears on Hong Hong’s head. The Tao map emits thousands of rays of light, like the Milky Way pouring out. Generally, he headed towards Prince Tianpeng.

“Bang!” ”

Prince Tianpeng’s transformed Tianpeng claws collided with the light, making a dull sound. Prince Tianpeng felt as if his Tianpeng claws were caught on the extremely hard divine iron, and he could not get close to Honghong’s back.

” The Xuanhuang Qi turned out to be the legendary Xuanhuang Qi! ”

There was an exclamation, and everyone looked at the Dao Diagram on the head of the girl in red in shock. It turned out to be a Dao Diagram condensed from the black and yellow energy.

“No, look at that Dao Diagram, the Dao Diagram flowing on it. The aura is like the avenue itself, an innate Tao body. This human girl turns out to be an innate Tao body. ”

There are ancient tribes who have seen through Hong Hong’s physique. The history of their ancient tribe’s existence is extremely long. When Our Lady of Yaochi was born, the ancient tribe was still very active and did not claim to be a god.

Hong Hong sacrificed the Xuan Huang Dao Diagram, Once again attracting countless greedy eyes, on this day, two emperor-level materials actually appeared, and the ancient tribe discovered that the two treasures were from the human race, which made them depressed. Could it be that the

human race is really favored by heaven? Is it a race?

It is not known whether the human race is favored by heaven, but it is a fact that it is favored by the Holy Emperor.

When Prince Tianpeng saw the Xuanhuang Dao diagram on the red head, his eyes shined brightly, he laughed and said: “It is really a blessing from God. I also! ”

The immortal green gold was just in front of him. He missed the opportunity because Xuan Mingzi gave in. He originally felt very regretful, but now another extreme material, Xuanhuang Qi, appeared in front of him. How could he not be excited?

“Tianpeng is alive! ”

Prince Tianpeng shouted. He abandoned the euphorbia in his hand, transformed into a huge golden-winged roc, and swooped towards Honghong.

“Bang! ”

Even in the Xuanhuang Dao Diagram, Honghong was knocked away a hundred meters away by the huge force, and where she was originally standing, a huge deep pit had appeared at this moment, with rocks piercing the air and splashing in all directions.

“Heaven Prince Peng is finally getting serious! ”

At this time, the princes and princesses of the ancient clan started to discuss excitedly, not shying away from others at all. However, only the Heavenly Eyes Princess frowned slightly. She activated her Heavenly Eyes, but she could not predict the outcome of this battle. The previous battles , she could know the outcome of every game in advance, but she couldn’t see this one.

“Is it because the two are similar in strength? “Prince Tianyan said secretly in her heart.

But the human race was shocked. Prince Tianpeng, who had shown such great strength just now, was not his true strength?

On the academy boat, Li Beifei looked at Xuan Mingzi jokingly and said: “You didn’t even show the true strength of that birdman, so you’re going to admit defeat? ”

Xuan Mingzi was also very embarrassed, and at the same time he was also very shocked. He didn’t expect that Prince Tianpeng still hid such deep strength.

“Brother Li, will Miss Honghong be okay? “At this time, Li Ruoyu asked, and in the depths of his eyes, there was a rare look of worry.

Li Beifei took a look and saw that this look seemed familiar to him. When he was in Beichen Star, Murong Xun, the prince of the Tianjian Dynasty, was also familiar with it. Senior sister had such a look, no, I treat you all as brothers, why do you all want to be my brother-in-law?

“It must be okay!” “Li Beifei said angrily.

“Huh? “Li Ruoyu didn’t know why Li Beifei’s attitude changed, but before he had time to think about it, another change occurred on the battlefield. He

saw that Honghong also put away the Xuanhuang Dao Diagram, and actually wanted to fight the Tianpeng Prince who transformed into a golden-winged roc with his bare hands. Fight.

“Foolish! ”

Prince Tianpeng mocked, but the next moment, a fist flashing with divine light appeared in front of him.

“Buzz! ”

Honghong’s fist was like an extremely hard divine iron that vibrated too fast, making a harsh sound.

This punch contained Honghong’s own understanding of the avenue. It was extremely powerful, and the divine light on the fist was particularly bright under the setting sun. , like a new sun, shining on the entire top of Beishan.

“Bang!” ”

The red fist was so fast that even Prince Tianpeng couldn’t react. He was hit hard on the chest by the punch, causing a trace of golden blood to spurt out from his mouth.

“Ho! ”

Prince Tianpeng roared angrily. He flapped his golden wings and instantly arrived above Hong Hong. He stretched out his extremely sharp roc claws and wanted to tear Hong Hong apart.

But strangely, his extremely sharp roc claws were touching When he reached Hong Hong’s body, he didn’t feel the feeling of touching the entity at all.

“It’s an illusion! ”

Prince Tianpeng was shocked. He turned around suddenly and saw a girl in red standing behind him, looking at him with a smile.

At this time, Honghong finally spoke.

“Master said, Humanoids cannot be eaten. You are not humanoid. If I catch you, Master will definitely be very happy. ”

As soon as she spoke, everyone was shocked. What was she talking about? She actually regarded Prince Tianpeng as a prey. Do you want to capture him to honor the master she said? That is the prince of the royal family, and the royal family is equivalent to the human race. Immortal force, are you not afraid of offending the Tianpeng royal family when you say this?

Sure enough, after hearing this, the Tianpeng royal family immediately said angrily: “Damn it, prince, please tear her into pieces, she dares to insult us Tianpeng royal. ”

The Great Saint Ancestor King of the Tianpeng Royal Family also looked at Honghong with cold eyes. If it weren’t for the two powerful judges in the sky, he would have definitely killed Honghong. Of course, there is only one consequence of that, and that is that the entire Tianpeng Royal Family will Erased by Gu Changsheng.

On the cloud, Gu Changsheng sighed: “Honghong still knows how to respect me, an old man, unlike that traitor! ”

“Snapped! ”

Gu Changsheng slapped the Golden Ancient Emperor.

The Golden Ancient Emperor said aggrievedly: “Boss, what does your traitor have to do with me? “I’m sorry, because the two of you feel so similar, I couldn’t hold it back. ”

“Gu Changsheng explained with a smile.

The Ancient Golden Emperor doesn’t believe it. If you can’t help it, is there anyone in the world who can hold it back?

But the Ancient Golden Emperor won’t say any more. If you talk too much, you will make mistakes, and if you make mistakes, you will be beaten!

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