: Caught alive

“Do you know how rebellious what you just said is? Not only will it bring disaster to you and your so-called master, but it will even implicate the forces behind you and bring about the annihilation of the clan and the sect?” The

golden-winged roc transformed by Prince Tianpeng His appearance was extremely calm, and his tone seemed to be admonishing and warning. People who didn’t know better thought he was trying to persuade Hong Hong to take back what he said about treating him as food. However, only Hong Hong, who was facing him, noticed the endless look in his eyes. Killing intent.

Obviously, what Honghong just said had angered him.

But Honghong didn’t care, but murmured: “Bring the golden-winged Dapeng’s wings to the barbecue, and add some cumin that Master said. It will definitely be delicious when grilled. Master and I each have a Dapeng wing.” And Dapeng’s legs, as for Peng’s ass, leave it to Junior Brother, he likes places with lots of meat.”

Li Beifei on the Dharma Boat in the distance couldn’t help but feel ashamed, Senior Sister, there are no weak people here, even if you whisper in a low voice, everyone can do it Hear it clearly.

“Seeking death!”

Prince Tianpeng couldn’t help but became furious when he saw that Honghong started to cut his body apart. He roared loudly, spread his wings, and suddenly swept towards Honghong.


An extremely fierce wind appeared, and all the rocks in its path were turned into fragments.

“Boom! ”

The top of Beishan Mountain was shaking violently, teetering on the verge of collapse. The wind was getting more and more violent. The top of Beishan Mountain could hardly withstand the blow from Prince Tianpeng. Obviously, the angry Prince Tianpeng no longer held back his hand. There are terrifying magical powers.

This is the royal family of the Taikoo Clan. They have many powerful magical powers. This is one of their heritage. It is no wonder that Xuan Mingzi failed so quickly. After all, the Yin Yang Sect was only founded by a saint. The great sect has a rather shallow foundation and only lasts for a few tens of thousands of years. Compared with the ancient royal family who are on par with the immortal power of the human race, the gap is as big as clouds and mud.

“Boom! ”

The fierce Gangfeng became more and more fierce, almost encompassing the entire top of Beishan. Honghong was on the ground, at the edge of the Gangfeng. Her body exuded a dazzling brilliance, resisting the Gangfeng.

And Prince Tianpeng was on the edge of the Gangfeng. In the sky, located in the center of the Gangfeng, his golden wings are constantly flapping, exuding a light green energy, connected with the Gangfeng, and he is continuously delivering energy to the storm.

“thorn la Stab! Stab! ”

When the fierce wind blew against Hong Hong, it made an extremely harsh sound. Some monks with relatively weak cultivation base, such as Bei Weiwei, were protected by their elders at the moment and were not affected.

“Crack! ”

Suddenly, a sound of something breaking was heard, and conspicuous cracks began to appear about five feet from the top of the North Mountain.

“The mountain actually began to collapse. Is this a monk in the realm of life and death? ”

Some people looked horrified. Beishan is not an ordinary mountain, but a sacred mountain left over from ancient times. It is as hard as divine iron. Under normal circumstances, a monk at the fifth level of Nirvana can only leave a fist-sized hole in Beishan with a full blow. , and now against the two of them, just the aftermath of the battle has made the top of the North Mountain collapse. How strong are these two people in combat?

“Are they still monks at the fourth level of the life and death realm? Are they all monsters? “Forget it about Prince Tianpeng, that human girl is actually so terrifying. ”

“This will be a pinnacle showdown between peerless geniuses. No matter who wins or loses, it will be remembered by the world. ”

On the academy boat, Xuan Mingzi looked unhappy and shouted, “Perverts, they are all perverts.” At the same time, he was extremely eager to get the unknown secret method that he had practiced. He just told him that this secret method is absolutely It is an emperor-level secret method. Now fully activated, it can only exert three times its own combat power. How terrifying would it be if it were complete?

And Honghong, who is in the storm, seems to be a little helpless. She has only been passively defending, and it seems that she has already He was completely suppressed by Prince Tianpeng.

“Brother Li, what is Miss Honghong doing? Why didn’t she fight back? Li

Ruoyu asked.

When Li Beifei heard this, he shook his head slightly and said, “I don’t know what Senior Sister is thinking. Maybe she is thinking about how to capture Prince Tianpeng alive?” ”


Capture him alive? Isn’t this even harder than killing Prince Tianpeng?

Just as Li Beifei guessed, Honghong was really thinking about how to capture Prince Tianpeng alive at this time. Prince Tianpeng’s deeds were to be given to his master. The gift of food is also the first gift given to Master. Honghong doesn’t want to give a dead golden-winged roc as that would have a bad meaning.

“Xiao Wu, what can you do? “Honghong couldn’t help but ask for help from Xiaowu in her body.

“It’s very simple. Don’t you have the Nine-Revolution Life-Sustaining Pill in your body? You beat him to his last breath, then seal his cultivation level, and then give him a nine-turn life-sustaining pill. “Xiao Wu said.

“But he recovered from his injuries after taking the Nine Revolutions Life-Sustaining Pill. I am similar to his cultivation level. Wouldn’t it be easy for him to break through my seal? “Honghong said doubtfully.

“Let’s do this, I’ll teach you a sealing technique! ”

As soon as Xiao Wu finished speaking, a memory appeared in Hong Hong’s mind. In this memory, she seemed to have practiced the sealing technique taught by Xiao Wu countless times. In an instant, she mastered the sealing technique taught by Xiao Wu. The sealing technique given to her.

“Eight Immortal Forbidden Immortals!” ”

Honghong murmured, this is the sealing technique Xiaowu taught her. As long as she has enough cultivation, even an immortal can completely seal it.

“Then so be it! ”

Now that she has a way, Honghong naturally no longer defends passively.

Honghong quickly completed a few complicated seals with her hands, and her body began to emit a burst of faint blue energy fluctuations.

“Eight Innate Styles, Shuikan , freeze everything! ”

As soon as she finished speaking, a powerful force of ice emanated from her body. When it came into contact with the storm around her body, it instantly froze the storm and quickly spread to all directions. In just a few breaths, it enveloped Beishan. The storm on top was frozen.

The cold air spread along the storm towards Prince Tianpeng in the sky.

A trace of surprise flashed across Prince Tianpeng’s sharp eyes, but he reacted very quickly. With a slight vibration of his wings, he moved the The ice on the top shattered.

At this time, the entire top of the North Mountain was like an ice cone, which amazed everyone watching.

“Boom! ”

Suddenly, the huge ice cone collapsed suddenly as if it had been struck by some force. Countless ice shards flew and fell from the top of Beishan Mountain to the foot of the mountain like meteors. At

this time, above the top of Beishan Mountain, it seemed like the sun was shining in the sky, exuding… Dazzling light.

“Oh my God, there is an extra bright sun?” ”

(To be continued, please help vote, thank you!)

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