Honghong is injured

The battlefield was changing rapidly. The moment before, Prince Tianpeng used Ten Thousand Swords to Return to the Sect with great force. Thousands of Divine Feather Swords overwhelmingly enveloped Honghong, and the sword’s intent was fierce, soaring straight into the sky.

The next moment, Honghong sacrificed the ancient visions and innate Dao diagrams that only the innate Dao body could understand. Various rare and exotic beasts such as real dragons, divine phoenixes, etc. appeared. The aura of the Dao circulated, and countless divine radiances fell down. Prince Tianpeng’s Thousand Feathers Qian Jian blocked it.

“Vision? Even if you have a vision, I will kill you with the sword!”

Prince Tianpeng’s heavy cold snort came from high in the sky. He was still so proud, even after seeing Honghong sacrifice the only weapon in the past and present. He was not afraid of the ancient visions that had appeared three times.

“I have to say that just based on Prince Tianpeng’s mentality, he does have the demeanor of a young ancient emperor!”

Someone sighed, and it was a human race, because Prince Tianpeng is too confident, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is arrogant, but the ancient emperor When the Great Emperor and the Ancient Emperor were young, who was not confident? Who is not conceited?

“But being so conceited despite not being strong enough will only add to the joke in the end.” A human race who had no good impressions of the ancient race sneered in response. He looked at Prince Tianpeng in the sky and wished he could replace Hong Hong in the battle and kill him, even if He doesn’t care if he gets a reputation as a bully.

Honghong did not respond to Prince Tianpeng’s words, or rather, she responded with actions.

I saw Honghong waving her fist, and with great power in her movements, she shattered the Divine Feather Swords one after another, and with the innate Dao Diagram on her head, she killed the Tianpeng Prince in the sky.

Audiences in the city within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles can feel the terrifying murderous intention of Prince Tianpeng’s Wanjian Guizong through the picture of the sky mark. They can’t help but feel the coldness behind their backs, and the cold air is constantly coming out. They can feel it even from such a distance. Feeling the killing intent, the girl named Hongyi was in the forest of swords. How much killing intent would she have to bear?

But even so, she actually went against the sword forest and charged towards Prince Tianpeng, taking the initiative to attack him.

“Too strong. He is worthy of being the top genius of our human race. Even when facing the son of the ancient emperor, he is not afraid.”

Some people couldn’t help but exclaimed for Hong Hong. In addition, Hong Hong is not inferior to the Tsing Yi Fairy. Her face and temperament are no less than those of a Yaochi saint, making boys and girls look forward to her endlessly.

“Come on, Fairy in Red!”

Someone shouted, and like a chain reaction, countless people shouted wildly, cheering for Hong Hong.

Among the thousands of divine swords, hundreds of divine swords were soon shattered by Hong Hong, but the next moment, the remaining divine swords began to gather in front of Prince Tianpeng, and hundreds of divine swords appeared behind him again, Ten thousand swords were completed, and finally the ten thousand divine swords gathered into a golden divine sword that was a hundred feet long.

Thousands of divine swords gathered together into one, and the terrifying and boundless killing intent seemed to collapse the void, forming a terrifying aura of destruction.

This is the true return of Wan Jian to the Clan, and everything in front of it is just an appetizer.

Prince Tianpeng’s eyes were cold and his body was filled with golden light. He flapped his golden wings heavily and pushed the divine sword towards Honghong. His destructive aura crushed the rocks hundreds of feet in radius into powder. It was extremely terrifying. .

Many students in the academy turned pale when they saw this scene. They were all the strongest genius disciples from their respective sects, but at this moment they felt the gap between themselves and the top geniuses. They asked themselves, what if they faced Tianpeng at this moment? The prince’s is theirs, and they have no power to fight back.

“Abnormal, so abnormal.” Xuan Mingzi kept mumbling, feeling more and more that it was a wise thing for him to give in decisively. At this moment, even if he had a hundred holy-level pills like Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pill, he would definitely not The gap between Prince Tianpeng’s opponents was too big.

Li Beifei saw that he kept talking about being abnormal, and learned from the sixth child in his body that the master had a complete holy method of fighting. He couldn’t help but said to Xuan Mingzi: “After this and that incident are over, come to my yard. .”

Xuan Mingzi couldn’t help being surprised when he heard this, and he quickly said: “Boss, I’m not interested in men, and are you worthy of the Fairy in Tsing Yi?”

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Li Beifei’s face darkened, and he cursed: “Whether love comes or not, don’t Regret!”

After saying that, he ignored Xuan Mingzi and watched the battle seriously.

“Dang!” “Dang!”…

Honghong’s fighting style is completely unlike that of a weak woman. Her moves are wide open and closed, and she swings her fist directly to hit the Baizhang Divine Sword. Each punch carries terrifying power, powerful The energy fluctuations generated by the collision shook the void.


Suddenly, Hong Hong spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale.

The human side’s expression changed when they saw Honghong suddenly vomiting blood.

“What’s going on?” Someone with insufficient strength asked, well, why did the fairy in red suddenly vomit blood?

“It’s the power of counter-shock.” A powerful person explained. This was a saint, and he saw the clues at a glance.

It is indeed a counter-shock force!

Just now, Honghong felt a hidden power burst out in her body, catching her off guard. She looked intently at the Baizhang Divine Sword. As expected, it was the power on the Divine Sword when she bombarded it just now. It also silently entered her body through her fists. The more times she bombarded it, the more energy accumulated in her body. When it reached a certain level, it would explode and injure her internal organs.

It has to be said that this kind of magical move is very difficult to guard against. It is very like Lao Liu, who has the same virtue as his junior brother.

“You have suffered serious internal injuries and are no longer my opponent. I’ll give you a chance. Just admit defeat!”

Prince Tianpeng said proudly. He did not take action to kill Miss Honghong. In his opinion, admitting defeat is the only way. The biggest humiliation for Hong Hong.

“Yes, I suffered serious internal injuries, and my internal organs were bleeding.” Honghong admitted decisively, her face still pale.

On the academy boat, the Saint of Yaochi clenched her pink fists tightly, and the worry in her eyes was no longer concealed.

This made Li Beifei on the side complain that there was adultery in his heart. Could it be that the senior sister also knew the Yaochi Saint’s feelings for her, and now she was using a trick to make the Saint worry?

Wonderful, why didn’t I think of this move? If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have given up. I let Xiao Huang beat me half to death and let the Tsing Yi Fairy worry about me. I made a mistake. I made a mistake. Why don’t I try it later?

“But give up?”

Honghong spoke again. She shook her head slightly, and then a smile appeared on her pale face. She looked at Prince Tianpeng and said, “You are my prey. How can any hunter give up to his prey?”

” Since you are looking for death, don’t blame me. Not only will you die, but the relatives around you will also have to bear my anger!”

Prince Tianpeng was furious. He was really angry. He was obviously injured, but he still spoke so brazenly. Who do you think you are when you treat him as prey?

Prince Tianpeng’s golden wings waved heavily, and the Baizhang Divine Sword carried the aura of destruction and pressed towards Honghong, intending to crush Honghong to pieces.

Everyone was shocked and felt that this girl in red was in danger!

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