: Heaven-Building Divine Art, True Dragon Fist Technique vs. Tianpeng Bolong Technique (two-in-one)

On the cloud, Gu Changsheng saw that Honghong was injured. Although this was an inevitable thing on the path of cultivation, his eyes still revealed the worry of an old father, even though he knew that Honghong would be fine.

“Princess Tianyan, do you still think Prince Tianpeng will lose?” On the other side, Prince Qilin looked at Princess Tianyan with a smile, as if he was laughing at her.

Princess Tianyan glanced at him gently and said nothing.

“Hmph!” Prince Qilin snorted coldly, feeling that it was boring and did not continue to tease Princess Tianyan.

At this moment, changes occurred.

An inexplicable light suddenly emitted from Hong Hong’s body, and then something shocking happened. The blood that Hong Hong had spit out seemed to have life, and it quickly flowed back according to the original trajectory, and Hong Hong Hong’s body made several weird movements, as if going back in time. In an instant, Hong Hong returned to her peak state.

This scene was so shocking that everyone watching the battle, from ordinary monks to saints, saints, kings and great saints, were all shocked.

“The divine art of mending the sky, this is the legendary divine art of mending the sky!”

“Oh my God, it turns out to be the legendary divine art of mending the sky!”

Everyone exclaimed, with shock on their faces. The divine art of mending the sky is a unique skill. A magical technique that can only be practiced by those with an innate Taoist body. Legend has it that it has the function of bringing the dead back to life, and is only recorded in the academy.

The Heaven-Building Divine Art has the same nature as the Innate Dao Diagram, and the Innate Dao Body is only qualified to comprehend it. In other words, even the Innate Dao Body may not be able to comprehend this supreme divine art.

Also astonished was the Saint of Yaochi. After the Tianduan Mountain trial, she obtained the magic of mending the sky. She also wanted to find an opportunity to pass this magic to Hong Hong, but she never found a suitable opportunity.

As for why the Saint of Yaochi is so kind to Hong Hong, it is all because Hong Hong is very similar to her sister who was separated when she was a child. Especially when she knew that Hong Hong was also an innate Taoist body, she became even more sure of her guess.

But she didn’t recognize Honghong right away. In addition to the fact that there was no conclusive evidence that Honghong was her sister, she also didn’t want Honghong to have an extra sister so suddenly, so she chose to meet Honghong through The way she made friends made Honghong slowly accept her.

She had gotten along very well with Hong Hong in the past few months. She was considering whether to use the power of the Holy Land to help her find out about Hong Hong’s life experience, but she thought that doing so would be equivalent to invading Hong Hong’s privacy, so she did not let Yaochi Holy Land Take action.

Now she saw that Honghong actually used the Heaven-Mending Technique, which surprised her. She turned to look at Gu Tianjun, because she knew that in addition to the academy recording the Heaven-Mending Magic, the Gu family also recorded the cultivation methods, but that’s all For many years, the Gu family has not produced an innate Taoist body, so the world just doesn’t know about it.

Seeing this, Gu Tianjun shook his head slightly, saying that he didn’t know the reason.

Prince Tianpeng was extremely shocked when he saw that Hong Hong recovered in an instant. He was able to heal his injuries quickly just now, all thanks to the Tianpeng Resurrection Technique of his ancient Tianpeng clan. He did not expect that Hong Hong could also master it. A magic that can restore injuries.

No, rather than recovering from the injury, it is better to use the power of time to rewind your physical condition back to the moment when you were not injured.

Such terrifying supernatural powers actually appeared in a human girl.

When Prince Qilin saw this scene, his face was also extremely gloomy. He seemed to have seen the corners of the Heavenly Eyes Princess behind him rising up to mock him.

But in fact, Princess Tianyan’s expression was unwavering, and she was not surprised even when she saw Honghong using the Heaven-Bending Technique.

After Honghong recovered, she no longer used her fists to attack the Baizhang Divine Sword. She had been fooled once, and she would not be stupid enough to do it a second time.

She directly activated the Xiantian Dao Diagram above her head to hit the Baizhang Divine Sword.


The moment the Xiantian Dao Diagram collided with the Baizhang Divine Sword, the huge energy fluctuations produced made the world seem to be shaking.

Prince Tianpeng’s eyes showed fierce murderous intent, his golden wings flapped, and he controlled the Baizhang Divine Sword to compete with the Innate Dao Map.

“Boom!” “Boom!”…

Deafening loud noises kept coming from the sky. Prince Tianpeng was covered in golden divine light, while Honghong was dressed in red, and his body also emitted red divine light. A golden Two figures, one red, faced each other high in the sky, and the overflowing energy formed a golden-red storm.

At this time, the moon was already hanging in the sky, and the battle between the two of them had lasted for two hours. It was the longest battle in the competition so far. Both of them were extremely talented, even if their strengths were different. It also takes a long time to show up.

“Actually, if Senior Sister wants to win quickly, the battle will be over in an instant.” Li Beifei said on the boat.

As soon as he said this, he couldn’t help but attract everyone’s attention.

When Li Beifei saw this, he said: “Senior sister has a magic weapon, which is also a feather.”

Speaking of this, Li Beifei stopped talking. Through Lao Liu, he knew that the feather Hong Hong obtained originally was from the Chaos God, Demon and Demon. Zu Hunkun’s natal divine feather contains extremely terrifying power, but because it is too terrifying, it was sealed by the master and can only exert power beyond three realms. But even so, as long as she comes on the stage, If used, Prince Tianpeng will turn into ashes in an instant.

“If it were me, I would just give him a promotion!” Li Beifei’s idea was very consistent with his character of Lao Liu, which made the Lao Liu in him despise him and felt that it was only right to give Li Beifei his Lao Liu’s name.

“Crack!” “Crack!”…

Suddenly, a sound of shattering metal attracted the attention of countless people. They saw that Prince Tianpeng’s hundred-foot divine sword began to appear like a spider web under the bombardment of the innate Dao diagram. Minor cracks.

Prince Tianpeng’s face changed slightly. This Ten Thousand Swords Guizong was a unique sword technique created by his father, Ancient Emperor Tianpeng. So far, no one has been able to break it head-on. Unexpectedly, there were signs of collapse at this moment.

“Get up!”

Prince Tianpeng roared, raised the Baizhang Divine Sword high, and then slashed at Honghong.


A sound broke through the air, and the seemingly cumbersome Baizhang Divine Sword suddenly came to Hong Hong’s head, and the destructive aura it exuded made people’s scalp numb.

But Honghong just waved her jade hand, suspended the Innate Dao Diagram above her head, and blocked the Baizhang Divine Sword. But she herself was disillusioned step by step. Every step would leave an illusion in place. In an instant, nine gods appeared in the sky. They were all red, and together they wielded their divine fists to attack Prince Tianpeng.

What was different from before was that a real dragon was transformed into the Xiantian Dao map, fused with red fists, making her really look like a real dragon!

“True dragon fist, dragon roars to the sky!”

Hong Hongjiao shouted. She was like a real dragon at this moment, punching Prince Tianpeng.

True Dragon Fist is a boxing technique she created by observing the True Dragon on the innate Tao map. It is still in its infancy, but she already has her own Tao. In addition, because she actually ate the meat of the ancestor dragon before, it makes her When creating the True Dragon Boxing Technique, he was so handy, as if he was born with it.

“Roar!” A dragon roar resounded through the sky, shocking everyone.

“It’s amazing to start creating martial arts at such a young age!” Some saints exclaimed. They could tell the age of Honghong’s bones at a glance, but they created their own boxing techniques when they were only fifteen or sixteen years old. This is unprecedented in the entire history. They are all stunning.

“This girl actually secretly created a method and didn’t tell me!” Gu Changsheng showed a happy smile on the cloud. Honghong’s method was indeed beyond his expectation. He also didn’t say, ”

Boss, why do I feel that she is so real?” Dragon Fist Technique, is it really understood by observing the real dragon?” Ancient Emperor Huang asked doubtfully, logically there is no real dragon in this world, so how did Hong Hong create the real dragon technique?

“The Innate Dao Map is a map of great avenues. The various rare and exotic beasts transformed on it are all fairy beasts that have appeared in all the worlds. Their great avenues have been engraved in the heaven and earth. The real dragons on the Innate Dao Map are , although it is just the aura of the Dao, it is indeed the posture of a real dragon.”

Gu Changsheng explained that this can be regarded as a secret that the world does not know, even the Virgin Mary of Yaochi, the first person to awaken to the vision of the innate Dao map. , and I didn’t think that the rare and exotic beasts manifested on the Innate Dao Diagram were fairy beasts.

Only Honghong, after learning that her master was the Holy Emperor of the Human Race and the suggestion of Xiao Wu in her body, she noticed the fairy beasts on the innate path map, and thus the True Dragon Fist was born.


The roar of the dragon resounded throughout the world, and just when the red fist hit Prince Tianpeng, Prince Tianpeng’s huge body stretched out his claws. What was different from before was that he was exuding an inexplicable light. , but Honghong felt a slight strangeness.


The real dragon and Tianpeng collided in the air, making an earth-shattering sound.

“He actually blocked it!” Honghong was surprised in her heart.

“Tianpeng Dragon Fighting Technique, I didn’t expect that the legend is true. It is said that the ancient Tianpeng Emperor saw a real dragon, fought with the real dragon, and understood this supreme emperor-killing technique during the battle!” ”

This is interesting now! Well, that human race used the True Dragon Fist, but the Tianpeng Prince used the Tianpeng Bolong Technique, which was even better. It’s clear who wins and who loses.”

An ancient clan boldly decided on the conclusion of this battle. , believing that Prince Tianpeng would achieve the final victory.

But is this really the case?

“It’s just that I met a dragon that has not yet jumped over the Dragon Gate. How dare I say that I met a real dragon!” On the cloud, Gu Changsheng said disdainfully. Jumping over the Dragon Gate is like a quasi-emperor going through the great tribulation of enlightenment. Only by jumping over the Dragon Gate can one Transformation into a true dragon is an indispensable step for the dragon clan.

The true dragons that exist in all the worlds today are not the true dragons of the Dragon Realm created by the Ancestral Dragon, but the true dragons transformed by the dragon clan who crossed the Dragon Gate. The true original true dragons, as early as countless years ago, along with the first An era of great catastrophe was destroyed. Zulong was disheartened and did not create the dragon clan again. He did not want to see his dragon sons and grandsons fall in front of him.

Now that he heard someone spreading that Ancient Emperor Tianpeng had met a real dragon, Gu Changsheng naturally felt disdainful.

In fact, Gu Changsheng is not willing to speak out on this matter, but it is not acceptable for these short-sighted ancient tribes to actually think that his beloved disciple is going to lose.

“Old Huang, there’s a fire!”

Gu Changsheng suddenly said to the Golden Ancient Emperor.

“Ah?” The Ancient Golden Emperor was startled, and then he looked pitifully at Prince Tianpeng below. After all, he still had to end up being used as food. Fortunately, our Ancient Golden Clan is a humanoid creature. Otherwise, he might have become enlightened if he hadn’t said so back then. He was roasted and eaten by Gu Changsheng.

“What are you doing here when it’s still cold? Find a place to light a fire quickly!” Gu Changsheng saw that the golden ancient emperor was still stunned and couldn’t help but kick him away.

Countless people seemed to hear a scream, but it was very subtle. They thought it was the sound of two people fighting on the battlefield and didn’t pay much attention to it.

Only Li Beifei felt that the scream was very similar to when he was beaten by Gu Changsheng!

Tianpeng’s Dragon Fighting Technique and True Dragon Fist Technique exploded with shocking power at this moment.

Both of them took back the Divine Sword and the Innate Dao Map. At this moment, they could no longer spare any extra energy to maintain other ways of fighting.

Prince Tianpeng used the Tianpeng Dragon Fighting Technique and turned himself into a golden-winged roc, majestic and powerful as a rainbow. He stared at Honghong coldly and said: “A real dragon? It’s just a member of my Tianpeng clan. It’s just food!”

Everyone felt cold after hearing this. It is said that the Golden-winged Dapeng eats a real dragon every day. Is it really going to be staged today that Tianpeng eats a real dragon?

When Hong Hong heard this, a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth. Most of the legends were false. Although the golden-winged roc was an immortal bird, in front of the dragon clan, it was just a bigger flying chicken. Only the divine phoenix, the leader of all birds, can compete with the real dragon.

Hong Hong did not speak, but waved her fist. The fist was like the head of a real dragon. She could vaguely hear the sound of dragon roar. She became disillusioned step by step and used Qiankun Shift to get closer to Prince Tianpeng.

Prince Tianpeng snorted coldly, and also used Tianpeng’s body skills, his figure was unpredictable, and combined with Tianpeng’s Bolong Technique, he fought against Honghong in the sky.

“Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!”…

Violent collision sounds continued to sound. At first, it seemed that Honghong’s True Dragon Fist was slightly inferior to Prince Tianpeng’s Tianpeng Bolong Technique, but as time went by, People discovered that Honghong’s True Dragon Boxing technique was becoming more and more skillful and powerful.

“She is actually using Prince Tianpeng to practice boxing!”

Some people couldn’t help but exclaimed. In this kind of life and death battle, she actually dared to use her opponent to practice boxing. I don’t know whether it is fearlessness or ignorance, but it is obvious that Honghong belongs to the former. .

Every time she punched, the shadow of the real dragon on her fist solidified, until finally, her fist almost turned into a substantial real dragon head. Although it was weird, it was true.


A dragon roar sounded, and Prince Tianpeng’s body was directly knocked back by a punch. A bloody hole the size of a fist appeared in his hard body. Prince Tianpeng was once again injured in Yu Honghong’s confrontation.

The whole place was silent!

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