Master, this bird is too big

“Oh my god, her self-created boxing technique actually surpassed the Tianpeng Bolong Technique of the Ancient Emperor Tianpeng. Has her boxing technique already reached a level comparable to the emperor’s technique?”

Some ancient clansmen with weak cultivation were horrified. Unexpectedly, they did not expect that the Tianpeng Bolong Technique would lose to the boxing technique created by a little human girl.

But immediately a powerful ancient tribe explained: “This is not because Tianpeng Ancient Emperor’s Tianpeng Bolong Technique is invincible, but that Tianpeng Prince has not obtained the essence of Tianpeng Bolong Technique. After all, he has never seen a dragon, and there is no visible dragon.” And Wushen. But even so, the talent of that human girl is too terrifying.” ”

You actually used me to practice boxing?” Prince Tianpeng also noticed something was wrong and glared at Honghong.

“You should feel honored!”

Suddenly, Honghong said something with a completely different attitude than before. This sentence was full of arrogance, even more proud than Prince Tianpeng before.

Prince Tianpeng’s pupils shrank, but before he could speak, Honghong continued.

“My True Dragon Boxing Technique is destined to shock the three thousand realms of chaos in the world. Shouldn’t you feel honored to be its stepping stone?”

“I don’t know!” Prince Tianpeng didn’t know what Honghong was talking about, thinking that she Crazy, talking nonsense.

“The frog at the bottom of the well… is not right, and the bird at the bottom of the well is not right either. Birds can fly. Forget it. Never mind. Today, I will capture Tianpeng with my bare hands!”

After Honghong finished speaking, he disappeared from the place and appeared in the next moment. Behind Prince Tianpeng, he raised his fist and punched it down.


The injured Prince Tianpeng did not successfully dodge the punch. The punch landed heavily on his wings, making a bloody hole in his wings!

Prince Tianpeng wanted to use the Tianpeng Resurrection Technique to heal his injuries, but after the previous lessons, how could Honghong follow his wishes?

Honghong waved her fist, and with the sound of dragon roar, she punched Prince Tianpeng’s other wing.


The strong force blasted out a bloody hole in Prince Tianpeng’s other wing, and the golden feathers fluttered downwards.

Prince Tianpeng used Tianpeng’s movement technique, trying to stay away from Hong Hong, but Honghong used Qiankun Shift to follow Prince Tianpeng like a shadow, preventing him from having any chance to use Tianpeng’s resurrection technique.

This scene was very surprising. Not long ago, Prince Tianpeng had the upper hand with the Tianpeng Bolong Technique, but now he was being chased and beaten, and was injured in many parts of his body.

“Prince Tianpeng is in danger!”

An ancient tribe said subconsciously, but was immediately criticized by other ancient tribesmen.

“Impossible. Prince Tianpeng is the son of the ancient emperor. How could he lose to the human race?”

“Prince Tianpeng must think it is too easy to win like this, so he gave in to the other party.” ”

Yes, Prince Tianpeng before He was also at a disadvantage, but as long as he is serious, he can definitely turn the battle around easily.”

Listening to these words, the ancient clan with advanced cultivation shook their heads slightly. They all saw that Prince Tianpeng had already arrived. Qian Lv was at the end of his rope. His proud Tianpeng body technique was restrained by the opponent, and the Ten Thousand Swords Returning Sect and Tianpeng Dragon Fighting techniques were also cracked by the opponent. Even Tianpeng’s resurrection technique had no chance to be used.

If this continues, if you don’t admit defeat, you will only be defeated.

The great sage-level ancestor of the Tianpeng Ancient Clan is staring at the battle situation. He desperately hopes that his prince will admit defeat. There is a saying of the human race that he agrees with, that is, leaving green mountains without worrying about having no firewood, and living. Only then did he have hope of climbing to the top, but he knew that as proud as a prince, he would never admit defeat easily.


Prince Tianpeng’s huge body shook, and he was punched on the back by Hong Hong. The unparalleled force almost knocked him down from the sky, and a mouthful of pale golden blood spurted out from his mouth.

“No, I will never lose to you!”

Prince Tianpeng roared angrily, and even used the red True Dragon Fist to forcibly use the Tianpeng Resurrection Technique.


Tianpeng Emperor spat out a mouthful of blood again. He failed. The red True Dragon Fist was extremely domineering and punched him, completely disrupting the circulation route of spiritual power in his body and forcing his magical power to circulate. If If it fails, there will naturally be huge backlash.

“Be a good boy and be my gift to Master!”

At this moment, Honghong was completely different from before. She didn’t speak much before, giving people a quiet and virginal beauty, but since using the True Dragon Fist, her His temperament changed, and his whole body exuded an extremely domineering aura, like a female emperor, giving people a feeling of being even colder and arrogant than Prince Tianpeng.

But everyone felt that this was the temperament Hong Hong should have. It would be outrageous for such a powerful person to have a coy fighting style.

“Wishful thinking!”

Prince Tianpeng was furious. He looked at Honghong’s aura, which was at the peak of the sun. Looking at himself, the sun was fading, and it was meaningless to continue fighting like this. Only by living can he have a chance to take revenge.

As if he had figured it out, he was about to say those three words when Honghong burst out with an astonishing momentum.

“What do you want to say? You are just wishful thinking, the eight forbidden realms of immortality and the forbidden realm of consciousness!”

As soon as she finished speaking, Honghong slapped a palm towards Prince Tianpeng, and an incomparable mysterious power crossed the space and came directly to Prince Tianpeng. In an instant, His five senses were sealed. In an instant, Prince Tianpeng’s vision went dark. The sounds and smells around him suddenly disappeared, and he could not speak. The most terrifying thing was that his body could no longer feel anything around him.

At this moment, he seemed to be in endless darkness. He could not see, hear, smell, speak, or feel any physical sensation.

This is one of the eight taboos for sealing immortals, and the five taboos for sealing people.

Prince Tianpeng roared in his heart, and his body jumped up and down randomly. This scene made everyone watching the battle think that Prince Tianpeng was crazy.

“I admit defeat for our prince!”

the Great Saint Ancestor King of the Tianpeng Ancient Clan said.

The great sage Huntuo and Gu Wei looked at each other.

“Gu Xiaoyou, peace is the most important thing, why don’t we forget about it?” Hun Tuo said.

But Gu Wei said coldly: “A battle of life and death is a matter for both sides on the battlefield. We are only referees. How can we interfere too much in the battle? If we want to admit defeat on behalf of Prince Tianpeng, we need the approval of the girl in red.

” Hearing this, the Great Saint Ancestor King of the Penggu tribe looked at Honghong and said, “Miss Hongyi, your human race has a saying, which is to leave things on the line so that we can meet again in the future. You…” ”

I refuse!”

Not yet! After he finished speaking, Honghong bluntly refused.

“Do you know the consequences of provoking an ancient royal family?” The Great Saint Ancestor King of the Tianpeng Ancient Clan’s face darkened.


Gu Wei’s face turned cold, she looked at him unkindly and said, “If everyone wants to be like you, then what’s the point of this competition? Moreover, this competition was proposed by your ancient tribe. , are you acting like this because your Tianpeng Ancient Clan wants to exterminate the clan?”

Gu Wei’s voice was very cold. He was only a peak Saint King, but he was not afraid of the Great Saint Ancestor King of the Tianpeng Ancient Clan at all. Threatened to destroy the ancient Tianpeng clan.

Tianpeng Ancestor’s face changed slightly, but he still said, “How would you do if you were the divine son of your Gu family?”

“Want to know?” Gu Wei suddenly showed a sweet smile, and those who knew her shuddered.

“But it doesn’t matter.” Tianpeng Ancestor King said.

“Of course I rescued her!” Gu Wei said matter-of-factly, ignoring the looks in others’ eyes after hearing her words.

“Tianjun, are your Gu family so overbearing?” Li Beifei couldn’t help but ask Gu Tianjun on the boat.

Gu Tianjun nodded and said, “Because our Gu family is stronger than all other forces. The strong make the rules, and the weak can only follow the rules.” ”

Awesome!” Li Beifei gave a thumbs up after hearing this. This family is so domineering. , needless to say, he has inherited the old guy’s domineering attitude.

“You…” After hearing Gu Wei’s domineering words, Tianpeng Ancestor King suddenly became so angry that he didn’t know what to say. He had never seen anyone with such double standards.


At this moment, Prince Tianpeng had been knocked to the ground by Honghong. At this moment, he was lying in a pool of blood. He had no feeling in his body and had no idea that he had been beaten so badly.

“Prince!” Tianpeng Ancestor King exclaimed and almost took action, but was suppressed by Gu Wei’s momentum and did not dare to take action at all.

“This should be enough, right?”

Honghong slowly fell from the sky to Prince Tianpeng, and found that he had taken in too much air and was outgoing less. His vitality was slowly disappearing. If he continued like this, he would never die. Within an hour, Prince Tianpeng would die.

But Honghong wanted to capture Prince Tianpeng alive.

Seeing that Prince Tianpeng was still breathing his last breath, she held the mysterious magic spell with both hands, and a mysterious aura rose from her body.

“Eight Immortal Immortals, Spiritual Forbidden!”

Honghong slapped a palm, completely sealing the spiritual power in Prince Tianpeng’s body.

“Divine Forbidden!”

After sealing Prince Tianpeng’s spiritual power, she once again used the Eight Immortal Immortal Forbidden to seal Prince Tianpeng’s divine sea, preventing him from activating his spiritual consciousness.

“That’s it!”

Hong Hong showed a bright smile, she took out a jade bottle, and when everyone looked at her with doubts, she poured out a nine-turn life-sustaining pill from the jade bottle.

“Oh my god, is that the Nine-Revolution Life-Sustaining Pill?”

An exclamation rang out. Even from a distance, they could feel the huge vitality contained in it. This was different from Xuan Mingzi’s earlier one. He hid a Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pill in his mouth. The moment he was fatally injured, he swallowed the Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pill. Although outsiders knew that he had taken a Saint-level healing pill, they did not know that he had taken it. I was taking the Nine Turns Life-Sustaining Pill.

The Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pill is the best among all holy-level elixirs. The most important thing is that the Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pill is not only a healing holy medicine, but its main function is to extend life, which is unmatched by other pills.

“What on earth is she going to do? Oh my god, she actually fed the Nine Revolutions Life-Sustaining Pill to Prince Tianpeng. This…”

Seeing Honghong feeding such a precious pill to the enemy made people confused and confused at the same time. Make them feel like it’s a waste of money.

Even Tianpeng Ancestor King was stunned. Could it be that this human girl named Hongyi didn’t want to take the prince’s life.

After taking the Nine Revolutions Life-Sustaining Pill, Prince Tianpeng’s injuries recovered instantly. Even the feathers on his body were restored to their original state, as if they had not been hurt at all before. However, the feathers on the ground told everyone that all this It’s not an illusion, it’s just that the Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pill is too outrageous.

After doing all this, Honghong suddenly looked up to the sky.

“Master, I know what you are looking at. This bird is too big. Why don’t you get it away now?”

Honghong’s strange behavior made everyone confused. There were no clouds in the sky. Where could there be anyone? And who can hide his figure in front of so many saints, saints and kings?

“Well, it’s better to be my eldest disciple. I’ll also give you gifts as a master. I don’t want a traitor…that’s all. Why mention that traitor when you’re happy

? ”

A scream came from the boat, and a figure flew out of the boat and almost fell off.

Li Beifei stabilized his body, took out a mirror, and looked at the area where he had just been beaten. When he found that it was okay, he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Fortunately, my handsome face is fine.”

Everyone: “…”


“Prince Tianpeng is gone!”

“The girl in red is also missing.”

At this moment, someone discovered that Prince Tianpeng had disappeared on the battlefield, and Honghong also disappeared with him.

Everyone is shocked by what just happened. The human girl named Hongyi, who is her master? Is it an extremely terrifying quasi-emperor? As for the Great Emperor or above, they dare not even think about it.

Except for a few people present, Gu Wei and Gu Xiruo looked surprised.

Gu Wei was surprised because the voice just now sounded familiar to her. Wasn’t it the voice of her ancestor?

As for Gu Xiruo, she thought of the handsome “big brother” who sent her and her brother back home in Demon City. The little ten in her body did not explain Gu Changsheng’s identity to her, so now she knows Such an expression.

As for Gu Tianjun, well, his family hasn’t told him about having an additional ancestor.

Gu Wei was thinking about it, and suddenly he looked at Li Beifei, who was still pretty. He and the girl in red were senior siblings, and they were the disciples of the ancestor. So what should I call him?

Great uncle? Master uncle and ancestor? Or the teacher’s uncle?

The Tianpeng Ancestor King’s face was ashen. As the only genius of the Tianpeng Ancient Clan who had the appearance of an ancient emperor, the Tianpeng Prince placed the hope of the Tianpeng Ancient Clan. Now this hope has come to nothing.

The competition is still going on, and on the other side, in a primeval forest, a bonfire is very eye-catching in the dark night. Three people and a golden-winged roc are located here.

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