It smells so good!

The Ancient Golden Emperor had already lit a fire, and he had made it with dry wood.

Gu Changsheng threw aside Prince Tianpeng, who was still losing his five senses. It seemed that he was not ready to bake at all.

“Honghong, your wishes are understood by Master, but just roast this big bird, the cultivation level is too low.” Gu Changsheng said with a smile, his special world also raised a giant sky-devouring beast that broke through the Tao realm. , the meat is delicious and you won’t get tired of eating it. How can you look at a golden-winged roc that is only in the realm of life and death? The ancestor of the golden-winged roc begged him to eat it, but he still had to consider it.

“Then what should we do with him? How about killing him?” Honghong pointed at Prince Tianpeng and said. Even though Prince Tianpeng had lost his five senses at this moment, he felt a chill in his heart and his body trembled subconsciously.

“Actually, the talent of this roc bird is quite good. Girl in red, you can use him as a mount. Think about it. If you stand on Prince Tianpeng and soar in the sky and let others see it, then How majestic.”

The Golden Ancient Emperor said.

“Master, who is he?”

Honghong met the Golden Ancient Emperor for the first time. Now that she saw him talking, she couldn’t help but start asking Gu Changsheng.

“It’s not important, no need to know him!” Gu Changsheng said.

“No way, boss, do you need to be so heartless?” The Ancient Golden Emperor looked hopeless.

“Pfft!” Hong Hong chuckled. Anyone who can make Master laugh is probably also Master’s friend, and the relationship is not shallow.

Gu Changsheng stopped teasing the Ancient Golden Emperor. He said, “He is the other protagonist when he was my master’s enlightenment, the Ancient Golden Emperor!” “The

Ancient Golden Emperor? Isn’t that the father of the Ancient Golden Emperor?” Honghong looked surprised. He knew that the Ancient Golden Prince now hated his junior brother. Moreover, the junior brother’s behavior just now clearly showed that he knew the relationship between the Ancient Golden Emperor and his master. Otherwise, he would not refuse the challenge of the Ancient Golden Prince. .

And the ancient golden prince obviously didn’t know the twists and turns.

The poor golden ancient prince is another Mongolian!

The Golden Ancient Emperor had a look of resentment on his face, obviously seeing Hong Hong’s thoughts. He said, “Don’t worry, I will definitely obey the discipline of my traitorous son.”

Rebellious son? Traitor?

Turning his red eyes, he suddenly discovered the similarities between Li Beifei and Prince Huang Jingu. He felt that the two of them would definitely be as close as brothers in the future.

“Master, this…can I really use Prince Tianpeng as a mount?” Honghong asked cautiously.

“If you want to, then follow your thoughts.” Gu Changsheng said with a smile,

“Then I’ll give it a try!” A smile appeared on Honghong’s face. At this time, she was really looking forward to the scene that the Golden Ancient Emperor just said. , from now on she will stand on Prince Tianpeng when she goes out, and use the son of the ancient emperor as a mount. She is probably the first person in history, right? That was so majestic.

By the way, what will my name be when I become a Taoist Emperor? The Red Empress seems not domineering enough, the Red Empress? It seemed pretty good…

Gu Changsheng looked at Hong Hong’s unpredictable expression and couldn’t help but slap his forehead. He knew that this girl’s habit of fantasizing was back again.

“Boss, if you don’t want to roast this bird anymore, should I add more firewood to the fire?” The Golden Ancient Emperor pointed at the firewood in front of him and said. To be honest, this is the first time in a million years that he has made a fire in a mortal way. It feels like Still quite fresh.

“Now that the fire is lit, don’t waste it. Please eat something good!”

Gu Changsheng flicked his finger at the fire in front of him. The original ordinary counter-fire suddenly changed, and the breath he exuded seemed to be able to burn. All things.

Then, Gu Changsheng waved his hand, and a large piece of meat with blood flowing out appeared in his hand. This was the meat of the sky-swallowing giant beast. The Tao, Dharma and immortal will in it were all refined by him, leaving only The most original sensual feeling.

The Sky-Swallowing Giant Beast is a peerless powerhouse in the Tao-breaking realm. If the Tao, Dharma and immortal will contained in its flesh and blood are not completely refined, the person who eats its flesh will become its incarnation. Gu Changsheng naturally Won’t let that happen.

“Boss, what kind of meat is this?”

The Golden Ancient Emperor said, glaring at the meat in Gu Changsheng’s hand. Although this piece of meat looks similar to the meat of ordinary livestock and does not have any aura fluctuations, it is because of this that the Golden Ancient Emperor It’s strange. It’s obvious that this piece of meat has been refined by the boss. It would be fine if it was to take care of Honghong, but this piece of meat is completely refined, so he is obviously someone to take care of.

To be able to eat meat that even an ancient emperor couldn’t eat, what kind of realm must I be in?

It has to be said that the Ancient Golden Emperor is still very smart, and he can make a rough guess based on just a few details.

“Eatable meat!”

Gu Changsheng responded!


Forget it, don’t ask anymore.

Honghong came to Prince Tianpeng, and with a wave of her jade hand, she lifted the Eight Immortal Restrictions on Prince Tianpeng.

As soon as the seal was lifted, Prince Tianpeng suddenly opened his sharp eyes. He stared at Hong Hong and wanted to take action, but found that the spiritual power and divine sea in his body were both blocked by a mysterious force. With the power sealed, he could only flap his wings a few times. With his huge body, he blew several saplings around him topsy turvy.

“Don’t move, I have something to tell you!”

Hong Hong waved her hand gently and stopped the erratic Prince Tianpeng. At this moment, Prince Tianpeng was still in the form of a golden-winged roc. If he was allowed to do this, the dust would be raised. Interrupting Master’s barbecue.

Prince Tianpeng calmed down quickly. He looked at his surroundings. It was obvious that he was no longer on the top of the North Mountain. Moreover, he found that many injuries on his body had recovered at some point.

“What do you want to say?” Prince Tianpeng looked at Honghong with sharp eyes. At the same time, he was still observing the surroundings. He found two figures behind Honghong sitting in front of a bonfire with their backs facing each other. Seeing this, he couldn’t help but feel guilty. Startled, I couldn’t help but think of what Honghong said before, that she would capture him alive and give him to Master as a gift. Now he wasn’t going to roast himself, was he?

“Be my mount!”

Honghong said.

“You are wishful thinking. Even if I, Prince Tianpeng, die, I will not be your mount.” Prince Tianpeng was furious. Who is he? He is the biological son of Ancient Emperor Tianpeng. In the era when Ancient Emperor Tianpeng ruled the universe, he was the noble prince above countless creatures under one person. Now Honghong wants him to be her mount. What kind of ancient joke is this?

“That’s it!”

A trace of regret flashed across Hong Hong’s face. She turned around and said, “Senior Golden Ancient Emperor, he doesn’t want to be my mount!” ”

What? That boy from Tianpeng and his son are so ignorant?”

Golden Ancient Emperor After hearing this, he stood up and came to Prince Tianpeng.

Prince Tianpeng was stunned at this time.

Just now, he heard Honghong say “Senior Golden Ancient Emperor”. He saw a young man in his early thirties walking towards him. The man was wearing a golden shirt and had an extraordinary bearing, even if he didn’t feel it from him. At the slightest breath, Prince Tianpeng could feel an inexplicable pressure in his heart.

The kind of coercion was exactly the same as when his father, Ancient Emperor Tianpeng, was still alive.

Moreover, the face of the man in front of him was very similar to that of the Golden Ancient Prince.

“You…are the Golden Ancient Emperor?”

Prince Tianpeng asked with a trembling voice. The Golden Ancient Emperor was the Ancient Emperor of the ancient tribe millions of years ago. He was an existence even older than his father. If it were really him, then Hasn’t he become an immortal?

The Golden Ancient Emperor did not answer his words. He said to Hong Hong: “If this boy really doesn’t agree and your master despises his weak cultivation, I don’t despise him, so just roast him and eat him!”

Hong Hong heard this, He nodded and said, “That’s all we have to do.”

Prince Tianpeng said: “…” ”

Actually… the matter of the mount is not something that cannot be considered…” Prince Tianpeng’s weak voice sounded.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Changsheng, who was grilling meat, sprinkled a little cumin on the meat, brought the meat up to his nose, smelled it, and exclaimed:

“It smells so good!”

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