The Origin of Tianji Pavilion and the Ancient Tianyan Clan

Princess Tianyan looked at the academy boat quietly, waiting for Bai Yifei’s response.

When Bai Yifei heard this, he panicked. No wonder he felt very uneasy just now. It turned out that he was being targeted by this fierce woman. Bai Yifei didn’t know why the other party was targeting him, but just now he saw that the other party almost killed Taishi with one move. When the Holy Son explodes, if he goes up to it with his small body, won’t he die?

Suddenly, Bai Yifei looked at Li Beifei, and a light flashed in his heart.

“Brother Li, how about you take my name this time? I don’t want the Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pill, and I’ll give it to you instead,” Bai Yifei said via voice transmission.

“I won’t do it. This bitch is obviously targeting you. I heard that the Tianyan Ancient Clan is also good at deductions. Your Tianji Pavilion doesn’t have any grudges with the Tianyan Ancient Clan, right? Otherwise, why would she come up to find you? “Li Beifei replied.

“I don’t know, the old man never mentioned it to me!” Bai Yifei also looked confused. The old man is naturally the current headmaster of Tianji Pavilion, Tianjizi, who is also his master.

“How about you do the math, what will be the consequences of going to war?” Li Beifei said with interest.

“Damn it, I forgot that I can calculate this. This woman is so fierce, she actually scared me like this.” Bai Yifei was shocked in his heart, and quickly took out a few simple copper coins, and then looked at everyone’s doubtful eyes. Start to figure out your next good or bad luck.

After a while, Bai Yifei put away the copper coins and frowned. Seeing this, Li Beifei asked curiously, “What’s the result?” “It’s weird

. I’ve never seen such a hexagram before.” Bai Yifei shook his head.

“Then you should tell me the result.” Li Beifei urged.

“Great misfortune and good fortune!” Bai Yifei was also confused at this time. Fierce and auspicious are opposite hexagrams. How could such a strange hexagram appear? He had read the ancient books of Tianji Pavilion since he was a child, and this was the first time he had seen such a hexagram. elephant.

“Big breasts?” When Li Beifei heard this, he looked at Princess Tianyan with strange eyes. To be honest, Princess Tianyan was the biggest among all the beauties he had ever seen. She indeed had big breasts.

“Bai Yifei, you don’t have to hide anymore. You can also refuse like Li Beifei did before, but I will still look for you in the future. Tianji Pavilion, I also know where it is.” The

cold voice of Princess Tianyan sounded again, as if she didn’t intend to let you go. Bai Yifei.

She has a cold temperament, a cold and arrogant face, and an arrogant figure. She is like a queen, and ordinary people dare not look directly at her.

“Come on, Brother Bai!”

Li Beifei walked up behind Bai Yifei, gave him a hard push, pushed him out of the ark, and entered the battlefield. According to the unwritten rules formed in the previous battle, entering the battlefield means Accept the other person’s challenge.

This scene was seen by Gu Changsheng and others who had just been rushed back.

Gu Changsheng’s eyes showed a trace of surprise. He couldn’t help but think of Tianjizi, the first Tianji Pavilion, who happened to be in the same era as Queen Tianyan. Well, there is another unknown thing!

In a mysterious secret territory in the Eastern Region, the headquarters of Tianji Pavilion is located here. Tianji Pavilion is the only force in Tianhuang Star that has not gone to the top of Beishan to watch the battle.

At this time, the current headmaster Tianjizi was calculating the secrets. Suddenly, his eyes opened, and a divine light flashed in his eyes. Then he stood up and disappeared. The next moment, he came to the secret room that only the headmaster of Tianji Pavilion could open.

After Tianjizi walked in, he first found an ancient book among a pile of books that exuded an ancient atmosphere.

Tianjizi was not in a hurry to open the ancient book, but was hesitating whether to open it or not. He just had an idea, as if he was pulled by the heavenly secret, and then he did this.

“The matter has come to this, even if I don’t open it, I can’t change what has happened.” After Tianjizi thought about it, he opened the ancient book and saw only a paragraph.

“The descendants of Tianji Pavilion, when the hexagrams of great misfortune and good fortune appear in the same hexagram, it means that Tianji Pavilion is about to undergo a big change. Whether the big change is good or bad depends on the person who calculates this hexagram. If the result of the choice is good, Tianji Pavilion will soar into the sky. If the result of the choice is not good, Tianji Pavilion will be in danger of catastrophe. This is all my fault, alas!” The

signature was Old Man Tianji.

When Tian Jizi saw these words, his expression was uncertain.

“Isn’t the rumor false? The ancestor really had an affair with Queen Tianyan, and also did ridiculous things like starting chaos and then giving up?”

Thinking of this, Tianjizi’s face couldn’t help but look even uglier.

“Ancestor, ancestor, how can I, Yifei, bear the responsibility for the mistakes you made? How can he have that ability?” Tianjizi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but now it’s too late to save Bai Yifei. He is in Dongdong at the moment. The domain is hundreds of millions of miles away from the top of Beishan. Even using the teleportation formation will take a certain amount of time. By that time, Bai Yifei may have been beaten half to death.

“It’s both bad and good, I hope it’s good…!” Tianjizi thought for a while, and decided to prolong the last modal particle before saying it, so as to appear less rude.

“Brother, where are you? Yifei has already entered the stage!”

At this time, a voice sounded, and in the main hall of Tianji Pavilion, many elders gathered together and were watching the scene of the mark in the sky.

“Hey, look, that ancient girl has a really good figure. Her chest is like waves and her back is as straight as a peach. If Yifei can take her down, that would be great!” “Yes, that’s right,

this one It looks suitable for fertility! But it depends on Yifei’s ability. The Holy Son of Taishi couldn’t survive even one move. Yifei can probably sustain three moves.” “Three moves?

I bet two moves, one Medicine King . !”

“I’ll make a bet!”

As soon as Tian Jizi came to the main hall, he saw that his junior fellow apprentices were actually starting to bet on his beloved disciples. His face darkened and he said angrily: “What are you doing? Such a good thing happened. Don’t wait for me?”


If Bai Yifei knew that his teachers had this kind of virtue, I wonder if he would regret becoming the successor of Tianji Pavilion.

After Bai Yifei was pushed out of the boat by Li Beifei, he turned around and glared at Li Beifei first, then turned to look at the cold and arrogant and beautiful Princess Tianyan, waved and smiled and said: “Um… Princess Tianyan, hello, Bai Yifei, this is polite. !”

After saying that, he bowed to the Sky-Eyed Princess in a very gentlemanly manner.

However, Princess Tianyan’s Leng Ao expression did not change, and a trace of anger flashed in her eyes.

“There is no good thing in Tianji Pavilion!” Princess Tianyan said coldly.

Bai Yifei’s face froze, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, he could scold him, but don’t take Tianji Pavilion with him.

As everyone knows, everyone in Tianji Pavilion is watching at this time.

After an elder heard what Princess Tianyan said, he puffed his beard and said with a glare: “This girl is really good at it, she actually knows it so clearly!” ”

Hey, Lao Qin, she is saying that we are not good people, don’t you understand?” someone retorted.

But Lao Qin said with a disapproving look: “Mortals say that good people don’t live long and harm the rest of the millennium. People like us who are successful in cultivation can live for thousands of years. She is talking about our longevity!” From

this perspective ! Naturally, it was extremely strange. Tianjizi slapped his forehead. A group of people, practicing the way of Tianji, knew so much that their brains were all over the place. It was normal to be different.

On the battlefield, Bai Yifei, Princess Tianyan, and the Sky Eyes were confronting each other, but neither of them seemed to have any intention of taking action.

But in fact, they are all fighting in another way.

A fighting method that only belongs to Tianji Dao!

War between heaven and man!

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