: Heavenly Eye Technique

“Master, what is the battle between heaven and man?”

Seeing that Bai Yifei and Princess Tianyan didn’t move, Honghong couldn’t help but asked Gu Changsheng in confusion.

“I know this!”

In order to express his presence, the Golden Ancient Emperor actually learned to answer quickly.

“The so-called battle between heaven and man is a special fighting method for monks who practice Tianji Dao. On the surface, it does not seem to be dangerous, but in fact there are many dangers. If you are not careful, your mind will fall into the infinite secrets of heaven and you will be lost forever. , leaving only an empty shell of the body.”

“Let’s get to the point!” Gu Changsheng said angrily.

“Uh… don’t worry, boss, I’m giving a detailed explanation to the juniors.”

The Golden Ancient Emperor said awkwardly, but he did not continue to pretend to be profound, but stated the key points.

“The battle between heaven and man is an extremely dangerous duel between two parties who practice Tianji Dao using invisible heavenly secrets. Only those who also practice Tianji Dao or have advanced cultivation can detect the battle between them. They seem calm now, but In fact, they are already in combat mode.”

Hong Hong nodded lightly, and Prince Tianpeng on the side asked: “Senior Ancient Emperor, it’s okay at this time. Someone is guarding their physical bodies. If they are left without anyone to guard their physical bodies, Now, aren’t they afraid that their bodies will be destroyed by unscrupulous people?”

“Aren’t you a very smart kid? Why are you starting to become stupid now? Who would be so stupid to use this method without protection or in an absolutely safe environment? Fight?”

The Golden Ancient Emperor rolled his eyes at Prince Tianpeng. He felt that this boy was very smart just now and decisively became Honghong’s mount. He knew the current affairs so well, how could he be so stupid when it came to this question?


Prince Tianpeng was speechless for a moment, and then showed a sullen smile. It was a great honor to be reprimanded by a living ancient emperor.

“How high is your cultivation level to be able to sense their battle?” Honghong asked at this time.

“At least a saint!” Gu Changsheng said with a smile. When he reaches the realm of a saint, his own way can be temporarily compatible with the way of heaven and earth. Even if he does not practice the way of heaven and earth, he can still perceive things in the underworld. The Tao of the strong men above the saint level has initially become consistent with heaven and earth, and has a close connection with heaven and earth.

This is also the reason why when a strong person above a saint falls, blood rains from the heaven and the earth.

“That’s it!” Honghong was a little regretful. She was still curious about how they fought.

“Actually, their battle is very boring. If you don’t believe me, look at it.” As

soon as Gu Changsheng finished speaking, Honghong found that her eyes could see countless colorful lines crisscrossing each other. These lines could be affected by the movements of the two figures. Then their respective innates collided and entangled with each other, and finally disappeared without a trace. There was no sound in the whole process, and there was no such earth-shattering fluctuation in ability. It looked quite dull.

“Those lines are the cause and effect lines between the two of them. The reason why they are colorful is that they each have seven emotions and six desires.”

Gu Changsheng did not forget to explain those lines to Hong Hong, which made the Golden Ancient Emperor next to him His face looked red with envy. There are not many people in history who can be treated so patiently by the boss, right? In this comparison, that boy Li Beifei really looks like he was picked up.


On the boat, Li Beifei sneezed inexplicably. He looked around with suspicious eyes and muttered: “Which bastard is scolding me behind my back? Don’t let me know, or you will kneel down and sing “Conquer” .”

The Ancient Golden Emperor’s face darkened, and he said to Gu Changsheng: “Boss, do you still want this apprentice of yours? If not, I will help you promote him!” ”


Gu Changsheng ignored the Ancient Golden Emperor, you Damn, it’s better to do it with your hands. It’s just a mouthful, but it’s of no use.

“Why didn’t the Heavenly Eyes Princess directly kill that human with a strong force? With the strength she just showed, I don’t think any human genius can be her opponent.” An

ancient tribe said in confusion. Just now, the Heavenly Eyes Princess killed the human with one move. The defeat of the Holy Son of Taishi greatly encouraged the ancient clan’s morale, which had declined due to the defeat of Prince Tianpeng. In their view, Princess Tianyan could definitely sweep away the geniuses of the human race, but now this fighting method makes them Feel very puzzled.

“Is it true that the legend of the Sky-Eyed Queen is half human?”

Someone thought of this unexplained legend. It is said that before becoming a Taoist, the Sky-Eyed Queen met a human race and even fell in love with him. Not only that, she also became pregnant with him. That human child, after Queen Tianyan became enlightened, no one dared to joke about it, so it became a legend.

“You fart, don’t insult the noble Queen!” An ancient tribe who was a fan of Queen Sky Eye cursed.

“It comes out of nowhere. There is no smoke without fire. How do you know this is not true?” the ancient tribe retorted.

“Damn it, do you believe I’ll chop you if you keep beeping?” The fanatic fan took out a big knife and put it across the opponent’s neck.


The ancient tribe didn’t dare to speak. Besides, he felt that he would really be chopped down, so he could only curse in his heart.

At this time, the battle between Heavenly Eyes Princess and Bai Yifei has reached a fierce stage.

Their minds are in another mysterious dimension, manipulating various celestial powers to attack each other.

Suddenly, Princess Tianyan stopped. She glanced at Bai Yifei and her mind returned to reality.

When Bai Yifei saw this, he was afraid that she would take action against his body, so he immediately returned to reality.

However, Princess Tianyan did not take action against him, but looked at him coldly, her red lips slightly parted.

“Your Tianji Dao is very strong.”

Bai Yifei was startled, why are you praising me all of a sudden? But since you are complimenting me, I will accept it reluctantly.

“Yours is not bad!” Bai Yifei said pretentiously.

“Have you forgotten that I am from the ancient Tianyan clan?” A dangerous smile appeared on the face of Princess Tianyan.

Bai Yifei suddenly felt a fatal danger.

The Heavenly Eye Princess appeared between her eyebrows, shooting out a chaotic divine light, as if the world was created, and the terrifying aura that it exuded distorted the space.

A man’s eyes emitted divine light and had such power that everyone watching the battle shuddered when they saw it.

This was so terrifying. That divine light was the most terrifying attack they had seen since they started watching the battle. It was even scarier than the previous True Dragon Fist of the girl in red.

This is the pupil technique of the Sky Eye, and it is also the most powerful killing technique of the Sky Eye clan. If the Queen of the Sky Eye uses it herself, then the entire Tianhuang Star Territory will be reduced to nothingness.

And the Holy Son of Taishi, who had failed in the previous move, was extremely lucky. If he had faced this move just now, he would have to use all his cards to save his life.

And how should Bai Yifei respond?

Li Beifei and others couldn’t help but worry about Bai Yifei.

“Brother Bai, it’s all my fault. If I had known that this bitch was so scary, I wouldn’t have pushed you down. Oh, if you die, don’t worry, I beg the master to take action and I will definitely revive you!”

Li Beifei thought to himself.

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